The ONLY way This should have been written is the prince realizing he did her wrong on so many levels and commuting to communicating and being better while she slowly falls in love. Why is she in love with a man she’s met maybe twice beforehand. She literally knows nothing about him and the way he acts is a super red flag. If any romance should progress from where it stands she shouldn’t immediately be in love or “weak

I’m over this one. The exceptionally skinny body the fl has, how the fl I supposed to be op but ml always just has to save her from something she can do herself, and the trashbag of an ml has put me over the edge lol. Sometimes authors like these make me wonder wth they think about, feels like a man wrote this iykyk

Exactly and for someone who swings a sword all the time you would at least be able to see her toned muscles while she’s naked. And she’s always running on a battle field she would have a more muscular body type in general, her body would look more like Alex’s from the manhwa “Marie and Alex”.
And she could’ve easily put the pervert in a head lock without hurting him too much when she was on that balcony
I’ve been trying to put my finger on why I just don’t love the fl and ml together and I think it’s bc there’s really been no chemistry bw them. Like it’s been 46 chapters of her blushing over everything he does and him just kinda being there yk. Idk it just feels like there’s been a sudden turn in the ml’s behavior the last ten-ish chapters that isn’t really explained. Like why is he now openly into her. I get the idea that he was always into her and it might have something to do w the mom blah blah blah. But even so it just doesn’t feel right if yk what I mean
also feels kinda gross he was stringing her along the entire time. as soon as another guy enters her world he does everything he can to drive them away. the other guy had the right idea by calling out his bratty childish behavior. i really feel bad for the fl.