Title Update Recommend
0 I want this for myself(8) 2024-03-09 0
1 (ongoing)(103) 2023-12-11 0
1 Heartbreaking bitches dj(2) 2023-08-12 0
1 TATTOOSSSSS(1) 2023-11-07 0
11 Straight romance(3) 2023-11-27 0
3p gud lawd(3) 2023-01-13 0
(98) 2023-12-03 0
(17) 2023-02-18 0
Best artstyle (kewl charac!!>__<)(1) 2023-08-10 0
Big badonkidonks(1) 2023-11-24 0
Bottom Alpha X Top Omega (slayyy the dynamiccc)(1) 2023-11-29 0
Doujinshisss(5) 2022-12-04 0
Fantasy/Dungeon/Martial Arts/Cultivation but make it bl.(12) 2024-02-26 0
Fetish(2) 2023-11-06 0
Friends to lovers(2) 2023-12-03 0
Historical(1) 2023-09-03 0
I'm gonna die alone(8) 2023-11-27 0
King/Duke/Royalties Trope (5) 2023-09-03 0
MASTERPIECE(75) 2023-12-11 0
Multicouple x Multiseries(27) 2023-12-03 0
Strong Independent Women(1) 2024-11-17 0
Whatever genre this is (waiting for the other to confess-kaguya sama)(1) 2023-03-04 0
Yankee(3) 2023-08-13 0
Yuri/GL(3) 2022-12-07 0
age gap(9) 2023-11-07 0
big bottom lez gaur/ uke lookin top(3) 2023-08-13 0
bitch 'tis ongoing(2) 2022-12-20 0
bl w/ children (lgbt parents-guardian)(13) 2023-02-21 0
bonk(4) 2023-01-02 0
boom fetish(4) 2022-12-10 0
celebrity/model (6) 2023-10-29 0
childhood friends to lovers [°o°](33) 2023-10-29 0
cross dressing (cross dressing tops r the best)(1) 2023-01-17 0
domsub verse(3) 2023-08-21 0
enemies/rivals to lovers <3(36) 2023-11-26 0
exes to lovers again (2) 2023-12-03 0
fantasy stuff?? (°3°")(16) 2023-09-03 0
fated lovers/ great love/ red string/ kill me now(4) 2023-01-08 0
for rich people ig (will never relate im poor as a mouse)(9) 2023-11-08 0
fujoking the best(1) 2023-01-31 0
furry thingz or sumn (eme!)(14) 2023-09-01 0
gap moe (7) 2023-02-06 0
guard/butler x bochan(1) 2023-01-12 0
list(1) 2023-03-02 0
literally porn(19) 2023-12-02 0
lolololol bl(16) 2023-08-13 0
lolololol wtf so funny(3) 2023-08-13 0
long term relationship (dilemmas/reconciliation n stuff)(5) 2023-01-06 0
ma type(2) 2023-06-04 0
me when (straight lol)(2) 2023-11-27 0
multiracial/multicultural (10) 2023-11-07 0
office workers bl hehe chootie(19) 2023-08-31 0
omegaverse *.*(29) 2023-11-27 0
otakus hehe(3) 2023-01-17 0
passion bl (music, dance, art, etc.)(2) 2023-12-03 0
psychological (basically Harada level of psychological hahaha)(1) 2023-01-03 0
puppy tops! hehe(20) 2023-11-19 0
schoolmates!!(30) 2023-10-29 0
series i'd give my life to read for the first time(4) 2023-10-19 0
soft blssss(50) 2024-02-26 0
sports bl/gl(5) 2023-08-12 0
st8 to ga3 (7) 2023-08-20 0
stalker to lovers (but m8ke it less creepy)(7) 2023-05-21 0
straight laced top/bottom (ikemen urgh)(6) 2023-11-27 0
top tier(29) 2023-11-19 0
tragic *sigh* my fave :')(2) 2022-11-25 0
trap (1) 2023-02-16 0
u n me against d world(2) 2023-09-03 0
yakuza shit(14) 2023-11-27 0

nene's List Tags