I suppose it's impossible not to see the similarity with POTN but I wish the MC didn't resembled so much Seungho. Same historical setting and the MC looks like a very good Seungho fanart. I guess that happens when a story becomes very popular and it springs into other authors creating something that follows the trend.

I love the author's art but I don't understand all the subplots... on top of it, except for the big brother, they all look alike so I have a hard time distinguishing the characters ...
why again the little brother was targeted by the ghost? Why did he die? What Dohwi has to do with it? And in this last chapter, who was killing who?

here's a quick rundown the way i understand it:
dowhi is half ghost
dowhi and sungjae both liked each other but dowhi didn't know and in an attempt to get sungjae to like him, he asked ghosts to make sungjae like him by giving him erotic dreams
this caused problems as the ghost got attached to sungjae and didn't want to leave after sungjae and dowhi confirmed their feelings for each other
this causes him to bother sungjae and dowhi a lot, even possessing sungjae sometimes and doing some generally creepy shit
OK NOW MOVING ON TO THE SIDE STORY (i can't remember their names sry!! i'll refer to them as sungjae's cousin and other boy lmao)
sungjae's cousin liked that other boy (i forgot what their relationship was... i think the other boy was part of the family but kind of a bastard child bc he was the son of a prostitute??)
sungjae's cousin is a jerk and decides that if he cannot express his love for the other boy, he will make him remember him by bullying him.
this makes the other boy understandably fed up and leads him to curse the cousin's family with a book he found in a market place, making them cough up blood as you saw in the comic.
the cousin actually knows abt the other boy cursing him, but is ok with it and wants to die by his hands. i guess as proof that he's thinking abt him?? some sort of twisted apology?? i'm not sure
however, the other boy also starts to catch feelings for dowhi. this would normally be ok except he wasn't able to read the curse book he got in the market all the way through
the curse book said that in order for the curse to work, the curser (other boy) needs to ONLY have hate in his heart towards the cursee (the cousin) or the other boy will have the curse double back on him instead.
so instead of the cousin dying as he wanted, because other boy fell in love with dowhi, other boy dies.
the cousin is in anguish because the person he loved died (maybe you shouldn't have bullied him?) and thinks its dowhi's fault
he uses the same exact curse that other boy used against him to use against dowhi (that's why we saw him talking to the ghost (remember, this is the ghost that is obsessed with sungjae from the main story!!) and then that red mark appearing on his wrist).
this obviously causes dowhi to start coughing up blood, etc. the ghost also possesses sungjae and makes him attack him, beating him unconscious with a rock as we saw in the last couple of chapters
sungjae eventually snaps out of it but by then it's too late and dowhi is lying in the pond bleeding :(
then the ghost that is obsessed with him is walking towards sungjae and that's the last thing we see
hope this was helpful lol

im kinda confused at the curse part. so if the curser (suyeon - sungjae's bastard cousin) have feelings for dohwi, why would it reflect the curse onto him, since his cursee is actually beom (aka rude ass bith)? is this some kind of plot hole or is it implying that suyeon actually have feelings for beom, bc if thats so... ohhh boiiii thats twisted!

so suyeon found the curse in a book in the market place but was unable to read the book fully and therefore know all of the conditions. basically, the curse would work as long as suyeon had ONLY hate in his heart towards beom but he started to develop strong feelings for dowhi (or that's the explanation given now at least, i have no idea whether or not suyeon started to like beom or not). so how it's been explained so far, the curse doesn't care who suyeon develops feelings for, only that it's a different feeling than pure hate towards beom and therefore a violation of the rules of the curse. he can ONLY have hate in his heart. since he didn't, the curse just reverses back on him.
this is part of the reason why beom blames dowhi for suyeon's death and curses him in return - he believes (wrongly!!!) that it's dowhi's fault for making suyeon love him and therefore killing him.
hope that was helpful??

