Zarathustra May 21, 2018 4:24 pm

I miss this. I think I got spoiled by the frequent updates. This story is one of my happy places.

Zarathustra April 25, 2018 2:43 pm

Aww, he went to look for Ji Ye in the place where they first met.
Despite his words about relationships, Guan Shan is a hopeless romantic after all.

Zarathustra February 5, 2018 5:05 am

I like the slapstick and slices of life shots. It's endearing and entertaining.
However, I really enjoy when the author shows more than that and adds formative background into each of these characters. It makes them more interesting in my opinion. You start analyzing their relationships, their personality and how they act towards each other based on what you know they lived through.
I hope she keeps adding these pieces of the puzzle for each of these boys along the way.

    Momo February 5, 2018 5:40 pm

    I like when Old Xian adds plot or background too.
    I'm really curious to understand what is the story behind He Tian's family.

Zarathustra February 3, 2018 5:08 am

This is so unassuming and simple love story and so very beautiful.

Zarathustra February 2, 2018 8:08 pm

- Woojin was whoring around so much in the beginning but they all looked alike and I lost track of who was who.
- So first Woojin thought Hwon was his childhood friend ... now he thinks is the beggar?
- What his deal with his brother, why does he hates him? Did he tease him and then dumped him?
- The brother and Hwon are too much alike, I get lost except whn Hwon is wearing glasses
- Woojin slutting around really turns me off... the guy just kisses and fucks whomever, even now that is supposed to be in love. He called the other pushover but Woojin is the real pushover, he just follows and opens his mouth and legs for nothing.
- Woojin is a coward, not only as a kid who just runaway and left his friend to die and not even told anyone. But even now. He knows who beat Hwon and won't tell....
- Hwon is too good for the weak ball of self pity Woojin. One is faithful, the other a slut. One is devoted, the other never puts any effort. It's about time Woojin does something to earn Hwon' love.

    moralala February 3, 2018 8:15 am

    Yea you are right

    Anonymous February 4, 2018 12:11 am

    Kind of agree.

    Woojin doesn't need much convincing to get himself being fucked or kissed by whomever wants him. It puts me off too.

    His cowardice is evident also when he sees his mother abusing his sister and even if she asks for help he just walks away...

    I wish he would man up to deserve Hwon.

Zarathustra January 26, 2018 5:27 pm

WTF. What just happened? It's like author got bored and just wrote the most half assed closing ever. No development. The main pair hardly gets any sexy time, Hajun's development never came ... and as usual in Yaoi world, awful behavior is nothing - as long as go under the disguise of chasing someone and you patch a lot of fluffy things around. And really, did Hajun really needed to be rejected properly after being humiliated once? And get flowers for being a snake ? I mean, It's all so simple minded.

I have the impression that the author also feel in love with the Pinkie guy and lost interest for the main couple but couldn't change route so far ahead. So she just wrote the quickest shit to get them out of the way. It's clear from the raws that he gets a much sexier and more thoughtful closure.
What a fucking waste of time reading this one.

The title should be: "Just forget about the title, wait until you see the Pinkie Guy" ...

Thinking about it, this whole story is hilarious because of Pinkie stealing the show.

    Kimmy January 26, 2018 5:15 pm

    Agree!!! If this was supposed to be a love story between Hajun and Minho, there should be more development there from start or at least way more chapters working out their bond.
    I feel bad not only for Hajun that never got much attention from the author. I feel bad for Minho that deserved his time winning over his sweetheart the right way.

    I don't even think I can stick around for the Pinkie's grand finale. It all just sound rushed and oversimplified.

    Too bad. It could have been such a cute story if handled properly. Well, that's Yaoi. Can't expect too much. :)

    JJ January 26, 2018 5:34 pm

    I'm laughing my ass off ...

    The last scene with Blackie giving flowers to Pinkie ... 'here, thanks for using my feelings and admiration for you in the most cruel way possible' . You are such a great guy, Sunbae!!

    I mean it's all so fucked up twilight zone.

Zarathustra January 26, 2018 6:49 am

I'm reading because Im stubborn because I'm kind of tired of the sprout thing and there is not much progress, especially from the blondie side.

If the new guy is the uncle, I'm hoping he is a catalyst of some kind that move the story forward. I had a thought that he was gay and loved a man and that's what it was behind the whole fiasco with the girlfriend.
Maybe he will help things along with the young boys love.

Zarathustra January 23, 2018 1:56 pm

I see almost nobody likes Hajun because the guy is 'cold'. Actually everybody is mad because is not immediately falling in love with Minho. I feel it's just unfair.
Nobody is looking at this from Hajun's POV. Why is he supposed to act differently?

1- Personality. Of course he is cold. Is he warm to anybody? He is obviously quieter, more reserved and shy than Minho. He is more serious and basically 'cold' with everybody. Minho is typical playful student, Hajun the Prez who doesn't mingle. He and Minho are not friends and from his POV Minho is intruding in his life after agreeing that they wouldn't talk after the drunk sex.

