Zarathustra January 21, 2018 4:17 am

I mean, PyoMin saw Jisoo kissing the bakery chef that night ... then Jisoo goes and have sex and then they go on being fuck buddies ... isn't a little weird that we don't get not one line where PyoMin ask if the other is a boyfriend ... or if Jisoo sleeps with him too ... something??

    Some perv February 7, 2018 11:52 am

    Yeah it's been bugging me too

Zarathustra January 19, 2018 8:42 am

Really, that blond guy in the middle just turned me off... Min was so cold towards Sam and just discarded him and move on to go on with the other guy. And he seemed okay with the guy, we just saw Sam suffering. So, if the guy wasn't a jerk or had not cheated, he would just stayed living with him. I just feel Min is way too cold compared to Sam.
Then, after they are together, Min keeps acting like a virgin who would not even kiss the guy properly, even so he was fucking already the blond dude?
The vampire is too sweet and too devoted, he deserved the same kind of love.

    Yoai_is_Life February 1, 2018 2:05 am

    I agree with some statements in this but some things you've said I have to disagree. He probably would've found out about the guy cheating on him anyways. Min would've probably still talked to Sam from time to time and would've ran to him crying. Min probably made Sam suffer because he learned it from his dad. Sometimes if a kid is abused they do the same to others, just take Oh Sangwoo from Killing Stalking for example. He's trying to forget his past to make both himself and Sam happy. Which he succeeded in the end, so if you think about it Min is actually kinda the one who made their relationship possible. Even their friendship because if he wasn't at least a little nice he wouldn't have gave Sam the blood he needed, therefore their relationship might've not made it to being friends. But you don't have to agree it's just my view on things(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Zarathustra February 1, 2018 5:30 am
    I agree with some statements in this but some things you've said I have to disagree. He probably would've found out about the guy cheating on him anyways. Min would've probably still talked to Sam from time to ... Yoai_is_Life

    I don't mind the different opinion, I appreciate you took the time to give your point of view. It has been some weeks I read this story so I don't remember exactly all the details anymore. I do feel the author put a lot of effort trying to excuse Min behavior and bring him sympathy as abused child but I couldn't really see it as a fair and balanced relationship on account of that. I do remember Min simply walked out from Min for no reason whatsoever even after the other had already forgiven him for sleeping with the other guy. Then he just moved on. That irked me the most. The difference between the need each had for the other. I guess that is where the author failed a bit because we only saw Sam suffering. He got sick, he missed Min. All the while we saw Min laughing and enjoying his new boyfriend. At any moment the author included a scene with Min thinking about Sam or giving any idea that he missed the other just as much. And again, how is that Min ended up with Sam again? He didn't end the relationship because he wanted. It was because the other cheated. He didn't ended because he was in love with Sam. It was ended for him and of course, Sam was there for him and from there their relationship started. In other words, if felt like he was already on rock bottom so he just took the next choice that was presented to him. It's ironic that my view is actually Min view because that's exactly what he says in the end. Sam gave to him way more than he rceived. I see their relationship as Sam totally devoted and always giving. Min always taking. Even the blood, if we listen to Min, explanation, he gave it thinking he was better than Sam so it was also for his sake, not completely as a selfless act of friendship.
    I understand the story is written for us to feel sorry for Min and forgive him for being cold and compensate for the difference of love but the way that they behaved when they were split showed that Min could live well without Sam ( he even refused to talk to him) but Sam almost died without Min. I feel that a little more balance, especially in the way Min acted when he quickly move on and seemed so happy with the new guy would have made all the difference. The truth remains that Sam only got Min because the blond guy didn't wanted Min. Had he not cheated, Min would be still laughing by his side, probably still ignoring Sam. The sweet Sam would be miserable. When only one of them almost dies because he can't live without the other, while the other is able to move on with a new lover, then it's a very lopsided love. It's still a nice story. Again, thanks for replying.

Zarathustra January 18, 2018 10:20 pm

It seems the author can't decide if she/he wants to add some depth to the characters and plot or just leave it as endless plotless 'shots of life' among cute boys.... The story adds some substance to it in one chapter just to completely reverse to 'nothing happened' .

1- There was a build up between Jian Yi and Zhan Xi and an emotional confession ( finally) and now it seems it never happened. It's like they are back to the first episodes. Zhan Xi says 'I know' and that's it? He is going to continue hitting Jian Yi as a way to deal with the unwanted advances?

