.................I wish I had read this before I watched it
((currently trying to build a machine to go back in time (for other reasons too:))~

................Great story don't get me wrong, but I jest wouldve preferred it the other way around for me.. I watched it a few years ago on CrnchyRoll. It was in Japanese and having to read and pause and go back in some places cause I missed scenes was a pain. I think its dubbed (Eng) now but when I watched it hadn't evolved yet. Not even sure tbh. Anyways, that's jest my opinion.

.............Ye ye :)) Now that funima/ion and CrchRoll has meshed to gather, I noticed they put a lot of money into having great animes eng dub'd. Yay, for them...hell, Yay for me:) I think its been almost 15yrs now Ive been a Prem.Subscriber. So many changes.
Anywho, so ye, that was my reason LoL Thanks for reaching out, guess I should've been a little clearer with my post ........Happy Reading :))
.................Heesung NEVER even crossed my mind. This is great find :))
I figured Dan would be seen in the background of a commercial or show LMFAO