Told myself I’d drop this read, but it’s like a train-wreck, I seriously can’t look away. Because as soon as I do, something worse somehow happens.
Fr crying and shitting tears at how bad this shit gets. At least the fighting shit is accurate and good tho. If it wasn't istg imma dox someone (for legal reasons I will not. But I would. I still won't. BUT DAMNNN ISTG IF THAT SHIT WAS BAD ID DIE LIKE THE ONLY REDEEMING QUALITY IN THE MFING STORY DCINSDMO.)
“He’s one of my own.” Kim Dan took this phrase and fucking flew to the moon with it. In no way is Jaekyung even remotely admitting his feelings for Kim Dan. Kim Dan is nothing but property to Jaekyung—I mean, let’s be honest, he’s objectifying him. Kim Dan is nothing but a sex doll that pushes on his muscles sometimes.
well spoken.
Bare minimum at it's finest lmao.
okay but literallyyyyyy does he forget when Jaekyung waterfalled a drink over his head…
stockholm syndrome and amnesia. damn double homicide