2- What is the story behind Jian Yi kidnap? What is the deal with Zhan Xi totally transformation from a kind, happy kid to this ball of bitterness that never smiles? Why is he so abusive to Jian Yi and beats him as retaliation for his silliness? It doesn't matter if he likes him, he is the only one doing the beating and sounds abuse.

3- What was the deal with He Tian taking Mo to his parent's old restaurant? It's too much of a coincidence ... did he wanted to torture Mo or see him upset? That chapter also seemed like some kind of evolution between them but then it's like nothing happened and we are back to slapstick only. Is He Tian still threatening Mo to get what he wants? How Mo can see He Tian as friend if the other guy treats him as his dog?

4- It would be awesome if the author added the background behind the funny bits because it makes more sense, especially if it could explain He Tian's dubious behavior. Yes, he is hot and it's sexy and of course he is attracted to Mo but he treats the other like a pet ... The earring thing was creepy. Maybe he doesn't know how to approach Mo and act like a jerk? All that he is doing is reinforcing in Mo the idea that bullying weaker people is always the way. Mo was a bully and ordered people around and now he is being bullied and ordered around by someone stronger. ... He Tian needs to stop treating Mo as pet if he wants the other guy to trust him.

Anyway, these guys are so fun to watch but the lack of continuity or any substance explaining the character's behavior is really frustrating.

    Anonymous January 18, 2018 11:26 pm

    I laugh a lot with '19 Days' but I have to agree with you ... sometimes it feels the story line is flowing but then the next chapter comes and it's like the characters didn't reach any milestone in their relationship or the plot is disconnected.
    I don't like either that He Tian/Mo story is more like stronger kid forcing the weaker kid to be his toy than a friendship. Clearly Mo is afraid of He Tian and this is a sad way to get someone to be close to you.
    But as you said, it is still entertaining ....

    tahime January 18, 2018 11:42 pm

    We need to know more about their pasts. Especially Mo. Idk why Mo is scared of He Tian.

    Double77 January 19, 2018 2:38 am

    The only thing I can say is that I believe the earring was to get a modeling job with the people. I'm rereading this so when I get to that part I may realize I was wrong but that's all I can think of. Oh and He Tian is bullying Mo but I feel like its to make him stronger or so he can keep Mo out of trouble.

    Just what I think.

    Double77 January 19, 2018 2:54 am

    This part of the story could explain why things always go back to normal for Jian and Xi also just because a friend likes another friend should they really stop messing around? Xi does show that he cares for Jian anyway so I hope it's nothing serious for the reason why he has gotten bitter.

    Anonymous January 19, 2018 6:01 pm

    Mo is He Tian's pet tho he just doesn't know it yet. He is stubborn and needs to be tamed but he'll get there and be the perfect M/Sub. He can't resist forever. We see in the future chapter of them he became more docile and accepted his gift without slapping it away. So he learned.

    #Praying for He Tian to succeed and tame that fox

    Zarathustra January 19, 2018 8:36 pm
    Mo is He Tian's pet tho he just doesn't know it yet. He is stubborn and needs to be tamed but he'll get there and be the perfect M/Sub. He can't resist forever. We see in the future chapter of them he became mo... @Anonymous

    Err... I'm not into the pet/submissive stuff so I hope Mo remains the untamed sexy, wild beast that he is. That's what makes him Mo. If their thing were only a sex kink, the sub/dom kink would be a thing but if I am to believe that He Tian is in love with the guy then he really needs to tone down the bullying shit and treating him like a pet. If he goes on like this, I can only root that Mo bites and beats him up at some point. Probably He Tian would get a hard on being overpowered like that. He needs it.
    Actually, my pray would be that He Tian to be a power bottom. Yaoi world needs more assertive, powerful, bossy bottoms. A bossy He Tian taking up in the ass from his fiery red head fox. That's sexy. :) ... Even sexier if they switch once in a while. Now I'm dreaming.

