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Mayachan56 October 11, 2020 5:41 am

I forgot the details but.. Guy A saw guy B crying, turns out guy B cried because his pet fish died. And it died because some cat killed it. It's actually Guy A's cat that killed the fish. I wanna read it again but totally forgot everything, their names or the author names, can someone help me?

Mayachan56 March 14, 2019 4:50 pm

I really want to re read something for a while but i haven't found it yet. I gave up looking alone so can anyone recalled this manga, the two guys probably half brothers, still in high school. The little bro loves his big bro first and he was found out. The big bro loves him as a brother so he accepted his bro was gay, but wont date him. I only remember the scene when the little bro is having his birthday soon, his big bro asking him what would he like as a present but he can't buy something expensive. His little bro answered, "I want you.. but you are not cheap, right? Sorry.."

That's all folks, can anyone pls remember?? Oh and I remember the big bro is so short I think he had a complex about it..

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List of interest so far, will continue to adds up
- Fluff yaoi (happiness is key, cuteness is justice)
- Yandere bois (God why am I like this)
- Shotacon (no rape just positive vibe, I know I'm being stupid)
- Incest (gotta problem with that? It's fiction, I need to drown in their unrelatable misery and not my own)

My preference pair, and I feel weird if their role is switched (who is top or bottom, this is seme x uke)
- Kageyama x Hinata (yandere hinata is good too but stupidly adorkable hinata is still the best lol)
- Bakugou x Deku (I don't care if bakugou will be abusive or not, I just like him when he's so ooc in love okay)
- Levi x Eren
- Viktor x Yuuri

Oh and 23 yo female

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