I couldn't get myself to read it so can someone please tell me what happened?

Basically, taekin is helping his friend who is the actual victim of the class president's bro (hanyoung). Taekin got evidence (video of his friend forced by hanyoung), then confronted hanyoung, but he got physically assaulted for it-- also got bullied in school bec of the class pres.
Later on, the victim, who is guilty of what happened to taekin, lied to him and said he's already free from hanyoung. But on the day of the accident, taekin saw his friend being forced again to get into hanyoung's car, so taekin stopped the car by walking in front of it.
How many chapters does this shit have? I thought it was finished at 9
3 new side stories were released. the main story is complete at 9ch
Ah okay thankyou