Zarathustra February 19, 2021 3:38 pm

So it seems the Q&A is the exactly the same as the first one?
I thought we would have extra or something new.
What a bummer.

    Demian February 19, 2021 6:27 pm

    There's nothing new

    Zarathustra February 19, 2021 6:38 pm
    There's nothing new Demian

    Yeap. I guess it's new to readers who didn't know of it or saw it the first time.

Zarathustra February 8, 2021 5:47 pm

This is the most satisfying story I am following at the moment.

Zarathustra February 7, 2021 5:06 am

Coming back to this comment to remind everyone that this is a rape plot trope and every rape plot trope, if translated to our real life standard of relationship is, by default Stockholm syndrome and Lima Syndrome.
People here thinking they are some kind of intellectual dropping this redundant 'omg, it's Stockholm syndrome!!' .... yes, obviously, every rape plot trope is because in real life if the relationship happened, we would be putting both men into mental institutions.
However, since we adults know very well we choose to read a rape plot trope with the very unrealistic, very non normative relationship that we can play with and love in real life is very different, it would be really appreciated if people stopped stating the obvious.
At some point Seungho and Nakyum fall in 'love' (the unrealistic love of a rape plot trope). I don't know if some people are still under the illusion they are reading anything else but a rape plot trope, if they think they are reading a realistic social justice kind of literature where terms like syndrome this or that actually would have a purpose but this all seems to me like: once you understand you are reading rape plot, it's fucking irrelevant try to transform this into real life definition of Stockholm and Lima Syndrome.
At some point some readers will have to fact the reality that they choose to read a rape plot trope and they are getting EXACTLY what they knew they would get ( Stockholm Syndrome and all because yes, in these tropes, MCs fall for each other).

    Jay February 7, 2021 6:39 am

    omfggg SAY IT LOUDER!!!

    pashke611 February 7, 2021 9:49 am

    youre right and you should say it. it's like if people dropped comments on a yandere manga going "omg guys!! this is so UnHEAlthy!!!" like thanks captain obvioius, we freaking know.

    Danae February 7, 2021 11:02 am

    I love how much you repeat 'rape plot trope' as if to drill it in head because that's it.
    That 'explain' whatever Nakyum and Seungho do in this story.
    It's like reading Omegaverse and try to analyze the story using real life biology.

    Yuki February 7, 2021 8:58 pm

    They usually mention the Stockholm Syndrome in an attempt to invalidate the other person's opinion. It's incredibly annoying to see that happening in practically every comment where Nakyum's love for Seungho is mentioned. At this point we all should know already what kind of relationship we are witnessing.

    neocityzen February 8, 2021 4:03 am

    It's funny how they try to use Stockholm Syndrome to sound smart or to justify their 'righteous' claims. This story has that kind of genre, now if they don't like it then why the hell are they reading it? smh.

    Kiko February 8, 2021 5:51 am

    True they're just trying to be smart...they need to remind themeselves that this is just a manhwa a fantasy a story....

Zarathustra February 2, 2021 2:43 pm

This is my new fav! I get so happy when I see an update. Such a delight to follow.

Zarathustra January 31, 2021 7:53 pm

I feel like a lot of people are either too eager to praise or too eager to dislike wha the sister is saying.
Like many of the characters in this story, Heena is not perfect nor completely wrong. She is obviously trying to save Nakyum from a relationship she thinks is doomed so she is not to be hated for that... on the other hand it seems that a lot of people who are cheering her influence are missing the part where she seems totally pushing Nakyum to remain 'faithful' and grateful to InHun. Being under the influence of InHun or keep longing for him is also a misfortune and sad ending for Nakyum because we know the teacher doesn't really care for him and had no problem pimping him out when he needed. She is practically playing a matchmaker here for InHun.
So, I don't know it seems to me we could give credit when it's due but also recognize that the sister may be unwillingly influencing Nakyum to be hung up on a guy who is not at all the wonderful man she thinks he is. The danger of Heena being blind towards Inhun this way is that we don't know yet which way InHun will use to manipulate Nakyum again but having Heena on his side, even if she doesn't know his intentions, may be the real misfortune for Nakyum next.

    Natsumi_ January 31, 2021 9:15 pm

    I disagree, when Nakyum says he must stay in order to help Inhun, she immediately dismiss this possibility, saying Inhun can do it by himself and he doesn't need Nakyum's help. She never said he must come back to live with Inhun, she just thinks the feelings for the scholar were genuine and coming from him acting "genuinely" kindly to Nakyum, unlike the feelings for Seungho. It's up to Nakyum to clarify Inhun is a bad person, calling him a prostitute and basically using him all this time tho.