2- Hajun is in love with Sekyung so this was his priority and at least for now Minho is just someone that was bothering him. If he wanted Sekyung, why would he give hope to Minho or even go ahead with the rumor that they are boyfriends?

3- Minho may have fallen in love with Hajun ( that was quick by the way and didn't make much sense because they had no time to bond) but at first he was only trying to solve his problem with his parents. He probably wouldn't have looked at Hajun the next day at school if not for the selfish reason that he needed the guy to get out of trouble with his parents. He only approached Hajun for his own self interest at first. Hajun had no such incentive to get closer.

4- Hajun had no obligation to go to Minho's house. He was right, it was a stupid thing that Minho won't tell the truth to his parents or just made up that they broke up for instance. Hajun seems to be the kind of guy who doesn't do silly things or lie and Minho is asking him to con his parents. What, by the way, he did. Nobody gave credit to Hajun for actually playing Minho's boyfriend while he probably felt that was very wrong.

5- Hajun is in love with someone else and he idolized his Sunbae. Nobody can expect the guy to just switch his heart like this. He saw no motive to bond with Minho, especially if it would harm his chances with the pink dude. Give Hajun a break.

    YaoiReasonImAlive January 23, 2018 2:09 pm

    Finally someone with some common sense. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    I felt like I was the only one who looked at this from Hajun's POV.

    All the other people here only look at things from Blondie's or Pinkie's POV, and completely forget why Blackie is acting "cold".

    How people can feel bad for Pinkie and not Blackie is beyond me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anyways, I have no clue if this is a spoiler. Maybe I missed something, but who is this? (Do not click if you dont' want any spoilers still e.e)


    Manipulative Player Alert! (Maybe)

    anglefriend January 23, 2018 2:14 pm

    oh at last someone have supported me

    hypergargalesthesia January 23, 2018 3:16 pm

    On point. I would have never cared about others' opinion on shipping, but the fact they're gravitating their anger towards prez is just stupid. If there's a character who's an utter trash, that would be the pink-hair dude. Playing with prez' feelings and manipulation both characters. I just can't see anything likeable with that attitude.

    ellisno January 23, 2018 3:47 pm

    I agree with you. I was actually scrolling through the comments to see if anyone actually looked at this fairly! It’s this idea that since they’re the main couple, Hajun is required to fall in love with Minho, but why should he have to do so immediately, if at all? They are not giving any consideration to the concept of consent here. Plus Sekyung is manipulative af and just not a good person, even if that little backstory was interesting. There are a lot of kids reading this and I can tell you that they’ve gotten used to the yaoi convention of the abusive seme and are just too immature/inexperienced/uninformed to realize how troubling that is.

    I’d bet you anything that the average age of this thread is significantly higher than that of the rest of the comments. Because I used to think that way when I was younger, until I went through an abusive friendship myself and things started to look a little different.

    lia January 23, 2018 5:57 pm
    I agree with you. I was actually scrolling through the comments to see if anyone actually looked at this fairly! It’s this idea that since they’re the main couple, Hajun is required to fall in love with Min... ellisno

    well i can clearly see why you are on blackies side lol
    sure all the people having a different pov must be young and stupid, and you're actually the clever insightful ones #jesus

    the reason why ppl dislike blackie is NOT bc he doesn't immediatly fall for blondie but because he behaves like an arrogant prick who's a poor victim of fate, when he's clearly not lol

    he wakes up and says the idea of him and blondie spending the night is so disgusting, he wants to hurl
    he says that even tho he's gay and said he doesn't eveb know blondie very well, like wut? that's not a super asshole thing to say, to the persons face too lol?
    even more when it also was his drunken ass getting himself in that mess and situation (literally)

    blackie is no innocent little fella. he wanted to go back with pinky 'bc he knew it might be his only chance', like that doesn't sound calculating given the alcohol involved.
    he also constantly acts like everyone is just so stupid and beneath him, heads up, no one likes such people, minho remembers that he even treated him like that before the incident
    he doesn't want to take responsibilty for the situation when minho asks him for his help (well he actually doesn't even listen and thinks blondie is a stalker..)
    yes i actually believe you cannot just fuck with someone and then act like that never happened and doesn't concern you, so no i don't think that hanju is so mercifull when he actuall goes to the family dinner (and he only did go for his crush too) it's more in his interest than in blondies that this doesn't become a big deal and pinky doesn't find out the truth behind the rumours

    he then also accuses blondie that he spread the rumour, like why would he do that? why would he want to lie about being with blackie, like blackie is just that great and wanted, suure, and blackie doesn't care one bit about blondies situation and is only concerned what pinky might think
    most of this was before minho had feelings for him, and everytime he acted as if blondie was an annoying nuisance not better than dirt under his shoes, THAT'S why people don't like him
    he acts like the cheerleader captain that was asked out by the nerdy guy, just that it's the other way around (and no, decent humans do not act that way towards people interested in them, on top of that is that he mostly just assumed that blondie was)

