This reminds me of a omega universe 'franchise' idk if its the right term, but basically the father separated the omega parent from his children, but all his kids kinda became fucked in the head. I think one of the manwhas in the 'franchise' is called kiss me you liar.

They had 7 kids there are a pair a twins who were feeding rotten food to the omega as a experiment? as the omega was unable to taste food. Also the father feared that his children who were all mostly dominant alphas would become even crueler, so he separated them from the omega. But i believe it was also due to jealousy of the omegas attention being shared to the children other than him. Omegas in the universe chain the alpha to them, these alpha's brains deteriorates without an omega i believe.

Yea the twins i just didn't feel like adding that, the dominant alpha's own pheromones deteriorate their brains which is why there are sex parties as it helps alphas relieve themselves. Also I'm not sure how severe the bullying was but Greyson mentions an incident in which an alpha fucked a dog because they lost their mind. Greyson has a rottweiler so yea, just speculating, it might just be one of his alpha friends.

Why does he insist on guiding the guild leader, the leader repeatedly said no several times. He himself should know about boundaries since he too has them, if they say no then so be it. Let him explode away, better yet let him find help elsewhere if he wishes, he should feel better knowing the guild leader won't explode to smithereens, yet. They make the mc seem slow with his repeated attempts at guiding the leader knowing that he gets too handsy. Makes me mad asf, that he doesn't just focus on himself and realize he is surrounded by S-class espers especially because he is one. Is he so slow he doesn't realize that he's interacting with high level individuals who are far too interested in measly C-classes. I thought he would realize the truth after the guild leader came back from an A-class dungeon alive in a short of time.

He really doesn't deserve the hate poor dude couldn't properly mourn the death of his mother. That shit fucked with his head especially since he could have been by his mother's deathbed.

clingy and annoying as a child? yes. but bitchy like the other comment said? no. she was a literal child who had no one around her for support, and given how the og mc grew up she hardly had anyone close to her to give her guidance.
i'm not saying she's completely innocent, esp as she grew older. but raymond treating mc like shit when she was younger who didn't know any better and had no one to rely on gives me the ick. again, i can't completely blame raymond since we all process trauma differently, but treating a girl like dirt just bc she was clingy is not it

How is that her fault and she deserves years of harbored hatred for it?? It’s like you’re blaming her for being a child and wanting attention from the only person who would actually give it to her (another child). She was just a lonely kid (albeit privileged as a princess). It’s the adults’ fault for not stopping her or refusing to do as she commanded.

I meant bitchy when she grew older. She treated the ML (the current one) like shit. You get the ick from the 2nd ML for being a child and not reacting maturely but excuse it for when she is younger. Make it make sense. They were both kids, They reacted the way they reacted because no one taught them what was right what was wrong. One was spoiled, and one was cold.
2nd ML didn’t treat her like shit he just rejected her affections for him. He’s not obligated to like her back, Maybe he could’ve been nicer, but his trauma made him react different piled up with the fact that she was kind of annoying and the reason he couldn’t meet his mom at her deathbed Because of her power over him meaning the status.
She had her family, they just didn’t discipline her properly. I’m not saying I don’t feel sympathy for her, but I’m saying I feel like they were both in the wrong that there is not one that is more wrong. And honestly, the second lead reacted properly in his situation because I would react the same if some kid is annoying me and I’m also don’t forget about that

if that's what you meant then i agree full-heartedly. other comments pinning the blame (fault??) on one person entirely is where i disagree.
maybe it's just me but if i was raymond i'd let her know straight up that i don't like her/how she's clinging to me etc etc. he doesn't have an obligation to like her but og mc needed blunt words to hopefully get the message that raymond don't fuck wit her, instead of him just sending signals (that og mc just was not reading )

Girl… he did everything to show he didn’t like her, it’s not his fault she’s delusional. I bet 100% that even if he told her to khs and fuck off away from him, she wouldn’t. Also, he was never sending mixed Signals everyone knew he didn’t like her even her brother knew. She just decided to still cling on him. That is not his fault. He also had his duties that he had to follow, That’s why he would save her, etc. she is the princess after all.
Stop saying oh he should’ve done this or that. Why not the princess should’ve done this or that? Why didn’t she just leave him alone. That’s why I don’t hate him. Both their stories are complex, but I feel a lot of people are blaming him instead of her when honestly, both were in some wrong

no that girl needed WORDS and clear blatant communication to get the point across, especially if everyone knew but her. she could've known subconsciously but was denying it, but she def needed a wake up call to get her out of that delusion. ESPECIALLY since she grew up alone, being clingy with no one to correct or guide her. idk why you avoid mentioning that she grew up with no guidance which explains a lot of her behavior.
again, not blaming raymond but how on earth do you expect a little girl who had no one at all to support or teach her anything/just wanted attention to grow up and suddenly gain a sense of "normalcy" in her character as a grown woman?
not everyone can read blatant social cues (this is coming from me whose neurodivergent and i need people to be straight up with me or i won't get it ) and for her she needed someone to put their foot down DIRECTLY not indirectly. that's not HER fault but the blame of those around her who KNEW and didn't do anything about it (esp considering the fact that those same people were "too busy" or dead to be there for her).