    Hoes mad January 31, 2021 9:20 pm

    I disagree. She only brings up the learned sir because she is trying to get nakyum to compare his love of seungho with past experiences of love because she believes he’s not actually in love with him and basically has Stockholm syndrome. She directly tells him in the beginning that he doesn’t need to do this for the teacher so that shows she’s not trying to get him to be hung up on a past love. She also doesn’t know the full story of what he has done to Nakyum with betraying him and all. So I think noons did nothing wrong and definitely wasn’t trying to tell Nakyum to still like Inhun but was just trying to get him to realize that Seungho is really toxic and that a relationship with him would lead nowhere.

    Zarathustra January 31, 2021 9:36 pm
    I disagree. She only brings up the learned sir because she is trying to get nakyum to compare his love of seungho with past experiences of love because she believes he’s not actually in love with him and basi... Hoes mad

    My point being that she isn't aware that the relationship with InHun also would be 'toxic'. God I hate this word, looks like everyone is repeating a memo.
    Clearly she is not leaving InHun as past experience, she is telling Nakyum that he is in love with InHun --- present. Notice that she trashes out Seungho, rightly so, but since she is totally unaware that InHun is another kind of shit, she is not telling warning Nakyum to also give up his love for InHun.
    The whole point of my post is to say that Heena clearly doesn't know of InHun's real character and while she is warning Nakyum of one misfortune while comparing to InHun, that we all know is not someone to be in love with.

    Zarathustra January 31, 2021 9:48 pm
    I disagree, when Nakyum says he must stay in order to help Inhun, she immediately dismiss this possibility, saying Inhun can do it by himself and he doesn't need Nakyum's help. She never said he must come back ... Natsumi_

    See, there is a contradiction here. If it's up for Nakyum alone to clarify that InHun is a bad person, why is not for Nakyum alone to clarify that Seungho is a bad person? Clearly Heena is giving advice to Nakyum. People are looking at this with their very biased opinions on characters. They either put someone as perfect and doing absolutely nothing wrong or they put someone as horrible and doing absolutely nothing right.
    On the other hand, if Nakyum is responsible for figuring out by himself about InHun, why this change for Seungho? Why someone telling Nakyum about InHun real intentions is not a good thing but only when it relates to Seungho? I don't get why Nakyum cannot have someone who will protect him from InHun, what by the way is even harder to do since he is already influenced by his memories of him.
    It seems most of the people replying to my post didn't really bother to understand it at all. My point is to say that Heena, being totally unaware of InHun's real character, is only warning Nakyum about one of the man. Absolutely not her fault, as I clearly, explicitly explain. She is also under the impression of their first interactions, the idea that InHun was looking after Nakyum and apparently she knows nothing of Nakyum being living homeless, drinking and alone instead of being watched and cared for Nakyum.
    I wish people bothered to understand the point of a post, understand what is being said instead of taking as personal offense of some kind.
    Heena is trying to save Nakyum from one bad guy while convincing him that he is in love with other. Saying that it's 'up to Nakyum to clarify InHun as a bad person' doesn't make much sense if we know Nakyum clearly needs help identifying danger as well, right?
    Let's please not be biased towards characters we like and see what the scene shows us. Heena doesn't have a clue about InHun and this makes her (and Nakyum that is influenced by her and InhUn) vulnerable.

    Danae January 31, 2021 10:26 pm

    I agree. I think the author is very subtle and smart in this scene. She gave us the overview of what the sister thinks of InHun. She doesn't know the true nature of InHun. She doesn't know InHun punished Nakyum to the point of making him ashamed of himself. She asked him to take care of Nakyum and, as far as she knows, he did good by Nakyum so to Heena, Nakyum being in love with InHun is no harm to him.
    I hope at some point Heena get to know the truth. It would be great to see her slapping Inhun in the face and knowing those glasses out of his nose for what he did and said to Nakyum. From this whole interaction, I have the impression that the author is setting the stage to have InHun come back and as long as Heena trusts him as 'good' for Nakyum, he will use this as advantage on Nakyum.