    it's obvious what type the author wanted him to be, tons of yaois and shoujous like that, where the nerdy, serious unapproachable type is paired with the popular goofy deliquent type..just that she made him too bitchy and arrogant and forgot to show us something good about him and his personality to redeem that and make him actually likeable
    like even you don't understand why minho likes him either

    i think we can all agree that blondie would be better off w/o him and instead with someone who actually likes him (and that's why people favor pinky), readers actually like blondie so they obviously dislike blackie for his behaviour.. just imagine that blondie would be your friend and had all that going on (guy who calls a one night stand with them disgusting etc.)
    i mean honestly, blackie is so arrogant he can't even fathom how pinky could like someone as him (!) haha

    if you seriously think this is actually all because of people's ships or that blackie didn't just fall in love asap (like most fiction stories even ever go that way haha), then i don't think it's the majority of readers here that are too young&dumb and with no common sense to understand the story...

    hypergargalesthesia January 24, 2018 12:49 am
    well i can clearly see why you are on blackies side lolsure all the people having a different pov must be young and stupid, and you're actually the clever insightful ones #jesusthe reason why ppl dislike blacki... lia

    a) Point1: 'he wakes up and says the idea of him and blondie spending the night is so disgusting, he wants to hurl
    he says that even tho he's gay and said he doesn't eveb know blondie very well, like wut? that's not a super asshole thing to say, to the persons face too lol?'

    - that's one offensive thing to say. "He says that even though he's gay". I think you can ponder this yourself what's wrong with this statement.
    - you were DRUNK. I don't care whether I woke up with the most handsome person next to me, or the nicest person in the school. But it would be a shock that you woke up with a stranger. That's like being taken advantage just bc you were drunk (regardless of reasons)

    b) Point 2: "he then also accuses blondie that he spread the rumour, like why would he do that?"

    - who freaking else knew in the school that they slept together? It's just b/n him and blondie. I would be more freaked out if he blindly blamed other people.

    c) Point 3: "most of this was before minho had feelings for him, and everytime he acted as if blondie was an annoying nuisance not better than dirt under his shoes, THAT'S why people don't like him"

    - he already rejected him. And told him to stop talking to him... if he still persists, wouldn't you find that annoying? People are stuck with the idea of MC x ML. You have to consider that the MC currently likes the pink-hair dude.

    d) Point 4: "it's obvious what type the author wanted him to be, tons of yaois and shoujous like that..."

    - the physical appearance does resemble. If you remove blond from the story, and make pink-hair dude as the ML. It would be like a typical Yaoi. The MC likes ML, and he's (MC) being nice to him and stuff. You'd actually read it like a reading a shoujo type manga. Then add the blond hair dude. Take him as a side character who likes the MC. If it's the typical shoujo manga, the MC would waver about his feelings. Shifting back and forth to pink and blond. BUt it's not. That's what likeable about this character. Of all the yaoi and manga I've read. He has the firmest personality that can reject the person he doesn't like and focus on the person he likes.

    Again, you're stuck with the idea that MC should fall in love with ML that's why you hate his personality every now and then. You look at them with a labels. You look at them as MC, ML, and a side character. The good thing about this manhua is that the author made the characters stick to their respective personality and made them act as close to reality.

    lia January 24, 2018 6:18 pm

    oh dear, really?

    1) no please evaluate why a gay man would find the idea of sleeping with another man so disgusting that he wants to puke and it's okay for him to say that? i bet if he was a straight character saying that you would act like that's the most offending thing ever to say
    the point is that it's the most disrespectful thing you can say in that situation, even more when it seems like a lie blackie said to deal with the shock
    and no, lol, if you cannot deal with your alcohol, then don't drink, simple
    blondie was just as drunk so it's not like one part used the state of the other, they were both drunk, and for all we know it could even be hanju that wanted to get in blondie's pants, blackie is responsible for the mess he's in

    2) again, no
    what would his motive be? exactly, none really, since it was even blondie's idea to not talk about it, also 'no one else knew', haha no, both were so drunk that they do not remember what happened, so they potentially could have made out in front of everyone, blackie doesn't know that. the fact that he thinks blondie has an interest to spread that rumour even tho it's just as bad for him only shows that blackie mostly thinks about him as the center of things happening, thinking blondie spread the rumour to get back at him or sth similiar.

    3) i think you haven't gotten my point. sure it's annoying, but that's NOT how you act as a decent human. i've had 10x worse guys annoying the fuck out of me than blondie, and i never once acted like the unpolite disrespectful bitch blackie does. THAT'S exactly what ppl don't like about him, NOT that he doesn't like minho back. geez, i wouldn't even want them together as do most readers, so that argument doesn't make much sense. also, the fact that blackie rejected him w/o even knowing what he wanted and just assuming that he likes him or anything is also an arrogant behaviour.

