So what both were doing to their fingers is called skin picking and skin picking is usually related to OCD. I've done this since I was a kid, from biting my nails to skin picking. When I was 28 I was diagnosed with OCD and then it all made sense.

Guys don't be so sure you don't have OCD because it has a looooot of shapes. It never crossed my mind that I had OCD until I was diagnosed. And mine is really weird, I'm afraid ot eating and gagging/vomiting. I'm also afraid of going out and not being able to find the place I want or of being late. Weird shit that at first one would never think is OCD.

i really appreciate your words !! but i am very sure i don't have OCD, even tho i have many of the different elements of OCD. for example, i am very cautious and mindful of germs, and will wash my hands excessively if i get into contact with others. i also take at least 2 showers a day. i have a weird cleaning habit, where although it might seem messy, i'm neat. i have a picking habit. but, it is not affecting my daily life in a deviant manner, nor am i bringing attention to my actions. i am able to function to my 100% everyday, with these little things.
people can have pieces of OCD but not have actual OCD:) do not worry too much, but i am touched by your kindness ! i have weird worries sometimes, but they are not affecting my life, and with regards to OCD, i am absolutely sure i don't have it. thank you so much for writing again !!

Thank you for taking the time to give us some insight, but I don't have it either. It's not extreme enough imo. plus I mainly do it to places that have bumps or peeling skin. Then I pick and pick and it's become a habit for so long I always have a scab. It's not obsessive tho if I'm busy I forget about it depending on what I'm doing. However, you're right ill never know until i see someone about it. Thanks tho have a nice day ヾ(☆▽☆)

It's nice seeing a story about classical guitar. More than 30 years ago, when my mother was single she received a guitar as a present and decided to learn how to play it. She went to a school but they only taught the classical guitar. She fell in love with it and decided to learn it even tho it was expensive (a lot more expensive than to learn accoustic guitar). After years she also became a classical guitar teacher. I was raised while listening to her playing it and these are such lovely memories. It's my second time trying to learn it from her and although it's difficult it also gives me satisfaction. I'd like if someone read this manhwa and become interested in the classical guitar. My favorite songs are Bachianinha by Paulinho Nogueira and Cacique by Attilio Bernardini.

Yuri IS homophobic. He looks at the gay characters with disgust and says/thinks horrible things about them. Being homophobic is not only about beating gays.

Agree 100%. Homophobia is not just schoolyard slurs and violent hate crimes. He's literally weaponizing the stigma about a particular sexuality to justify treating Jiri like absolute shit. He does mental gymnastics about not being homophobic but then looks down on a potential (past) relationship between two men, and then harasses the shit out of one of them? BOY IS HOMOPHOBIC. Would he have behaved so over the line if a girl came to the wedding crying about BIL, talking about an unrequited love?

Ewww the ending was horrible. The author only put it on a marriage between 2 girls because they knew some people would complain about this bullshit of the main character having a really normative relationship. Akira deserved so much better as well. At least give her a partner. I don't know what's worse this or ao no flag.

meant to dislike because I don’t agree with the points your making , I don’t think the author only put two girls getting married so people wouldn’t complain but no one but the author knows that and I do wish akira had more time and got a more happy ending instead of just a content one but if I’m remembering correctly (I haven’t read this in a while I only just read the updates now) Hime was bisexual so she doesn’t need to end up with a woman in the end she’s still bisexual wether it’s a ‘normative’ relationship or not and last time I checked Ao no Flag is marked as a Shoujo not shonen ai even if the Mc and his friend end up together( I presume that’s why you found Ao no a Flag bad but my presumption could be wrong please correct me if so) , also if what I’m saying doesn’t make sense I can re phrase it I’m pretty tired rn cuz it’s LATE LATE and I’m just have a little rant ,, but anyway I respect your opinion I just wanted to add my own too , have a wonderful day/evening / night (▰˘◡˘▰)