    Zarathustra January 31, 2021 11:04 pm
    I agree. I think the author is very subtle and smart in this scene. She gave us the overview of what the sister thinks of InHun. She doesn't know the true nature of InHun. She doesn't know InHun punished Nakyum... Danae

    That's what I suspect as well. InHun will take advantage of his good image with Heena to keep his influence on Nakyum. It's easy for the sister to know that Seungho is bad but she is totally in the dark that if Nakyum pursues his infatuation with InHun, he will be hurt as well.
    I belong to the group of readers who knows the kind of story I'm reading - a classic abuse-to-love Yaoi trope and as such, I know Seungho is meant to be the person who ultimately changes for Nakyum and becomes his protector and this path of the story is also something expected: Nakyum and Seungho are already emotionally involved, they won't be able to stay apart, not for long and this is also the part where the drama changes to outsiders trying to separate them, even with good intentions like the sister or bad intentions like Min, InHun and probably the father when he finds out that his firstborn is taken by a lowborn.

Zarathustra January 31, 2021 1:27 am

Underrated scene: The way Seungho tossed that bodyguard out of his way.
If Seungho turns all tamed and well behaved, I'm going to miss the bad ass attitude who makes the story a rollercoaster.
For some reason I remembered a YouTube video that cracked me up another day with the narrator describing the honey badger. LOL.

    elleeven January 31, 2021 1:46 am

    I can’t imagine him too being soft and such HAHAHAHA since he’s known for being rough y’know hahaha

Zarathustra January 30, 2021 7:01 pm

If I understand what the author is saying on Twitter, the last chapter was updated because there were some lines missing?
Does anyone hear anything like this and know if there is a newer version of chapter 68?

    Seminara January 30, 2021 7:03 pm

    No no ! The chapter 68 of the Korean version was missing some lines that’s all, it had been resolved now. The English version is fine too nothing change

    Zarathustra January 30, 2021 7:05 pm
    No no ! The chapter 68 of the Korean version was missing some lines that’s all, it had been resolved now. The English version is fine too nothing change Seminara

    Ah okay. Thanks for clarifying. :)

Zarathustra January 29, 2021 11:07 pm

The new chapter is actually one of my favorites so far.
It's heartbreaking and unassuming because it's not so much thrill and action but we get to see two characters speaking out what they are thinking: Mr Kim and Nakyum.
Maybe because for me I am well over the point of discussing the fictional morality of Seungho x Nakyum ( I am not a reader who can't live without social justice moral in my fiction, my favorite character is a Yakuza boss so if I am to demand my fictional characters to be punished by their behavior like they would in real life, my choice in Yaoi section would be really, really tiny). Anyway, since I am not in the least bothered by Seungho x Nakyum endgame and think the author heavily, massively promotes this ship like honey at the end of the tunnel, I think the fun of this story is really about watching how the author will write the path to that.
In the last chapter, we clearly see that both Seungho and Nakyum have conflicting feelings towards each other but they can't help but be drawn towards the other man. Seungho has fallen in love with Nakyum. Yes, it's a selfish, entitled way of love that only a man who grew up starved of affection but it's used to get anyone can have. He doesn't know how to love Nakyum any other way but taking it as if it was his right. At the same time, what Mr Kim said is really important. Why is Seungho so cruel to Nakyum? He goes from extreme opposites from torturing Nakyum to doing things he never bothered to do for anyone else. So why is he cruel to the person he clearly can't live without ? My theory is only that Seungho instinctively fights the feeling of being under someone's power. He feel in love with the lowborn but he hates him for it.
Nakyum on the other hand. I know people love to talk about Stockholm syndrome but I feel readers forget the early chapters where Nakyum and Seungho were already drawn for each others. Seungho always was alluring to Nakyum, he was already having erotic dreams with the master, in his sexual awakening and even during his torturous events, the fact is that Nakyum also got to see the very small glimpses of a human Seungho. Be when he was vulnerable having nightmares or when he was passed out drunk confessing, or when he once felt the 'warmth' in Seungho's embrace. So, as much as readers want to paint Seungho as only monster, the story is telling that Nakyum got close enough to see bits of a different Seungho. On top of it, Seungho fell for him and being cherished, even more by someone you know it's unattainable to you is a powerful thing.
Anyway, I think this chapter was beautifully crafted. It has even more signs that the story is following a classic formula of powerful man being tamed by a seemingly powerless one. Mr Kim, a man we know has been with Seungho for years, is canon saying that he knows Seungho is not heartless.... this is important too because the story needs to have Seungho as a damaged human that needs rescue as much as Nakyum. For all that Seungho did to Nakyum, there is also a part of Nakyum that got woken by Seungho and I am not talking about sex. It was Seungho's words in the market that provoked Nakyum to go demand from Inhun an answer about what he was for him. So it's not only one side being changed here. They are both shaping the other.