    4) i'm assuming you haven't read much yaoi then, but again, it's not about him liking pinkie, there wouldn't even much of a story if 2 characters just fall for each other and that's it, the personality i described hasn't even that much to do with the respective love interest but with the typical clashing personalities of an uptight serious guy from a strict (unloving) family who is cold or gets bullied and the aloof easygoing type who doesn't follow the rules and has a loving family, has tons of friends, blabla. this has been done in both BL and straight fiction tons of times. just that this is a very bad example how to bc blackie has only the bad traits yet lol (she's all that, clueless, wild chick, etc. all have a dmiliar approach)

    like i said, no, i do not even want blackie to fall for blondie, i wouldn't see their relationship as healthy and i want minho to be with someone that truly likes him. like i said, imagine your friend would be into that guy that treated them like trash, you wouldn't be like 'oh wow i want them together', sure as hell not.
    i hate his personality because he sits on a horse so high he can see the clouds and treats other people except pinkie like they aren't worth his time, and on top of that w/ o a legit reason. no one likes arrogant people who can't even offer anything to justify their feeling of superiority
    i also don't care about mc etc, haven't even talked about that haha, it's just that blondie is a likeable guy, so readers care about him. i'm actually the type that favours the side ships over the main ones in most cases bc they tend to not be as predictable

    YaoiReasonImAlive January 24, 2018 8:08 pm

    *sigh* I can't believe I'm actually going to explain this to you, since you will never see this from my POV. But here I go.

    1) "no please evaluate why a gay man would find the idea of sleeping with another man so disgusting that he wants to puke and it's okay for him to say that?"

    - The idea? He actually woke up naked to someone he doesn't know AND he was also expecting that to be his crush. He obviously said it because he was shocked.

    "i bet if he was a straight character saying that you would act like that's the most offending thing ever to say"

    - No, because I would still understand why the hell he said it. And this has nothing to do with sexuality at all, but okay.

    "the point is that it's the most disrespectful thing you can say in that situation, even more when it seems like a lie blackie said to deal with the shock"

    - Maybe it's not the kindest thing you can say to someone, but he was shocked like I said before. And what lie are you talking about? I wouldn't call it lying when you say something out of shock.

    "and no, lol, if you cannot deal with your alcohol, then don't drink, simple
    blondie was just as drunk so it's not like one part used the state of the other, they were both drunk, and for all we know it could even be hanju that wanted to get in blondie's pants, blackie is responsible for the mess he's in"

    - They never told us if it was Hajun's first time drinking or not, they told us that it was Minho's first time drinking, so it could've been Hajun's first time as well. And since he's such a goodie-two-shoes kid I would assume that. They were both drunk and we don't know what happened that night, so who knows what actually happened between them. Yeah, they're both responsible for the mess they're in, it was their choice to drink even though with Blackie it was pressured onto him. But Hajun also has a choice in where he wants to go with it, and he chose not to talk about it again and just to be sure, that they wouldn't meet again. He did this to protect himself from Sekyung knowing.

    2) - I'm not even going to... what? Of course he would go to Minho first. It's about those two. No one in this world would think of someone else in this situation than the one person they know knows about it. That's just common sense. Continue.

    3) - We are different people. Hajun is clearly way different than you. Decent human? Nope, I would be mad af. And remember it's not only to protect himself, but also to protect the relationship between him and Sekyung. Hajun doesn't want anything to do with Minho anymore. In his mind it was a mistake and he just wants to move on. If a dude kept bothering me about it and tried to ask for my number and come to his house I would also be quite annoyed. I guess we're all different though, but almost everyone I know would be annoyed with that.

    4) - I've seen loads of people like Hajun in manga. And to me he of course has some bad traits, no one's perfect. I would never call him a bitch though. All the people reading this are only looking at things from Minho's and Sekyung's POV because they can't bother to even try and understand why Hajun is acting the way he is. Even though you might try to get it, you clearly just don't understand the feelings and actions of a person like this. Saying that he's not a decent human and calling him an unpolite, disrespectful bitch is just shitty of you when you can't even get his personality right.

    "imagine your friend would be into that guy that treated them like trash, you wouldn't be like 'oh wow i want them together', sure as hell not."

    - It's their fucking business. If Minho was my friend, I would've let him do what he gotta do, but Hajun's actions are understandable. Since I said why his actions are understandable before I will not say it again.

    - We're clearly never going to agree. To me I can understand Hajun's actions 100%, but I guess you just can't. Honestly how old are you? If you don't want to tell me that's fine, I don't wanna pressure you or anything. I'm just wondering, since we talked about the age thing before. Goodbye for now.

    lia January 24, 2018 9:05 pm

    i think you're seriously missing my points and i'm just repeating myself

    1) of course he was shocked, but tht at explains and not justifies his behaviour. i mean really, saying something in affect is still saying it and i can still hold him accountable for that
    and yes, the sexuality plays a role, a gay man shouldn't find the sole idea of having sex with another man so disgusting that he wants to puke, blondie is a normal guy, not unhygienic, old, fat, or anything other that would make him much different from pinkie, so waking up to a random normal dude shouldn't be hella disgusting then, unless you're straight or asexual or disgusting was it even when he chose to do that while drunk? alcohol isn't that powerful, nor did he actually show any signs of real disgust..which is why i think he just said that because he's embarrased about it
    it doesn't change the fact that even if you feel that way, you should keep your mouth shut, the point is that his behaviour was assholish, no matter why(!)

