Ruby get the fuck away from him, like that dude is the only one I like beside Ai, Ruby should not be in the same panel as him, the one normal dude who is likeable unlike most of the fucking cast
bro if I see her get weird with ruby and aqua, like being like "omg so cute, siblings!" and take picture of them being all over each other, it's over, I loved her but you should not be like that to aqua and ruby, anyone that does not find it weird are weird-
so he was gay! I am happy for him! I wonder if he does find someone to love in the future.... also last panel- chapters ago it was said that someone told him to be a doctor.... i wonder who it is :]
WAIT THE GAINTS SLICED ONE OF THE ELDERS!!! pleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedeadpleasebedead
LETS GOOO!!!!! FINALLY BEAT UP THESE FUCKING CREEPS!!!!!! for the past chapters I have waited so long for this cult to get fucked ugh, weird how this manhwa has two cults, anyways LETS GOOOO
I love the father, and the mom of course but the change of the father watching gay shows and liking the romance and opening his eyes more into that is so nice, also love the little brother getting a friend and getting some understanding of what he is :]
if sukuna kills the pedo I would become his no.1 fan, like he is already killing the rest of the cast why not her too please?