Not gonna lie I wasn't expecting him to say I love you & talk about babies. That shocked me I was like whoa we are moving fast.
Also Was our Alpha a virgin? When our omega said he had no technique made me think this could possibly be his 1st time. Since he was just jamming it up there.
&& the when our Alpha was trying to coach him to loosen up and maneuver. Had me thinking was our Omega a virgin as well? && just doesn't remember and this is his 1st time too.

I hate the "I'm in love with a family member" troupe rather it's step/blood link/ or adoption it's all incest to me. The shit is weird & it honestly creeps me out. And I yes I be judging The FUCK outta people who enjoy that troupe. I wish authors would get rid of it, it doesn't make it edgy, romantic or spicy it makes it weird, uncomfortable and confusing. Cause why are you in love with your father? Why are you fucking your brother? What do you mean your nephew wants to marry and impregnate you? It's weird ASF to me I be punt kicking that shit away from me so fast. Only reason I'm going to continue with this one is because someone warn me of this beforehand and told me it's never act upon and doesn't get brought up anymore in the story.
- These are my personal opinions others will Vary

Although she killed him I feel like the girl is just going to find another guy like him again. Since she craves wanting to feel desirable and needs attention. She is actively looking for them in wild places. And FL can't just go around and kill every man. I would've preferred another bully plot line again instead of this one.

I'm beginning to really understand everyone POV & to me not one character is perfect or a green flag they all have flaws. Do I feel bad for Mincheol? In a sense yea. I I can be empathetic and sympathize with a character and still recognize their wrong doings. I feel bad because I feel like he is just as lost as her when it comes to emotional and mental maturity not the cheating. He is wrong for cheating and I think Its shitty behavior but I am now understanding why. Once again me understanding why doesn't mean I approve of the behavior. It just means I understand. I do appreciate the author for giving us multiple POV's. Now that I'm looking at everything with all the characters It's honestly really just boils down to insecurities. Each character is suffering from their own insecurities and is searching for something from someone else instead of within themselves. No I don't want her to get back with her ex or date the new ML. I prefer she just stay single and work on herself. Being alone isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes you have to work on yourself first cause if you don't everything you encounter will never feel satisfying. But if the author were to do a plot twist and have her get back with her ex. I wouldn't necessarily be angry neither. Hear me out, Cause I do understand realistically couples who been together for many years and shared a lot of memories it's hard to completely let go.And sometimes people do rekindle and make up for their past mistakes and become stronger couples who go on and be happy and then it's others who cut ties completely and be happy as well. Neither is wrong when your chosing what's better for your well being and happiness. I also find it interesting when she referred to the new ML as a snake. I kinda want that to be expanded on more. I want to understand the key reason on why she said that. Is because she thinks all men are snakes now or has she recognized some behavior traits within him that she doesn't feel is 100% honest.
- These are just my personal thoughts and opinions others may vary.
Cold? In the words of that white lady from that plane video" That Mutherfucker is not real" if you know you know
But all bs aside do yall see that size difference. I would feel safe too. He is going to be so small under him tho. I just know he gives good hugs.