    Anonymous January 21, 2018 6:56 am
    Err... I'm not into the pet/submissive stuff so I hope Mo remains the untamed sexy, wild beast that he is. That's what makes him Mo. If their thing were only a sex kink, the sub/dom kink would be a thing but if... Zarathustra

    I guess that could be cool too but I enjoy seeing Mo forced to submit to He Tian. He looks cute like that when he breaks out into a sweat and gets nervous. I felt guilty for the longest but then I remembered wait a minute those yaoi fangirls enjoy much worse than me (like Caste Heaven) so now I don't feel bad anymore.

    anonymous January 22, 2018 12:26 am

    i think it’s just the author’s way of story. it’s been like this since the beginning.. having serious chaps every once in a while between all the light comedy. i think the issue is we need to stop taking this story too seriously or stop treating it like it’s like others...??? as in like it’s supposed to be some well flowing segment like others but it’s not. it’s a different kind of webcomic. it’s mostly a slice of life, slapstick comedy... so there will always be more of that than actual serious stuff that deals with their background and other stuff. also this is a free webcomic, i don’t think the author writes this story for the fans.. i think she writes it for herself and simply shares it for other people to enjoy. if she were getting paid it’d be different i think??... there would probably be more effort into making it flow better and be more cohesive, probably giving more of what the fans want .. i once remembered that she made a post on her weibo (where the raws are posted) talking about how she writes the story for herself and for others to enjoy and that if they don’t like it they can leave (some people were leaving hate to her saying “just because she owns the characters doesn’t mean she can do whatever she wants with them” - which is false.. she’s the author and again isn’t getting paid so yes she can do whatever the hell she wants with this story)... so that’s just kinda another theory on why this story may not be written very well (altho still enjoyable)... obviously it’s still entertaining and a lot of people (including myself) still love it but i just don’t think it’s meant to be seen or taken as seriously as some other stories, for example one like saezuru. 19 days has always been like this.. i think it’s more that us, the readers began treating it as more than what it was and that’s when ppl begin to feel some frustration or disappointment with it... in reality it’s kinda our fault lol. i think if we just treat the story as for what it is and stop treating it like others as if it’s supposed to have more detail on the characters, the reading of it will be much more enjoyable. so i guess to answer it’s more of shots/slice of life not to be taken too seriously. both couples do end up together though.. so that’s something to look forward too. it’s just extremely slow burn and not be to be taken to seriously i think

    Mundane January 23, 2018 2:21 pm

    Well.. Its just less than 10 pages per chapter? Can you really invest too much depth to that? And i swear that answering youre questions or the author giving you the literal answer wont make the manga better. Its good as it is.

    Chen莫小晨 January 23, 2018 4:36 pm

    Well,I think so

    Anonymous January 23, 2018 6:04 pm

    People just hate to hear criticism on their favorite mangas. Be prepared to be told to 'shut up' in subtle ways or not so gently.

    I like 19 Days but I just lowered my expectations. Some updates just feel like fillers or regression. I do feel that the author raised expectations when she added some background and development and then cuts back to slapstick. It's natural that some readers feel like there is no continuity to some scenes.
    It's normal to feel frustrated because after a while the slapstick gets repetitive. How many times can we see He Tian beating Mo to get what he wants? One day he is tender and their bond is clear, the other he is kneeling the guy like he wants to hurt him. Or see Jian make a puppy face and advance towards Xi while this one slaps him? Xi needs some development in this manga, we know he cares for his friend but we don't really get his side of mind, it's more focused on Jian all the time.
    Even with the short updates, it is still possible to give the story some development. We already saw that. For some reason, the author pulls back and it feels like an eternal tease that never gets satisfied. Maybe the problem is that with each development, the stakes get higher. I mean, what comes after a confession? If they going to develop a relationship, the slapstick jokes with Xi hitting Jian will not make sense.
    I still like it but I have to say I am feeling like I'm losing interest, especially for the main couple. I feel that after 200 chapters and an emotional confession, a bit more progression that a pimple joke would be more interesting.
    As I said, just lower your expectations or you will get even more frustrated.