    2)that was NOT the problem. please bother to actually read what i write. it's not about him talking to minho, it's about him accusing him directly that he did that, even tho that's kinda unlikely, without actually given him a chance to explain the thing or hear his pov..again, NOT how respectful polite people act

    3) i think you haven't gotten the point. it's okay to act out on your feelings when you're under the age of 12, maybe 14, but after that: no. feeling annoyed and acting on it are 2 cup of teas, and that's the issue: it's not about your or my pov, it's about the fact that objectively hanju's behaviour is shit, especially since this was only such a hassle because he didn't bother to listen to blondie and just assumed he wanted to hook up when all he wanted was to clear the situation with his family and was only so persistent because of that, it's not that hard to listen to a person for 5 minutes, minho could have wanted to talk about sth serious as std for all he knows, that's why i said that you cannot complain that you fucked with someone and that this then has some consequences in your life, even when that's just talking...sticking your head in the sand doesn't work at a certain age
    oh and ps: acting like a stuck up bitch to guys you reject can easily turn into something quite ugly.

    honestly if someone should be concerned about age that's me, not you lol, but i find the use of ad hominem in this thread pathetic anyway
    you understand it? good, it's not about understanding but about justifying. understanding that a guy who got raped as a child by his mother know kills women for that reason is one thing, saying it's okay because of that another one. this is the same for a smaller scale. acting like an ass because you were bullied? no. slapping your children because that's what happened to you? no. using being drunk as an excuse for cheating?'re doing the same with hanju, all i did was explain why people dislike him, and you tried to undermine all this wrong doings by, yeah by what? he was shocked and minho was annoying. oh wow. it's ironic really, because you also cannot understand hanju because the author failes to explain ANYTHING about him yet. he literally has no personality aside from stuck up prez, disliking minho and liking senpai
    we do not know what he does in his free time, about friends and family, why he reacted how he did, but you tell me you get him? the only part that you get is also that you're not able to listen to people before judging and somehow think you're just so clever unlike the others, that's why you have a different opinion, and someone disagreeing must surely have a limited empathy level #that'swhyinternetdiscussionsareuselessandfakenewswin

    i showed you with proof why people dislike blackie, and you go on and try to undermine those facts and keep on telling me the majority of readers only feels that way because of the simple and illogical reason that he doesn't like minho back, like damn dude, i wonder why people don't dislike most yaoi characters then lol
    maybe, just maybe, people understand but it doesn't make much of a difference to them, and they just dislike someone who behaves badly? just maybe

    you try to ignore the clear flaws this story has and the poor bad job the artist did by blaming the readers for a legitimate opinion and observation, because YOU PERSONALLY like people like blackie. oh and yes, he behaves like a bitch and he isn't real, if you get offened by that i ask myself how you can overlook blackies behaviour, but fine, he has a super disgusting personality, better?

    YaoiReasonImAlive January 24, 2018 10:48 pm

    Dude, I give up.

    Thanks for this nice discussion, even though I've read every comments up there and still dont' know what you're talking about with that last comment. I don't think I missed your points at all, but that might be all me. I think you missed my points, but I'm absolutely horrible at explaing shit, so I think this is my bad.
    Maybe I just suck at English honestly xD

    I'm just gonna say that Hajun had every right to be overly cautious with Minho. And act kinda shitty considering the situation, that's the difference between us though. So, I'm not going to write about that again :P I'm not overlooking his behaviour, I just accept it.

    Now, I'll shut up.

    hypergargalesthesia January 25, 2018 2:13 am


    hypergargalesthesia January 25, 2018 2:13 am

    I can't find a laughing emoji so it's just that... :))

Zarathustra January 22, 2018 4:34 am

... Why? why? The story was so sweet, the guy seemed so sweet ... why it has to be so fucking rapey every shit time?
What the fuck, can't fiction have decent guys who take care of others without fucking taking advantage of them in their sleep? The guy was so sweet, it's like seeing a cute guy picking his nose and all turns gross. Usually when the story is rapey-cute shit you notice the creepy thing from start with all the mean dudes but this one looked so nice. I hate when they put this creepy shit after they get you hooked.

    Higuashi January 22, 2018 2:48 am


    Zarathustra January 22, 2018 3:20 am
    Rapey?? Higuashi

    It is not?
    You are sleeping and somebody take off your clothes and start having sex with you ... Except in Yaoi maybe, where in the world this is not sexual molestation?
    That's pretty creepy and like I said, it's like the guy turned into a different person because I can't relate being a good person to doing something so low.
    It's not a matter if the guy didn't care or proceed to force himself too and then it's all good. That's just makes creepier. The story is asking me to keep seeing the guy as a decent, sweet good guy but the act of taking advantage of someone is something that doesn't add up for such character.
    It didn't make sense to me, he looked someone who would help the guy without malice and he was totally a pervert creep.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 22, 2018 3:51 am

    Like the jerking off in the bathroom part wasn't weird.