    Soti January 29, 2021 11:18 pm

    Usually, I ignore long ass comments about this manhwa but I read every bit of this one because it made a lot of sense to me. Not the usual rants filed with spoilers and meaningless whining with psychological evaluation of either or both Seungho or/and Nakyum. Good job!

    BegoneThot January 29, 2021 11:24 pm

    thank you, someone with a common sense

    LazBinx January 29, 2021 11:36 pm

    Please write more often!

    ThtGrlChar January 29, 2021 11:51 pm

    Thank you. You explained it perfectly. You and I are literally thinking the same. Especially when it comes to Seungho. So many people read it from one characters point of view. It's like once he started to trip out they forgot the attraction they had towards the beginning. And considering his way of showing affection is sexual contact, because that's just how people showed their love for him in general.

    I really appreciate reading your comment so much. Is filled with unbiased opinions and you came with facts from actually reading. You read both views and in between the lines.

    With that being said, I think that Seungho is going to let him go. Mr. Kim may have given him an awakening. Also after hearing the end bits of their convo and walking away lets me know that he realizes what he did was wrong. I can't wait til the creator comes back. I'm excited.

    Danae January 30, 2021 12:20 am

    I'm glad you mentioned the scene on the market that prompted Nakyum to go talk to In Hun about his plans for him.
    I think it's an underrated interaction that gets lost because of the other more dramatic ones.

    ルリちゃん January 30, 2021 2:06 am

    I was really reading comments just to find someone state the truth.

    Like thank u for all the explanations... That's what I really think...
    I was really mad at everyone writing about how they view their relationship and their personality... When it's way beyond the violence and rape...

    I think this story is one of the best bl stories of all time.. Bcuz its shows the reality side Wiz no forced drama or cliche one....

    The other two was twittering birds and killing stalking

    MahirF January 30, 2021 10:51 am

    I loved the last chapter! We had Nakyum finally exposing his conflicted feelings towards SH. But something very surprising also happened: NK is still waiting for his teacher to come back. And he somehow thinks he still has to sacrifice his freedom so his teacher will get the government position. That's a huge step back in NK's character development. Many stated that NK has finally realized how his teacher was selfish and used him after their last interaction. But it turns out NK still cherish him and is patiently waiting for him.

    So what was all the point of SH making him face the truth and pushing him to confront his teacher? He did it but it looks like he did not learn anything from it. He just got depressed and reduced himself to SH's concubine while still longing for that learned shit. I personally never thought NK fully moved on from his story with Inhum but to know that he is still waiting for his come back is very upsetting.

    Another very annoying thing in the last chapter was that panel of Nakyum crying like a baby while confessing his feelings. Was that really necessary? Can't he just talk without tearing up for once? Or just tear up without hysterically crying? It's a bit too much. The way his noona talks to him, her words to SH and how NK keeps crying and being so passive... I will end up thinking he's barely 15 at this point. He acts like a very innocent underage boy.

    Soti January 30, 2021 11:38 am
    I loved the last chapter! We had Nakyum finally exposing his conflicted feelings towards SH. But something very surprising also happened: NK is still waiting for his teacher to come back. And he somehow thinks ... MahirF

    Honestly, I believe Nakyum just used the teacher as an excuse to still stay because he didn't want to confront his feelings for Seungho. His Noona figured it out and that's why she asked him to tell her the real reason why he wanted to stay and she told him his love for Seungho was just a ruse. The thing is, she asked him if his love for his teacher was the same as his love for Seungho and he realized it wasn't the same. I believe he would misunderstand and think his love for his teacher is the real one but it just might be adoration and idolisation. What he feels for Seungho is the real love because no matter how much he knows he has to despise him, he can't help but be drawn to him. I don't think that's Stockholm Syndrome because Nakyum is smart enough not to fall into Seungho's arms at the first sign of affection and it took him a lot to actually admit he has feelings for him. He didn't just blindly love him like he did that shitty teacher. He was always drawn to Seungho like a moth is drawn to a flame. He has always been entranced by him. His first wet dream was about Seungho. Sure, he imagined having sex with his teacher but with just looking into Seungho's eyes, he couldn't help but be aroused. I want them to end up together but I also want Seungho to have e good character development like Jiwon from BJ Alex. He might be mean to him a lot but he also treated him better than his teacher ever did.