    Zarathustra January 23, 2018 9:00 pm
    People just hate to hear criticism on their favorite mangas. Be prepared to be told to 'shut up' in subtle ways or not so gently. I like 19 Days but I just lowered my expectations. Some updates just feel like... @Anonymous

    Lots of people disagreeing with me or with a different point of view --- I expected that --- but so far everybody sounds respectful so it's all good :)

    anonymous January 24, 2018 7:47 am

    hmmm well i think this story is just mostly for shits and giggles, and as some other person said not to be taken to seriously or treated as a piece of work. kinda like treating a children's book to shakespeare work if that makes sense. (not that this work is like a children's book but i think you get the comparison i'm trying to make lol) this story's purpose overall, is - i don't think- meant to be a great piece of work as far as storytelling/plot goes but more for entertainment with little bits of interesting plot work in between.. so essentially i think its to be treated as slice of life... almost like each is just a funny one-shot with occasional seriousness thrown in. as readers, we get frustrated because we want to see so much more from the couples as we get more attached but we probably shouldn't be investing so much into it.. if that makes sense?? idk but i think you get what I mean. lol

    although i will say that I actually do think zhan zheng xi has been more active lately.. definitely much different from the beginning of the story. I mean after the confession, he kissed his forehead, they slept together which he never would have done before in the beginning of the story and they went on a date at the park which he didn't deny.. sat on jian yi's lap of his own choice etc.. they're not BIG progressions but progressions to note all the same I think. he hasn't been rough with jian yi either lately after the confession.. but I would still like to see MORE like anyone else obviously.. . i'm hoping the author will give us something big between them again. mo and he tian on the other hand.... I THOUGHT we were getting somewhere when he had a panic attack at the restaurant but as per usual.. mo didn't open up or even want to or attempt to. I mean i'm happy that we got that background info of him but as far as their relationship .. just went downhill again. he tian was pretty nice trying to comfort him and I thought they would maybe talk about why he freaked out but.. they didn't. then they went back to school and mo went back to looking annoyed and hating he tian's presence as usual.. telling him to leave him alone and 'fuck off'.. then he tian kicked the shit outta him, so they just reverted back to basically how they met. i know they are going to start off as enemies to lovers... but I at least was hoping to see mo finally begin to see he tian at least as a friend or at LEAST trust him a little more but.. that obviously didn't happen they just reverted back to their usualness with no progress; he tian treating mo like a dog/like his slave, forcing him to hang out with him and to do things he doesn't want to. their relationship is never gonna prgress it seems.after that the chapters were kinda of both couples.. just light, playful comic relief.. which isn't bad.. I enjoy those chapters still but i think readers obviously tend to prefer the more serious chapters cause thats usually when BIG things happen.

    but again i think we just can't expect too much out of a slow burn slice of life story.. we'll probably enjoy it more if we just treat it as light comedic relief. and by the way, just like you i can 100% see he tian as a power bottom. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ he's so open to things like he would definitely bottom. i feel like most ppl just headcanon him as a 'sole top' only because of his height (which is stupid cause helloooo there can be tall bottoms ya'll) - plus its shounen ai so let people think what we want about their positions since technically we'll never see any of the characters have sex anyways lol.

    takame January 24, 2018 8:23 am

    I agree with the anon above me. This manga is generally a slice of life that is for shits and giggles. Can be compared to tomo-chan where we get our regular digest or smth. The plot development is so that it could run longer, is what I think

    lost January 24, 2018 10:19 pm

    I think a few readers are starting to few frustrated with the same things.
    The problem with the slapstick formula is that it gets repetitive so when the author adds some meat, it's expected that many fans start salivating over something important or progression happening. Then when we get a chapter that sounds like a flashback from before, it seems confusing.
    I think the slow burn would not be such a frustration if, like you said, there were a better flow or continuity after the more emotional scenes instead of adding chapters that seem disconnected in time. The disjointed updates gives the impression that it will take another 3 years of half hearted kisses, backtracked confessions and loose ends than may never be picked up.
    Once you start shipping a pair though, every crumb makes you keep following it even if you almost expect to get frustrated. So of course I'm still here waiting for each update, waiting for more meat.

Zarathustra January 15, 2018 1:42 am

As much I like Taesong protecting him, I wish Haebom could stand up for himself too at least once. It's not good to depend on other person to be your savior all the time like that. I was hoping he would get some confidence and be the one who confront the guy.

    Jegra January 19, 2018 12:28 pm

    I feel the same. Although in reality bullying can be quite harsh, especially in Korea, so I also understand his feelings.
    But I was very proud of him when he defended Taesung! I hope he can gain more confidence in the future too.

Zarathustra January 14, 2018 7:02 pm

The hot older guy Sunbae ... why is everyone calling him evil?

