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LonelyReader February 18, 2025 1:50 am

It was mid, like mid or bad (depends on your mood). As an other comment said, MC should have run away very far from ML who, let's be honest, is just obsessed with MC for no apparent reason. He is not the trashiest of all ML i have read but he is definitly not a green flag.
Other comments explains it better than me.
Only redeeming feature is the art.
Non-con (drunk MC who blackout) almost every time they do it, so big surprise MC doesn't remember and ML gets super angry about it + the ML accusing MC of having tasted the two brothers c*ck. And no rebutal from no one, especially MC.

To sum it, this story frustrates me to no end. Read only if you have spare time to loose.

    Esther Nocturne February 18, 2025 7:08 am

    Ngl I used to like the ML but he disappoints me when he acted like an asshole to MC and I was even more disappointed when he told MC was a manwhore and didnt even apologize and is coming up with some useless excuses its annoying.

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