Whew Chile I see we are entering Alabama territory. Baby that's your cousin. I felt it but against my better judgement I dismissed the idea. Ughhh I hate these type of tropes. I would've preferred if he just didn't like him because he was jealous but noooo we get the I'm in love with my cousin deal. Damn ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Idk maybe it's the delusions of it all but the ML is actually starting to grow on me and I'm kinda okay with seeing them together ( ̄∇ ̄").
Sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side. It could be filled with dried up grass & rotten roots. I'm not surprised he's tired of her he made it clear from the beginning that he wasn't feeling her like that. He just wanted to fuck,received nice gifts, & be complimented for basic shit. He been wanted to leave her but couldn't cause the FL found out the truth. & I think deep down he was too embarrassed and felt guilty even tho he didn't show it. && He couldn't take accountability for hurting her because if he did it he would've had to admit to himself that he is piece of shit something his pride & ego couldn't take. But she is going to baby trap him and he is going to be stuck there. The gf is going to be suffering in silence while trying to convince herself that he loves her back and their little family is going to work out. While I believe he might have mix feelings about the child because he always wanted children but not with her so he will be regretting the choices he made in life and blaming her for the cause of his ruin marriage watch.
*Also unpopular opinion I do not feel the sparks between the FL & new ML. Idk what it is and I'm trying so hard to root for her. But honestly Idc for their relationship it seems dry & forced. It's like watching a kdrama and you don't feel the connection between the main actors. I hope I made sense. But other opinions may vary.
He definitely isn't human anymore or atleast 100% human. Him not knowing what a wedding ring means or is kinda solidified my previous theories. Not to mention everyone is so scared of him I believe they know he isn't human neither but he has saved them so they don't say it aloud or acknowledge it. I'm also not sure if it's a good thing with the MC showing him affection. Since ML doesn't understand basic emotions and things. This can go down hill fast he could wind up being obsessive & possesive over the MC. We see it by him demanding the MC to pay attention to him. It can easily go from green flag to red to black.
That be me when someone tells me get what you want I'm paying aha say less don't mind if I do
I'm also confused is 4 of them or 3? Because that seems like there's another person in him. && They were probably trying to keep that one at bay and out of sight.
Well I mean it does feel nice when you fuck out all your frustration. Maybe it'll help them communicate afterwards. I'm really surprised he isn't pregnant again I know the 2, servants can't impregnate him but the Emperor been filling him up like an oversized cannoli.
The way I wish this was mpreg Gawd damnit
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧.... I enjoyed the whole story but you know what would've made my day if Sayan would've bottom atleast once. I just needed 1 time to satisfy me. Can't believe it's over already
If you wanna know per novel.
Don't open if u don't wanna be spoiled
Don't open if u don't wanna be spoiled
Don't open if u don't wanna be spoiled
Don't open if u don't wanna be spoiled
Don't open if u don't wanna be spoiled
Don't open if u don't wanna be spoiled
Okayyyyyyy last chance .....
it gets way worse he will continuously beat,drug, & rape the MC. & MC will get addicted to the drugs as well. It's more that'll happen but I don't want to spoil it to much. So get your tissues ready it's going to go downhill fast. I was depressed ASF while reading the novel that I had to put it down.
I might have to put this on hold. I don't particularly like love triangles.&& Try to avoid them but since I was enjoying the story I'll probably come back to it when I'm in the mood for a love triangle story.
Saw this on my TikTok fyp and got here today and see it's posted. I'm I being watch
I hate to say it but his sister right about his son. He is going to start to wonder who his dad is and why he isn't around. Especially when he starts seeing kids with 2 parents or once he attends school and the other kids question him where's his dad. I honestly don't think it's right he hasn't told ML about the baby. It's his kid too he didn't even give ML the chance to be in his child life if he wants. Not to mention he deprived him of years of seeing his son grow up which is wrong and selfish. Before anyone says look how ML act now it was already previously mentioned that when he worked for ML before he wasn't like that and he has changed. He doesn't know how ML would've acted he just assumed. So that excuse to me isn't a worthy one MC got pregnant, got marked and ran. He can try to convince himself all he wants that it was for the best but ultimately it was a selfish decision he didn't take into account no one else feelings but his. Even now he isn't taking into account his son feelings for the future. I can still like a character but still hold them accountable.
I would still tell him cause ain't no way your going to threaten to rape me. They don't need to be a knights
I'm enjoying the story so far I do wish that the Seme would back off a bit and let the Uke go out and it just breathe and get his thoughts together. I feel like that would help the uke accept him a little bit better. I also didn't like that he Mark him without his consent that's pretty fuck up. He took away his freedom essentially and to make matters worse no one will explain to the uke what marking means. I feel like if someone explains it to him it will help him with understanding all these new emotions he's feeling.
So I just started this and I'm honestly so confused can someone break it down for me? I'm not sure if it's the writing or my brain just isn't catching on could be a combination of both. But I find myself reread sentences I've already read trying to make it click.
Is the ML like a mutant? Like his dead but still have some of his humanity?
Their relationship is really complex. Idk how to feel.
Ray is spiraling poor servants. I know many are upset with the Emperor because they feel like he isn't being fair. While I get that perspective I have one of my own. I don't think the Emperor is completely upset by him not wanting the title of being empress. I believe it's him just wanting to feel like he is more to Ray than a fuck buddy and a friend. The Emperor wants to no where he stands with Ray and to know his true feelings. Not only that the emperor wants the world to know how much he loves Ray because he doesn't view him as a cum rag. He has legit feelings and not to mention his children. He can't even announce his children to the world because of Ray predicament. This man has been in love with Ray for years like undying devoted love. So to see the person you love know that they understand your feelings towards them but constantly brush it off because they don't want to express their own feelings. Can be annoying and low-key insulting because why can't you just be honest with me. While Yes the Emperor get jealous it's a natural reaction however, although he gets jealous he hasn't demanded Ray to stop being so sexually free. He understands that it's part of Ray so he accepts it. It just appears to me he just wants clarification where he stands. I feel like him wanting him to be empress is like his only way of proving to Ray that you are my everything. You are my lover,my best friend,Mother/father of our children and this is the highest honour I can give you to express that & Ray is running from the truth which is why he always avoid the Emperor words with playful banter. Also if Ray doesn't want to be the empress yes he shouldn't be forced but I believe if he were to have a serious talk with the emperor and express his true feelings his desires and fears than maybe a conclusion or compromise can be made.
I knew it was finna go down hill when he started panicking about not telling him the brother came back. && Him saying he's special. && I knew it was finna go straight to hell when he was staring at the phone. I kept saying don't touch it leave it alone! Then the door I was like he told you don't move don't take yo ass over there to open no door.But what he does get up and open the damn door. I don't think he was allowed to bring him but did against his better judgement. ML is now probably going to feel like the MC has gotten to comfortable, & that now since that MC feel special he can do what he wants like disobeying his orders. I'm sure a punishment is coming. Knowing the MC he might be happy for whatever punishment in his twisted mind it means ML still cares for him. I'm sure after the punishment(s) ML will probably cave in for MC because he really does like him in a twisted way but right now he is finna get it.