I mean, we don't know yet what's his role in all this, right?
I think he heard Hajun's confession that's for sure and if he somehow played a prank on him so he ended up in bed with Minho and now is having fun with the whole situation ... that's evil. But then at some point I thought if he is not seriously trying to play the matchmaker between Hajun and Minho because he knows Hajun likes him...

Zarathustra January 3, 2018 7:57 am

I'm too slow for this manga. So much interpretation and every time I read back, I change my mind. Would anyone have any insight on any of these scenes below? Don't need to be all three ... whatever you know it. Thanks!

1- When Doumeki is retrieving Yashiro's gun from his drawer and finds K's eye contact box ... Did he take it? There seems to be a hint that it's in his pocket in the next scene but I it sounds so risky ... he has to know that Yashiro will notice, right? What the hell was he thinking?

2- Why did Yashiro lash out that first time that Kuga met Doumeki and was playing with his phone? Even Yashiro seemed confused ( 'What was that?' he thinks ) Is it because he just doesn't like Kuga ( because of Kage) or is Yashiro already being jealous and possessive of Doumeki? ( Kuga called him 'interesting' and now is stealing his bodyguard for the day)

3- After that epic rimming job session in the car --- by the way, where did Doumeki learn to be such a great gay lover?? :) --- Yashiro is alone in the car, there are about 3 or 4 panels of Y looking at D's jacket and then some flashbacks of his and Doumeki's faces. They both have 'blushing' faces. He had said more than once that he wanted to see Doumeki's face when he was lustful ... Is Yashiro figuring out that Doumeki was hard/aroused ? I keep thinking that Yashiro recognized lust and that's why he forced the blow job later on in D house he could test him.
If not this, what that post rimming pensive stares were about? ( I don't get it the last page 'It's all your fault' scene ).

Thanks for the bits!

    Anonymous January 4, 2018 9:43 am

    1) Yes, Doumeki took the contact lense case. It must be still in his pocket now.
    2) Yes, Yashiro was being jealous without realizing it himself. But Kuga realized as he later tells Kageyama in that little scene they have at the clinic.
    3) And yes again. I think you got that perfectly right. At least that's the way I interprete those looks and the following blowjob at Doumeki's place as well. :)

    Zarathustra January 4, 2018 11:55 pm
    1) Yes, Doumeki took the contact lense case. It must be still in his pocket now.2) Yes, Yashiro was being jealous without realizing it himself. But Kuga realized as he later tells Kageyama in that little scene ... @Anonymous

    1) Can't wait to see what Doumeki will do with that case. He may think Yashiro doesn't want him because of the doctor. He would do anything for his beloved boss, even try to give him Kageyama if he thinks that's what he needs. He may use the eye contact case to tell Kageyama about Yashiro decades long feelings, in a misguided attempt to help Yashiro to win the doctor over. Poor Doumeki.

    Anyway, thanks for your replly!

    Anonymous January 11, 2018 9:59 pm

    Ahh, I love this manga because of this... You can take it as simple and straighforward as you wish or you can enjoy overthinking, analyzing each scene like it had a great revelation to the story. I do the latest a bit too much. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    1) Pretty sure Doumeki took the box and I was like ... 'oh, no he didn't ! ' A lot of risk to take for no apparent reason and after all the effort he does not to upset his beloved boss. Why did you do it, Doumeki?? He is the perfect allegory for that 'people are full of contradictions' thing from early on, isn't? ... He's so stoic, reserved on the outside but we saw how rage and passion lies just underneath. He's also the 'submissive, obedient dog' bodyguard but when it comes down to it and they're alone, Doumeki clearly 'disobeys' Yashiro many times. We saw the conclusion of this battle in their last night. Yashiro tried really hard there to keep it control and demand the sex and their ship to be meaningless as usual but Doumeki wasn't having it. Even before that, Doumeki was already taking liberties over Yashiro's affairs all the while being his usual 'submissive' underlying... he was about to tell Kageyama about Yashiro's feelings (who gave him the authority?) ; he gave himself the role of Yashiro 'arms and legs'; he pushed Sagimoto aside when it comes to Yashiro care; he even tells Yashiro not to jerk off by himself ... (the scene is so funny, Doumeki dressing him up as if he were a kid, Yashiro just listening without objection) ....
    I doubt he will obey Yashiro's order to stay away now. What a bossy 'submissive dog' Doumeki turned out to be. Bad boy, Doumeki!