I don't know where I heard it but I once read it that this story would follow four seasons. It started with fall. This one was winter. So, if this is correct, we will see season 3 starting with Spring. Hopefully that means also Seungho x Nakyum will be at the point of their relationship where their bond and love will be blossoming.
On this chapter, it's was Seungho's protector role overload and Nakyum really making himself at home in Seungho's arms.
You have to imagine what the townspeople is thinking of this scene.
Seungho apparently has no preoccupation in hiding his relationship with Nakyum and, given his fame around town, it must be a spectacle watching him being soft and caring with anyone, even more someone that clearly is not of his status.
I don't know how this will play out but I don't think that even Seungho can just get away with blatantly going against rigid status hierarchy rules of society of that time. This is a time where people bowed to nobles so watching him sitting on the floor to cuddle Nakyum and then buying an expensive music box just to calm him down must be the gossip of the town. Maybe this will be what brings his father's into the plot or be used by Min and others to make him lose status.
On another note, the author retweeted a comment from someone who said that the lanterns in the scene was on purpose the typical lanterns of wedding ceremony and the intention was to mark the start of Seungho x Nakyum as a couple both to themselves as to others. That is a relief for the shippers who have patiently and painfully waiting for the story to reach the point where they actually show and admit they care for each other. On the other side it means the drama and conflict moves to the outsiders that will try their hardest to split them.
Min, Jihwa, Tarzan assassin, Inhun, Seungho's father and Heena, that although may think she will be doing good for Nakyum, at this point any harm to Seungho is also a harm to Nakyum.
They better be prepared for all the enemies and shit that is coming for them. Let's hope that at least we will get lots of Seungho pampering Nakyum in the meantime.

Except for the piss smelling hobo assassin at the end, this chapter was pretty sweet:
- Seungho taking Nakyum to eat at a restaurant like they were in a date.
- Nakyum didn't realize it but Seungho just confirmed that he knows about what Inhun said to him that day in the library.
- Seungho, always jealous, doesn't realize that Nakyum is practically confessing that he doesn't care for Inhun anymore and his feelings are for Seungho ' Now I cry for you, my Lord'.
- Nakyum's showing that he still doesn't believe Seungho's feelings are true, only a temporary attention that it will go away.
- Seungho watching over a drunk stubborn Nakyum, probably thinking what the readers are: how cute is this cinnamon bun.
- Nakyum revealing that he pays attention to Seungho as much as Seungho pays attention to him. He knows Seungho spends his nights alone, he knows he stays awake because he watches the lights ... he is curious about why Seungho doing alone instead of coming to him. He is trying to pry so hard ...
- Seungho may be in love but he is still very much guarded. He is deflecting Nakyum's question with flirting but we all know why he doesn't sleep well, how he is haunted by nightmares. Before he had his whores and orgies to distract him but now is either drinking or reading or drugs .... and why he is not reaching out to Nakyum?
- Seungho's flirty response to Nakyum may be half right too... is he waiting for Nakyum to come to him?
- Seungho teasing Nakyum and how Nakyum is so easy to get busted. The time that Seungho play with paint on his belly and what they did after is apparently something Nakyum still think about and the air of delight in Seungho's face when he realizes what Nakyum is talking about and how he kept this memory.
- Seungho probably still insecure about Inhun but he clearly looks happy too with Nakyum's reactions so let's hope he is getting the message that he is doing it the right way now to win over Nakyum's heart.

I know I am in minority but I find the hobo assassin the least interesting character in the story. Maybe it's because the whole and only attribute he has is to be a fan service hunk and, as many characters of the same author, he looks like a copy of Seungho with a few features added to look like a different character.
I much prefer that we had Inhun, Min and the other sides characters with screen time and development because I can't shake the notion that the hobo assassin is such a bore as character without any personality but the physical.
Being so porn stereotype hot though I know he is here to stay so I suppose there is no remedy for me but hope he do his side bit but other more interesting characters have mor e deserving time.
What's the point of this fanservice?
Most of the fans probably would have preferred Seth to get TCL not being raped again since that already happened as cannon. At least that's what it seems from the comments, that readers would rather see something hot and tender instead of a repetition of Seth being tortured.
Author's fans on twitter asked for it as I remember, that is why they made it.
people on twt weird asf Like who asks for this????
idk whose idea for the extra story to be about rape, either author or fans, so I can't say much but yea, why don't author just write the story without including rape...just do it canon
Frr like are they in their right mind??
idk if you read the author’s note and if I understand it completely. But author said that the mature version was the very first ending of Ennead season 1 when it was a short story. I guess things changed and so did the ending, and the first ending got drafted.
Perhaps, since the original ending was already created, the author decided to just upload it or share it as a not canon chapter. but yeah
excuse my english ╥﹏╥
They probably just asked Mojito to share the original Ennead ending that was changed to something else. Not something like "pls draw horus raping seth again".