    Anonymous January 22, 2018 4:09 am

    I was disappointed too. I didn't see that coming because he seemed such a good person. I thought their connection would start with mutual attraction or bonding. He had no way to know if the guy was attracted to him or if he would be okay with it so the result does not excuse the act.
    I have nothing against rape in fiction but I feel sad when I see people who seem don't understand that what they are reading is rape or sexual abuse. I have been victim of such behavior once when I was on a sleepover with a friend. Some people still ask if I was really mad since I had a crush on him. Why is so hard to understand that anything done without consent is wrong and twisted?

    Higuashi January 22, 2018 4:10 am
    It is not? You are sleeping and somebody take off your clothes and start having sex with you ... Except in Yaoi maybe, where in the world this is not sexual molestation? That's pretty creepy and like I... Zarathustra

    I mean I wouldn't say fully rapey....cause in the end someone was getting topped. Like in the beginning he should not have done that but in the end and a little after the beginning they both wanted it. So like meh....on the rape part for me at least.

    Zarathustra January 22, 2018 4:33 am
    Like the jerking off in the bathroom part wasn't weird. JustAYaoiFangirl

    hmm... I don't really understand the comparison. How's jerking off in the privacy of a bathroom stall compares to molesting someone? Unless he was exposing himself, I don't see how it really matters if his panting was from shitting or jerking off. One may be weird or embarrassing -- I guess the guy had no other place to relieve himself -- but hardly unlawful or an indicative of bad character.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 22, 2018 4:38 am
    hmm... I don't really understand the comparison. How's jerking off in the privacy of a bathroom stall compares to molesting someone? Unless he was exposing himself, I don't see how it really matters if his pan... Zarathustra

    The point is that this was weird from the start. I'm not trying to compare.

    Zarathustra January 22, 2018 4:55 am
    I was disappointed too. I didn't see that coming because he seemed such a good person. I thought their connection would start with mutual attraction or bonding. He had no way to know if the guy was attracted to... @Anonymous

    Sorry to hear about what happened to you ... :(

    Zarathustra January 22, 2018 4:58 am
    The point is that this was weird from the start. I'm not trying to compare. JustAYaoiFangirl

    Ah okay. :)
    Sorry about the misunderstanding.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 22, 2018 5:17 am
    Ah okay. :) Sorry about the misunderstanding. Zarathustra

    Nah its cool fam, i should have made that more clear

    Morohtar January 25, 2018 7:26 pm

    Rapey isn't really the best term for this.
    He was molesting him, and then the guy topped him. Both didn't make a fuss either and were rather into it right off the bat.

    peachyhobi January 27, 2018 6:28 am
    Rapey isn't really the best term for this.He was molesting him, and then the guy topped him. Both didn't make a fuss either and were rather into it right off the bat. Morohtar

    So does the fact that he was molesting him, rather than raping him, make it okay? The dude was asleep and didn't give consent; it doesn't matter whether or not they both enjoyed it, it's still wrong and inexcusable.

    pedolecki January 27, 2018 8:26 pm
    So does the fact that he was molesting him, rather than raping him, make it okay? The dude was asleep and didn't give consent; it doesn't matter whether or not they both enjoyed it, it's still wrong and inexcus... peachyhobi

    Exactly in the end he molested him and in the end the other guy pretty much raped him because he didn't give a clear consent to sex, even if it looked like he enjoyed it

    Morohtar January 28, 2018 2:31 am
    So does the fact that he was molesting him, rather than raping him, make it okay? The dude was asleep and didn't give consent; it doesn't matter whether or not they both enjoyed it, it's still wrong and inexcus... peachyhobi

    Did I ever say that it makes it ok? No, I did not. Please stop assuming.
    "it doesn't matter whether or not they both enjoyed it", that IS actually important as it changes the entire situation if we're talking legal/illegal issues.
    All in all, it had nothing to do with rape. One guy molested the other, then said Molester was actually topped by the molested guy. And we all know he was happy to be topped due to what he said/thought. Which makes me wonder why people make this a rape issue all of a sudden (like pedolecki appearantly).

    Morohtar January 28, 2018 2:32 am
    Exactly in the end he molested him and in the end the other guy pretty much raped him because he didn't give a clear consent to sex, even if it looked like he enjoyed it pedolecki

    Verbal consent is not needed for the majority of people, there are actually people who bother to fend off someone that tries to have intercourse with them. The character even said/thought/narrated that he was into it. So it was in fact not rape.

    peachyhobi January 28, 2018 4:55 am

    First of all, I agreed with you that it was molestation and not rape, so idk why you're trying so hard to prove that the situation didn't involve rape. Second of all, the guy was fucking sleeping, and was taken advantage of. That's wrong on so many levels.