    2) Yashiro looked like a school girl there mad at his boyfriend for talking to another girl.... 'Don't need to come back, stuuupid' . I almost expected he'd say 'I hate you' before hanging up.. I think it's even worse that is Kuga. Yashiro already feels a sense of inferiority because of Kageyama's thing. It's kind of funny that every time the young hottie Kuga is around trying to pull Doumeki away from him, Yashiro gets possessive.. I'd love a bromance between Kuga and Doumeki, I bet their friendship could be fun.

    3) I really missed this option. I thought Yashiro was just in a state of spiritual realization that Doumeki always meant mind blowing sex for him :) . It makes sense though... up until that, he and Doumeki had not shared the intimacy of eye to eye sex and he couldn't really see if Doumeki could be enjoying or desiring him as much as the other way around ... Don't know if he suspected the impotence was gone but I think Doumeki looking at him with lust must have been a revelation of some kind...

    How Doumeki learned to be such a good gay lover? I imagine Doumeki watching gay porn and googling 'rimming job' , 'blow job' just so he could provide a better service to his boss .... such a good boy. (▰˘◡˘▰) .... Sorry for the long reply, I really enjoy this manga and I love these two.

    Kitty January 12, 2018 6:09 am

    3) He prolly learned from prison. He recieved a blow job & who knows what else he saw. Maybe thats why he kept asking yashiro if he was ok when he saw him getting fucked for the 1st time, prolly seen too many rapes in there and picked up a lil something (just being silly).

    Zarathustra January 13, 2018 5:26 am
    Ahh, I love this manga because of this... You can take it as simple and straighforward as you wish or you can enjoy overthinking, analyzing each scene like it had a great revelation to the story. I do the lates... @Anonymous

    I don't mind long replies :) And this manga certainly provides for a lot to be talked about, isn't? I like the silly, cute yaoi mangas that makes for most of the genre but nothing compares to a enticing story with well developed characters like Saezuru.
    I get your point about Doumeki, I think I agree... It reminds me of a tumblr post I read discussing how much the story is about false perceptions and how tricky it is to try to categorize both Y and D using regular yaoi mold. The poster also goes on about her theory that YKou likes to hints at stuff indirectly ... for instance, she thinks the drawing where Doumeki is powering over Yashiro while holding his hands above his head would be the sign of power switch evolving among them. And she goes on saying that is not coincidence the author picked 'Chikara' as Doumeki first name ... it seems Chikara means Power or something like that? I have no idea if this makes sense but it's still pretty cool to think it could be.
    I mean, readers can go pretty wild on their theories but that's the fun of it, right?

    ... The idea of Doumeki googling gay porn and rimming job to prepare for a next time with Yashiro had me laughing!!! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Zarathustra January 13, 2018 5:58 am
    3) He prolly learned from prison. He recieved a blow job & who knows what else he saw. Maybe thats why he kept asking yashiro if he was ok when he saw him getting fucked for the 1st time, prolly seen too ma... Kitty

    ... hmm ... Poor Doumeki, I hope he didn't witnessed more rapes in prison. He was traumatized enough.
    I think I prefer to think Doumeki got his blow job techniques from watching Yashiro try his luck with his 'huge, soft, caseless wiener' ... now that rimming job ... He went for it with such a coincidence , maybe he's just a natural :)
    But I was joking with that question... Doumeki is a man in love and he wanted to make Yashiro feel good, worship him... that's what made him such a great lover after all.

Zarathustra January 1, 2018 8:38 pm

What's with these dudes who love to be treated as shit?
It's always the abusive jerk who gets the guy in the end. I have to stop reading stories with love triangle. I always fall for the 3rd lover that it's usually just added as drama and never stands a chance.