I blame him mostly for his actions in chapter 8, not for how he treated original Agnes. He preached and gave lectures to Kylo, Agnes, and the crown prince, all in just one chapter. Agnes had not done a thing to him and moreover had just been attacked by a monster, and instead of at least giving her space after the huge scare she got, he started berating her for the previous stalking, completely out of nowhere, with the lame excuse that he didn't want her to find out he'd come to her rescue (dude, you could've just stayed silent). Not content with that, he went on to bicth to her brother about her behavior, even though she hadn't done a thing to stalk him recently, and moreover had barely escaped a dangerous enocunter with a monster.

I mean I can’t blame him… she had a past history of bad actions. He probably thought she was just faking it for attention. I don’t think he should be doing that, but I got what he did to what he did on his basis of her personality, He believed that was whatever.
Ummmm so what if he talked shit about her to her bro? I don’t see her bro getting mad at him for doing that or punishing FL for her past spoiled actions. Ppl keep saying why did he treat her so badly but it all connects to her past actions. They don’t know if she’s a new person and she never really apologized in the old body either. He’s just treating her based on again like I said her personality. I don’t blame him for that. I don’t know why you guys are. I think both characters did some wrong actions, but we think circumstances I kind of understand both female lead and male lead actions, Doesnt make them right, but I can sympathize with them
People Aren’t just black or white a lot of people are complex and their background environment circumstances is it influence on how they grow and how they act. He’s not perfect, but isn’t the other female lead either. Instead of pointing fingers on whose worse, I just agree to disagree that people are more than just a specific thing

What do you mean with "he thought she was just faking it for attention?" Her lack of recent attention to him, or her being attacked by a monster? Either way, that's the same as the problem Kylo has with this guy: he just assumes things about other people, without proof. He accused Kylo of orchestrating the attack of that monster on Agnes, without proof. Moreover, he DOES annoy her brother when criticising her in chapter 9, because he isn't just a guy "talking shit" about his sister to some other, ordinary guy: he tells the effing future *emperor* that the *royal* princess will cause him problems *as king* in the future, and in chapter 9 he urges the future *emperor* to do something about this "tarnish on the royal family" Still, it's enough riling up to cause her brother to keep looking for a husband to "control" Agnes, something that could affect Agnes's' ENTIRE FUTURE. So no... for a guy who claims not to want anything to do with her, I don't think Raymond knows how to be annoyed by Agnes while also *staying out of her friggin business* at the same time.
Even Sirius, the happy-go-lucky guy, doesn't really like Raymond. The stalking of the original Agnes doesn't explain nor justify Raymond's meddling in her life (telling her bro that she's a threat to his future, objecting to Sirius marrying her, following her around...) nor his shitty attitude to Kylo, nor Sirius' instinct dislike for him: it's just that Raymond's just too much of a hypocrite.

Ngl he probably hates or somewhat deeply dislikes the royal family. Which is why he shows disrespect because of how the princess was raised by her family. Leading to Raymond having to bear the order of a royal family member when his mother was in her deathbed. Also, his attitude towards Kylo most likely stem from many from the black knights genuinely being criminals, having soldiers actually commit crimes against each other and others. As well as viewing himself at a higher standard because of the difficulties he faced in the battlefield and the people around him who praise him. This causes his ego to grow when no one around Raymond humbles him. Sirius dislikes that Raymond gets the ladies attention but does not reciprocate their advances towards him. So, the princesses' attitude towards him makes himself reflect on his emotions and thoughts which he probably hasn't thought much of because of his life in the battlefield.

Ahh thank you for saying this, English isn’t my first language but yes exactly. I think they are being too harsh. He has his bias and prejudice just like everyone. Ppl keep thinking I’m excusing his actions but I’m not! I’m just explaining his actions like they explained old FL.
He’s human, he is not perfect. You can see how traumatized, and his abundant mommy issues has done to him. They hate him for having prejudice against the old FL and current ML when there is a reason, and like I said past history. I’m in no way defending his actions but I’m saying his feelings and thoughts are valid.
Also Jay Jay, she is the princess. He wanted to do what is best, so no I disagree again. Him wanting her to find a husband has nothing to do with him “meddling” with her life or giving her mixed signals. It’s more so about the livelihood for the future bc of her status. But we can agree to disagree.
Ppl are allowed to dislike Raymond, just like he is allowed to dislike them. You saying happy going guy doesn’t change my opinions. He’s not a perfect dude, his environment growing up shaped his thoughts and prejudice. I’m not excusing but I don’t see why everyone hates him and blames him solely when it’s also other ppls actions that made him who he is.
Also you keep saying she was a kid, how would she know his mother died blah blah. OBVIOUSLY. Even he knows that, but as a kid and the trauma is developed into his adulthood, his way of “coping” is hating her. He needed someone to blame and she’s the perfect person bc technically she did stop him and continues to do so without showing remorse until the FL that is now in the body. You guys can defend her as a kid and not knowing better so when can’t you also understand that ray is also a kid when it happened and his trauma developed in a different way Gosh
Bet the concubine is one of the hated nomads the emperor hates she probably seduced the dimwit emperor to control the empire to then ruin it from the inside to weaken it as to allow the nomads to invade in weakened empire with no monarch.