    MahirF January 30, 2021 11:48 am
    Honestly, I believe Nakyum just used the teacher as an excuse to still stay because he didn't want to confront his feelings for Seungho. His Noona figured it out and that's why she asked him to tell her the rea... Soti

    Yes, true. NK probably loves Inhun more like the father he never had and he just doesn't realize it yet. But what was upsetting to me was to see that he still trusts his teacher after all what happened. Inhun insulted him and ignored him. He left without even saying goodbye yet NK still cherish him. It's a step back in NK's character development in my opinion.

    Soti January 30, 2021 12:19 pm
    Yes, true. NK probably loves Inhun more like the father he never had and he just doesn't realize it yet. But what was upsetting to me was to see that he still trusts his teacher after all what happened. Inhun i... MahirF

    That was his first live, it's hard to get rid of that but I sincerely think be just used him as an excuse to stay. It's like a safe bet for him, instead of having to think about his feelings and admit that be really loves Seungho.

Zarathustra January 24, 2021 1:15 am

This chapter was one of the funniest to me.
1- Jihwa complaining about how bad the sex with Tarzan was. LOL. I think the author was really smart on this one because at some point there will be smut and fanservice but the author found a way to 'punish' Jihwa someway for the kidnapping prank. If we think about it, Jihwa being rewarded with good dick and having a great time while Nakyum lies unconscious in the snow almost dying is a bit shitty development. So in a way Jihwa paying to have sex with Tarzan just to get bad service is like an allegory for Jihwa being that kid who did a very bad thing and got his ass whopped (not in a good way) and has to lay there and think about what he did wrong. Kudos for the author to give us this unpredictable funny piece while everybody thought he would be shooting stars out of his ass and glowing after sex with the hunk.
2- The scene where Lord Lee walks into the room and Seungho calmly says to him " Oh, Lord Lee. Do not worry. Please return to your chambers. I am here because I have business with Jihwa". LOL. I mean, Seungho has a sword on his hand and it's squeezing the servant into a corner so he may just well say: Oh Lord Lee. Don't worry, Go back to your chamber. I just stopped by to cut your son's head off. It won't take a minute'. lol.
Then the face Seungho has when Lord Lee says he sullies his son.... Seungho is like... bitch, please, your son sucks my dick overnight and came back for more. LOL.
3 Min. Okay, Min has taken over as biggest villain of this story. Move over In hun. But what a glorious bitch Min is. First he shows up at Seungho house like he had been invited for tea, like he was not the one who had been beat up just other day. The bitch has no fear. Then the face he is doing when he is hiding with Jihwa... knowing very well he is the one responsible for all that shit. The best part is that, Seungho and Jihwa actions are all reflected by their dysfunctional emotions of passion, possession, jealousy, etc... Min is just doing it for his own pleasure to watch everything and everyone being played and destroyed. If he has a motive, it's probably some kind of ambition or jealousy of Seungho's status as the dominant alpha in the group but even that must be not his main motivation as he clearly enjoys the game of entangling all these people in a web of deception and he is having the time of his life doing it. He is quite frankly a delicious villain and his interactions with Jihwa in this chapter and how easy he fools him is delicious.
He will end up with his head off though.

    fattybey January 24, 2021 1:23 am


    SpaceAngell January 24, 2021 1:23 am

    Okay but the evaluation skills. A TRUE CRITIC

    JTIG January 24, 2021 1:27 am

    I really like this development with Min. He is intriguing because he plays both sides to his benefit. Smart and devious. Min probably can play w Nakyum enough to have Nakyum sleep w him willingly. Now that'll be interesting.

    Kiwi January 24, 2021 1:30 am

    The details, the explanation, the words i just perfect

    zai January 24, 2021 2:45 am


    zai January 24, 2021 2:46 am


    Seminara January 24, 2021 3:12 am

    But why you think Min is so obsessed with tasting Nakyum ?

    Zarathustra January 24, 2021 3:15 am
    LOVE THIS COMMENT fattybey

    :) Thank you!

    Zarathustra January 24, 2021 3:16 am
    Okay but the evaluation skills. A TRUE CRITIC SpaceAngell

    Glad you like it!!