    Rex January 31, 2019 11:51 pm


Zarathustra December 31, 2017 3:37 am

I wanted to like this manga but I couldn't relate or sympathize with any of them ( maybe a bit with Hyung )
I can understand an unrequited love but I can't relate to Subin's being so pushy and self centered. He wanted and wanted Hyunwoo to like him and then dwelled in self pity and emotional blackmail for years. This is low self esteem combined with selfishness ( he kept begging and then would cry and make the guy feel guilty) Loving and confessing to someone does not grant you a chance with the person. So, all the sympathy I felt for Subin at first got bit by bit lost because he just sounded annoying and put no real effort in moving on. ( Hyung did most of the work in their relationship)
Then, after Hyunwoo spent so much time and energy pinnning for the girl, it just doesn't seem credible that he actually felt anything for Subin. Nevermind that the guy is a jerk for pretending he didn't sleep with his friend and make him look crazy. I don't see him also like a convincing lover for Subin
Then there is the cliche of yaoi first love has to be 'the one'. If Subin ends with Hyung, I give credit to this story because first love are special but more often than not they are not the real deal, they are a stepping stone, something you learn from and grow out of it.... Almost all yaoi stories that have a cute 'first love' couple add a third lover just for distraction and then turn back to the first love like a fairy tale. Yes, it's cute but after the 100th story like that, it gets tiring.
I found stories when someone grows up and move on and find a deeper, more mature love way more beautiful and endearing. So if Subin finally grows up and moves on from his crush from Hyunwoo and finds himself in another level of maturity and in love with Hyung, good for him. I stopped when Hyunwoo kissed Subin because it felt it would turn too predictable from there.
Sometimes the straight friend just is not into the gay guy and the gay guy needs to learn to move on but such thing doesn't exist in yaoi yet.

    Funu December 31, 2017 3:52 am

    He ends up with Hyung. The manhwa already ended. But I still felt the end a little rushy. Idk, like there were a lot of questions.

    Zarathustra December 31, 2017 4:09 am
    He ends up with Hyung. The manhwa already ended. But I still felt the end a little rushy. Idk, like there were a lot of questions. Funu

    Oh, that's refreshing. Hyung rubbed me the wrong way at first but he grew on me after I saw that he was the only one who demanded Subin to act more like an adult than like a child and Subin needed that. I don't think I could get convinced with Hyunwoo straight-to-gay at this point and it would sound only forced to follow the script of best friends-first love endgame.
    If you say the end is rushy then I may put aside now and maybe only finish this later ... It's so frustrating to invest on a story just to see it half assed in the end.
    Thank you very much for the reply and heads up though! :)

    Funu December 31, 2017 4:22 am
    Oh, that's refreshing. Hyung rubbed me the wrong way at first but he grew on me after I saw that he was the only one who demanded Subin to act more like an adult than like a child and Subin needed that. I don't... Zarathustra

    Yes, I love Hyung, too. And I'm glad that they ended up together, but for me, the ending was rushed. And left so much unanswered questions. Subin and Hyunwoo didn't have a chance to talk properly. Like, at least, for me they didn't show how Hyunwoo was really feeling, and what he really wanted from Subin. As for Subin's side, a didn't get the reason how he got over Hyunwoo so quickly. I mean, I was one of the person that wanted Subin to get over him. But it felt so rushed and it didn't feel real to me, even when I always thought that this webcomic had realistics characters who you could sympathize with.

    You can give it a try to this ending, maybe it will leave a different impression on you (:

    And btw, happy new year!

    Zarathustra December 31, 2017 4:26 am
    Yes, I love Hyung, too. And I'm glad that they ended up together, but for me, the ending was rushed. And left so much unanswered questions. Subin and Hyunwoo didn't have a chance to talk properly. Like, at leas... Funu

    Got it ... I probably gonna give it another try later on. :)

    ~ Happy New Year to you too! Cheers! ~

    Viira January 1, 2018 8:06 am

    To that last line, the point of Hyunwoo's story is that he was having a hard time accepting his bisexual orientation. He wasn't the "straight friend". He pursued the other girl so hard because he was attracted to her but also he was really afraid of his feelings for Subin. He had feelings for Subin since they were younger.

    Funu January 1, 2018 1:59 pm
    To that last line, the point of Hyunwoo's story is that he was having a hard time accepting his bisexual orientation. He wasn't the "straight friend". He pursued the other girl so hard because he was attracted ... Viira

    Yes, the author stated that when she showed us Hyunwoo's flashbacks. But what I meant was that we didn't know if he was trying to be in a serious relationship with Subin or just treasure him as a friend. It felt that he was still wavering, and was just like push anf pull. Because they didn't even talk properly at the end of the story. So I felt that the story was missing something.