I will not get involved in discourse with you. But my problem with Ao no flag is because the lesbian character ends up with a guy and the author wasn't able to show the main characters together not even for a chapter. You don't need to answer to my post since you're a guy and has no idea how society (and media) puts stress about how a woman will only be happy if she's with a man. We have this here and we have it in Ao no Flag as well.

i read this to my sister (cuz u said i wouldn’t understand as i’m a man) and she says (btw she’s a lesbian) that with Ao no Flag she agrees that the lesbian shouldn’t have just ended up with s guy and that wasn’t really a good move but that in this manga it was clear that Hime was bi and it wasn’t the author being like “woman will only be happy with men” but just up to the individuals she liked and she happened to end up with the boy she liked over the girl that she had liked.She also said that the idea that media pressures Bi girls into ending up with men or saying women will only be happy with men doesn’t happen often anymore and she’s never experienced that or been exposed to it ,, i can see where you are coming from but i just don’t completely agree with you on all your points,good day (≧∀≦)

Weird seeing people shipping Hime with Hamuro. It's pretty obvious she's a lesbian.

I completely support your point.
In chapter 40 akira asks if hime liked her before she told her she was a girl and hime said yes and that she liked akira as a person. it's page 7
Also another supporting point:
In ch 7 pg 6-7, akira says "I can't be anyone's boyfriend" and hime's internal thought bubbles/squares said "Those words made me feel both relieved and depressed". If she originally liked akira as a woman why would that make her depressed? I mean later on like in chapter 13 she realizes her love for akira wasn't because of her gender but there were times earlier where akira was drawn more "manly" and hime having "heart pounding moments" (sorry i don't know how to explain it haha;;), so i think one of the main reasons hime was conflicted about her feelings for akira until chapter 40 (but more so earlier on) when she confesses is that her loving akira meant she wanted or saw akira as a boy (or at least akira would interpret her feelings as so rather than loving her as a person). Of course there's also the fact that akira didn't like hime the same way but i didn't think that was the main reason hime was so conflicted. if hime kind of knew akira was a girl since before she came out and liked her because she's lesbian, wouldn't that have spurred her to confess earlier rather than feel conflicted? If she had been attracted to females from the start and her best friend, who she had feelings for but was "male" until coming out, wouldn't she have felt more confident in confessing? I won't deny hime may have had a feeling that akira wasn't a "normal boy" before coming out which is why she wasn't particularly surprised (although i wouldn't say completely unfazed as if she fully knew all along because there was a panel in ch 1 where hime was speechless) when akira came out but i don't believe that it's because she's a woman that hime fell in love with akira. It just wouldn't make sense why hime became conflicted with her feelings after learning akira was the same gender that she's attracted to when she has always loved akira ever since before her coming out (reread the first 2-3 pages of ch 1).
In regards to a comment OP said earlier on, hime showing no interest in men does not automatically make her lesbian. I'm not saying there's no way she could, but i personally also lean towards hime being pan because she said explicitly that she liked akira as a person regardless of her gender. That being said hime didn't explicitly say she was pan (compared to akira saying "I am a girl" so many times) so she may not be, however it would be a likely assumption that she is pan because she fell in love with the personality not gender. Unless the story shows hime falling in love with another person and how/why she fell in love (official twitter says there's only 3 more chapters after 47 so probably not, therefore we will never know for sure), her sexuality is all an assumption.
I also think yukka's sexuality is also only an assumption, as she only fell in love with one girl and she didn't say she liked girls in general, she just said she liked THAT girl, so we can't just assume she's lesbian. However the mean girls in the last few pages of 16 DID assume she was lesbian (because they said "does that mean she's been watching us up to now?") and we all know what they did was wrong right? Assuming someone's sexuality based on one incident without straight up facts and then claiming it as a fact is equivalent to what those girls did, despite it not meant to be harmful. It's not wrong to have assumptions and some assumptions may be more valid than others when presented with proof, but we all have to realize that they're all just assumptions unless the author explicitly says it's a fact.
It was really good but I was lost about what was happening with the yakuza gangs, too much information.