JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 created a topic of Rivalry


"How about leavin' Hyobin alone, and come with me? I know what to do!'' says Jester :)

FUCK!!!! Hhnng!!!!!
......thats seXXX:))~

.................''WoW, that's beautuful'', ''what shows it from'', ''is it your art, who's art'' LoL

I had Caihong on my phone for almost a year and I got so many questions about him :))
I was hiding my screen alot more, cause ONLY a few I could tell that it was 'yaoi' *smh*

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
-Mama, I'm Comin' Home- Ozzy -Creep- Radiohead -Stand By Me- John Lennon -Black Crows- She talks to Angels pPut It Down on Me- Jeremiah ft 50 CENT
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 like the answer
Aren’t u dead? Now shut up Hajun
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
.........*Jester.raises.her.hand.HIGH* I'm all hopes for booking it off. COMICON (Toronto) is what's important to me. We are old & still collecting
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
.....when the character is dressed 2 kill, but, they have 2 LEFT SHOES ON Like COME ON?!? It looks goofy ASF :// *huu* glad I got that off my chest
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 created a topic of Salty Lust

.................jest thnkn here, but I REALLY want to see Sorrows in Western style clothes.

((:cause Asperier is seXXXy asf inn'em:))

Spread Facts not cheeks

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
........This comment section was lively. I don't read Korean so I didn't understand what was posted. But some users talk about it here :))
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 created a topic of Night Song

..............I Spy with My Little Eye, a SWIFFER/VACCUUM at the corner of the carpet?

.........'''Its been forever since an upload'' I said to myself, then I opened Ch92;
..........................Like WHAAAAAT :)) too funny the FIRST PANEL

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
......*standing.ovation* + *clap*,*clap*,*clap* etc...
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
...DEPRESSION is EXPLAINED by J.C. in this 1 minute YT Short. Please WATCH, its AWESOME :))
JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 answered question about question
.........'Sorry, I am Late!!' *raised.hand* 'Millennial-X here' :))~

Oh come on ....
..this is cute ain't it

I read. I laughed. I died.

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8 created a topic of Sketch

........................''' It's seemingly not fair, that Im the ONLY one crying right now '''

((I've used these words, in this order, once. They were damn near to Yikyungs'))

...................''' ..not as MENACING as mine!! '''

((:I am so in love, when Yeongsoo gets mad, and pulls Joongdo's hair with his fists:))

*chefs kiss* Muwaah!