Zarathustra December 30, 2017 4:41 pm

Togawa was a great guy ... funny and so patient with Shima. Also, despite being straight, it didn't seem he went though any doubt about openly assuming his relationship with Shima. However, I was was expecting Shima to evolve a bit after they finally got together. He never seemed to show warmth towards Togawa and even after being together for more than a year, the guy was just distant and cold as ever. I was almost rooting Togawa broke up so Shima could wake up and make a little more effort. He kind of pissed me off.

    Jesss March 7, 2018 9:57 am

    its a misconception that "loves changes you." people dont easily change. i found it realistic that he stayed as he always was.

    cat knight bytes March 7, 2018 10:27 am
    its a misconception that "loves changes you." people dont easily change. i found it realistic that he stayed as he always was. Jesss

    I agree and Shima is written as a very Jpn. traditional character, prim and proper.

    Roymustang March 20, 2018 3:24 pm
    I agree and Shima is written as a very Jpn. traditional character, prim and proper. @cat knight bytes

    I agree but what I don't like it's that both of the "straight" guys were still calling "straight" even after going out and having sex with their MAN lovers, come on, you are so not straight, Bi perhaps, but absolutely not straight

    Ayman April 14, 2018 4:16 pm

    I love this story and I've read it a couple of times and although I understand the point that they were actually two incompatible who fall in love -- the cheerful, laid-back Togawa and the gloomy, stickup depressed Shima, I get what you mean. The special chapter in the end when they are already one year together and Shima is as distant as ever really pinches on my heart. I do think relationships change people, especially if they are small changes that tend to make our partner to smile. Togawa stopped drinking, smoking for Shima even before they were formally a couple and he did it without Shima even asking ... these were very sweet things. One year on their relationship and it seems Togawa is begging for small things like call each others by first name, a little more warmth. I can't even imagine seeing Shima even smiling once. I suspect Shima lives in a permanent state of pessimistic mind, just waiting for something bad to happen and as much as I understand patience and love, I can't help but think it must be exhausting to live with someone so gloomy all the time and that doesn't reciprocate -- or even more, act like he is annoyed with affection. If my lover, husband, boyfriend wiped out my kiss from his mouth like Shima does it, it would break my heart. I wish there was a continuation of their story just so we know if Shima ever relaxed a bit or does something pro active towards their relationship. He did went after Togawa but apparently the 'try my best' doesn't include small gestures of tenderness. I wonder if someday Togawa will just give up and feel insecure himself with Shima's apathy.

    Zarathustra April 16, 2018 4:45 am
    I love this story and I've read it a couple of times and although I understand the point that they were actually two incompatible who fall in love -- the cheerful, laid-back Togawa and the gloomy, stickup depre... @Ayman

    I've reread this story a couple of times too since my original post.
    This author has a way to write characters with personalities and quirks and there is always this intelligent humor in her stories. I keep coming back to everything she writes.

    I don't know, I still feel like shaking Shima up and telling him to relax already and give in something but I did warmed up a bit more to the character, Or maybe it's just because I like Togawa so much, I want to believe he will be happy forever and feel loved and enjoy many moments of Shima showing him quiet signs of affection even if we don't see it. Maybe he will win over Shima's insecurities, shyness, reluctance or whatever it is the problem over the years, just like he won over Shima as boyfriend. Hopefully by now Shima is calling him by his first name, at least in their intimate moments? LOl. Or he stopped wiping out the kisses. Maybe he moved in with Togawa? Or maybe Shima is the kind of partner that needs to feel the loss of something to feel how much he needed it? Like those small touches that Togawa steals ... Shima says he doesn't like it but I imagine if he noticed Togawa gradually giving up on these gestures, I bet he would miss it and get brooding over the change, maybe he would suddenly grab Togawa's hand. I can only imagine Togawa's face if Shima ever takes the initiative of a PDA.
    Anyway, I wish we could see how Togawa and Shima are doing now... hopefully still going on double dates with Deguchi and Onoda. I bet Togawa and Deguchi would be like natural friends and every time they met, they would be the ones talking like a pair of old pals while Shima would be as quiet as always and Onoda still adorable awkward in between shy and politely sociable and both a bit jealous of Togawa and Deguchi easy bond. Dreams...

Zarathustra December 30, 2017 7:41 am

It's interesting to see Yashiro and Doumeki faces in this.... They're always sexy. It's like reincarnation and they were also lovers in the past, lol.

I can only cry and curse like everybody else....What an amazing build up for nothing. Such a cock teaser. This story is a painful case of blue balls. Fuck.

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