    Anonymous January 28, 2018 5:12 am

    you are describing sexual assault, and it's really alarming finding all the comments trying to justify what was portrayed, arguing if 'molesting' or 'raping'. yikes. I think some have lost it reading too much yaoi.

    sexual assault is sexual assault. but around here I guess if you don't fight someone off or cry about it, it's not a big deal. would this discussion be the same if it was a girl???

    peachyhobi January 28, 2018 5:20 am

    And verbal consent is not needed in situations where people show physical signs that they want to have sex through body language, such as getting touchy with their partner. I think it'd be near impossible to tell whether or not the molested guy wanted to be sexually touched when he wasn't even awake and aware of what was happening. And just because your body reacts a certain way when being touched sexually (ie. getting an erection), it doesn't mean you necessarily like it or want to engage in intercourse. In this situation, as fucked up as it sounds, the molested guy thankfully liked it and willingly had sex with his molestor so it didn't become a bigger issue. But what if he didn't like it? The molestor would then be seen as a bad guy because of his actions, and the molested one would be seen as a victim of molestation. Which is funny because that was exactly what the case was //before// the sleeping guy awoke. The only thing that made it seem like a consensual situation was because he decided to go along with it. There's simply no way in hell that the molestor's actions can be justified; what he did was wrong and he knew it, he just got lucky that his victim was willing to top him in the end.

    Joyeshaa January 28, 2018 12:33 pm

    I kinda asked the same thing in a totally different story. Lots of Yaoi includes raping especially high school ones. BUT really now I don't think it was rape in this one. The mc clearly had sexual desires for him and he was giving him a bj while he was asleep. He was molesting him. But then again, the seme liked it and fucked him afterwards. Who is in the wrong? I say both. I say no one.

    Morohtar January 28, 2018 7:51 pm
    First of all, I agreed with you that it was molestation and not rape, so idk why you're trying so hard to prove that the situation didn't involve rape. Second of all, the guy was fucking sleeping, and was take... peachyhobi

    I wasn't 'trying hard to prove it wasn't rape', I simply stated the difference. And It All I wanted to say was that the term 'rapey' shouldn't be used, that's really all.
    (And to reply to your second seperate post), I never try to justify that kinda behavior, really. I'm not keen on rape and molesting is a bit of a 50-50 for me (this one was ok for me since it did turn out to be mutual).
    I have just seen too many threads starting with the term 'rapey' or flat out rape even tho there was none, that many people start downvoting and bashing the manga without even reading it. That really ruins many good manga, especially on here were there are no mods and admins keeping the comments section in check.
    People should be careful with the term rape since many (for some kinda reason I do not understand) preffer reading the comments section BEFORE reading the manga. And well, if they come across anything negative with rape being included...they'll just skip the work rather than see if it's actually like what was said. And I'd really like to avoid that, personally. ^^;

    Please don't get me wrong, I didn't try to start a fight with you or anything. Sorry if it came across like that.

    Morohtar January 28, 2018 7:56 pm
    you are describing sexual assault, and it's really alarming finding all the comments trying to justify what was portrayed, arguing if 'molesting' or 'raping'. yikes. I think some have lost it reading too much y... @Anonymous

    There is a big difference between rape and molestation or sexual harrassment.
    We weren't argueing either, this is what a discussion looks like my friend.
    Also, gender has nothing to do with this. And nobody said anything about it being a-okay if you don't fight them off and cry. Where did you get that assumption from? Did you even read the manga and see the scene we were talking about?

    pedolecki February 7, 2018 2:55 am
    Verbal consent is not needed for the majority of people, there are actually people who bother to fend off someone that tries to have intercourse with them. The character even said/thought/narrated that he was i... Morohtar

    The guy was literally unconscious verbal consent was needed, in the end the buzzcut guy basically sexually assaulted and then get was raped. He said 'wait' before it happened so that basically rape even if he ended up enjoying. Verbal consent is needed a majority of the time unless, you simultaneously just went at it.

    Zarathustra February 7, 2018 4:37 am
    I wasn't 'trying hard to prove it wasn't rape', I simply stated the difference. And It All I wanted to say was that the term 'rapey' shouldn't be used, that's really all.(And to reply to your second seperate po... Morohtar

    I see that this topic is going on and I'd just would like to point out my original thought:

