The ML was a green flag until the last chapter where he practically uses her body without her consent

They are a married couple, maybe she gave previous consent, they must had this talk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
If my lover do this I wouldn't care, it's a nice feeling know that he is so attracted to me, that just see my body and feel my hand turn him on
It's much better than he watch porn or do with others while I am so tired that can't think in satisfy us both

Like I said, they are a married couple
He just masturbate
Stop make a scene
Like I said, if you don't want your partner do this, if you don't like he masturbating for you, say this for him
Couples talk about this, and can give consent before time
Don't judge one a criminal just because you are vanilla
This is too hard and can mess everything and destroy a life

This is not about being vanilla, it's about being decent human being, there is no such a thing like previous consent. He did that WITHOUT her knowledge and that's just a crime. Just bcs you don't see anything wrong, doesn't mean that it isn't. I doesn't matter if they are married or not, that's like basic logic and I'm not gonna argue with you anymore about this, bcs that's just stupid and sad that I need to say such obvious things.

wdym there's no such thing as a previous consent? there's a kink called cnc and it's literally a kink! my man and i just do it whenever he and i wants without permission since we talked about it beforehand and we like it, if she gave her consent idk what's wrong with that, it's literally a kink, search it up, if you're not into that then that's on you and it's okay, what's not okay is saying that it's not when both parties consented to it
OH MY GOD I NEED MOREEE (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ ヽ(`Д´)ノ