    Zarathustra January 24, 2021 3:18 am
    I really like this development with Min. He is intriguing because he plays both sides to his benefit. Smart and devious. Min probably can play w Nakyum enough to have Nakyum sleep w him willingly. Now that'll b... JTIG

    (⊙…⊙ ). I don't know about that, lol. I think Nakyum is Yaoi classic one-man uke and he won't be sleeping with anyone else but Seungho in this story.

    Zarathustra January 24, 2021 3:19 am
    The details, the explanation, the words i just perfect Kiwi

    :) Thank you!

    Zarathustra January 24, 2021 3:23 am
    TARZAN PLS zai

    Saw people on Twitter calling him Tarzan and it really matches because of his muscles are so overdone, he is monosyllable and has always the same emotionless expression, lol.

    Zarathustra January 24, 2021 3:55 am
    But why you think Min is so obsessed with tasting Nakyum ? Seminara

    I think it's not about Nakyum per se, but about Seungho. I bet that if Seungho suddenly offered Nakyum or lost interest on Nakyum, Min suddenly would lost the interest on having him.
    His obsession is about possessing something that Seungho cherishes the most and that he know Seungho would never share. NK is even more of a prize since Min figured out that NK is not actually a toy but that Seungho actually fell for him.
    I think Min envies Seungho's dominance and power in the group. Getting NK is about greed and winning one on Seungho.

    I'm just stating facts January 24, 2021 7:14 am

    not the your son sucks my dick every night and comes back for more that had me dead

    Zarathustra January 25, 2021 12:22 pm
    not the your son sucks my dick every night and comes back for more that had me dead I'm just stating facts

    I laughed hard at that bitch slap too... Dad thinking his innocent pure son had been seduced and it was Jihwa who was sneaking out chasing dick. lol, naughty Jihwa.

Zarathustra January 22, 2021 4:28 pm

Some highlights on the new chapter: ( spoilers)
Tarzan is not ready for Grindr, Jihwa's dad gets a dose of gay reality, Min is that bitch who dies in the end and other thoughts.

--- Contrary to all predictions, Jihwa is not glowing after sex with Tarzan nor was impressed by the new dick in town. It seems the dude needs training to handle an asshole. Who would have thought that such a worldly hunk was not naughty enough to have ventured into anal sex with whores. Tarzan will need some lessons before he joins Grindr.
--- Best exchange: Jihwa's father trying to blame Seungho for Jihwa being gay and Seungho hitting back that Jihwa was the one who would sneak out every night from his daddy's home to go suck Seungho's dick. LOL
---- Although we haven't met Seungho's father or the mysterious Lord Song, Min is the the real villain of this story so far. The guy is down right Machiavellian. Glad the author added this bitch for drama because he is quickly becoming the best candidate to have his throat cut at some point of this story.
---- What to say about Jihwa? The dude is too easy to be manipulated and there he is again, probably getting in more trouble with another one of Min 'plan'. He is a puppet in Min's hands. Now, that being said, let's just be honest too that Min is clearly saying here that he wants to have his way with Nakyum and if before Jihwa had the excuse that he was jealous and hurt, at this point if he helps Min, he is just being plain horrible. Maybe his way out of this is to smart up and go tell Seungho about Min.
---- I have to say this: for all the madness in Seungho, does anyone else finds weird that he actually let Jihwa get away with so many 'crossing the line' pranks? I mean, how many lines has Jihwa crossed so far since Seungho gave him the first warning? For anyone counting this makes about the 4th time Seungho gets mad at Jihwa and then say that he better not cross line next time ... either Seungho is going soft or, what I suspect, Seungho for all his meaningless does have a lot more patience with Jihwa that he would have with any of the other nobles around him.
--- Unfortunately we didn't get much interaction between Noona x Nakyum or Seungho x Nakyum so hopefully we get this next week.
--- Seungho all in black, storming in Jihwa's home with a sword and with murder in his eyes is the content I'm here for. Say what you want but this story would be boring without this mad bitch.

    Zarathustra January 22, 2021 6:22 pm

    Oh Damn, Tarzan, Min and Jihwa's dad downvoted my thoughts. :(

    Tangent January 22, 2021 7:31 pm
    Oh Damn, Tarzan, Min and Jihwa's dad downvoted my thoughts. :( Zarathustra

    Heck yeah. Love this! So witty hahahahahaha

    Tangent January 22, 2021 7:32 pm

    Your narration is so fun to read, thanks for the spoiler and side comments hahahaha

    Zarathustra January 23, 2021 12:36 am
    Your narration is so fun to read, thanks for the spoiler and side comments hahahaha Tangent

    Thank you :)

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