    1- I am one of the people who prefer to read comments before reading the manga. I find it very useful because I don't like to waste time on something I feel I wouldn't like. Or long mangas that have a rushed ending, or whatever. For rape, I came to realize that indeed many readers don't flag or even comment rape/abuse/etc. So you ended up reading comments about how cute/sexy/amazing a manga is but readers who don't mind or don't see abuse in the manga as a trigger warning simply won't mention. I am grateful too for readers who leave a sincere feedback, either good or bad. I've seen many times someone leaving a critic on some manga just to be shut down as if only good feedback or people who liked were allowed to comment.
    2- I know this discussion dwelled on if the mentioned act was abuse/molestation/rape because of the aftermath and this is not even the usual/typical 'rapey' yaoi that has an abusive partner who rapes his partner until they fall in love. I usually don't even comment on those. Rape is not a big deal for me when portrayed as such but I personally find yaoi rape ( the rape-as-love) idiotic because it's too childish to be believed.
    3- My point, and please, not the difference of what I am about to say., my point on this manga is that I can't equate someone being a good person and then proceed to molest/rape/whatever someone. I am NOT discussing the aftermath. I am discussing what it takes for someone to molest someone who is sleeping for instance. What it takes for someone to take advantage of someone.
    What makes a rapist/molester ? is it the victim attitude after the act or the intention? One can say that the victim makes the rapist/molester because if the victim ends up enjoying/agreeing then she/he takes away the offense. I believe that is what most are saying here when excusing what the 'good' guy did. However, I think a rapist/molester is the person who choses to act no matter what is the result of it.
    For instance, if I am a person who sees an opportunity to steal a walled from an open purse and I do it. Does a good person does that? No. I think everybody can agree on that. What if the owner catches me taking their money and for some yaoi magic say it's okay and I can have the money? One can say that my act is forgiven but that doesn't change the fact that I am still a thief and a bad person. And THAT was my point in this manga and my frustration. I was following and engaged in a story that had a sweet, good guy and out of nowhere the character does something that doesn't relate as if it was nothing. If the character had been presented as being a creep or having emotional disturbing or anything that justified that he is someone who takes home someone and proceeds to molest someone who is unconscious, then I could make some sense of it. In the way the author wrote, a good guy doing something so creep broke the intelligent plot for me.
    So, to summarize, this whole deal should not have been focused on the word 'rapey' if that bothers people so much ( I put rapey as a way to say rape-ish... it's not like the guy would not have raped the other if he couldn't. He sucked the guy off. He would have done whatever as long as he didn't get caught. He didn't care if he had consent or not. It's rapey). The focus is that good character people don't chose to take sexual advantage of other people. The act is the same, the lack of character is the same, even if the victim in the yaoi magic world falls in love for the creep. This lack of logic in the plot is what generated my post.

Zarathustra January 21, 2018 9:46 pm

I mean, why does everything has to be so overdone? The ever blushing virginal priest that it's over 25 but act like a 12 y old virgin e v e r y t i m e ... and then brother and the stalker who humiliates himself for crumbs. A tad bit of a jerk falling in love is cute but someone having not even a bit of pride like that make him sound a dimwit. It could be so cute if only there was some tone down.

    Itzarit January 22, 2018 4:37 am

    Agree 100%

    foreverfujoshi January 22, 2018 9:13 am

    I get what you mean but this is a fiction, bruh! Nothing is being overdone here. People read this to forget their stress and frustrations so if this was being based in real (fucking) life, then we're just wasting our time. Just sayin.

    Anonymous January 22, 2018 9:23 am
    I get what you mean but this is a fiction, bruh! Nothing is being overdone here. People read this to forget their stress and frustrations so if this was being based in real (fucking) life, then we're just wasti... foreverfujoshi

    "People read this to forget their stress and frustrations" this story is stress and frustration inducing in case you couldn't tell. and like you said "People read this to forget their stress and frustrations" wanting it to be toned down would lead to less stress and frustration, so your point about how this story is not overdone, and how people read to reduce stress is contradicting and invalid.

    foreverfujoshi January 22, 2018 11:52 am
    "People read this to forget their stress and frustrations" this story is stress and frustration inducing in case you couldn't tell. and like you said "People read this to forget their stress and frustrations" w... @Anonymous

    My point is, this whole thing is fiction and doesnt have to be based on what is real. This comment is just giving negative impressions to those who havent read the manga yet.

    Anonymous January 22, 2018 3:14 pm
    My point is, this whole thing is fiction and doesnt have to be based on what is real. This comment is just giving negative impressions to those who havent read the manga yet. foreverfujoshi

    I'm sorry but you are generalizing why and how people like their fiction based on your personal taste and standards.

    This overused nonsense that 'this is fiction so the characters are not supposed to make sense' is silly as counter argument for criticism. If someone doesn't care if their stories/characters resemble normal thinking people, others might care and there is nothing wrong with it.

    Just because something it's fiction it doesn't mean it cannot be realistic. Of course it doesn't 'need' to be but, many readers prefer their stories to make some sense instead of being over silly for instance. It's just a matter of taste. And it doesn't take silly stories/characters to 'forget stress and frustration'.
    And what is the problem with the comment giving a negative impression of the story? Someone read this story and this was the impression they had. Like everybody else, she/he expressed an opinion. It may not be useful to you but be useful to other readers. If only positive feedback were acceptable or if people were asked to shut up every time they have a bad review, what is the point of comments? Fangirling only? Luring people into a story by hiding that some people didn't like it? It doesn't make sense.
    Everyone has a right to post their opinions and criticism should be welcomed too. A 'bad' impression is not without value. I, for instance, prefer to read the comments that are harsh before making a choice of reading a story so I know the worst that could be.
    Thanks readers who leave their sincere opinion or impressions about a manga, good or bad.
    I'm going to give a try on this one because now I am actually curious to confirm or not the criticism ( and as you see, sometimes a bad impression is also a way to get someone curious about the manga).

    justme January 22, 2018 4:02 pm
    I'm sorry but you are generalizing why and how people like their fiction based on your personal taste and standards. This overused nonsense that 'this is fiction so the characters are not supposed to make sens... @Anonymous

    I just got here but I like you already.

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