Well...I'm ok with it too. Its not like its real. Manga's are fantasies drawn by someone else. But if it was real then we'd have a problem.
Does this count? I gave myself the advice of wearing one of my nephew's diapers to school when I was out of money and I couldn't buy a pad. It actually worked and it was super comfy. Until gym class...
You obviously just wan't attention...are you satisfied now? Here's your attention.
(Edit: I actually don't know if this is what you fantasised about to be or if this is your (suppressed) sexuality from real life. My response is to the latter. ^^;;) This is actually not too far away from how the BDSM world works. Your thoughts and requirements of a (BDSM) relationship is right out of a textbook. The question is, however; how do y......
Sounds like da dream! I wanna do that but I can’t find a way to approach someone about my kinks and “weird” fantasiesssss TT—TT
I have a Phobia of heights me and rollercoasters are NOT friends. I don't like being anywhere above my head. I believe I was made to stay on the ground. So my feet should not leave the ground. Never in my life will I go sky diving, though If I want to travel I mostly just take sleeping pills through out the entire journey. So I usually wake up pret......
My mother told me I ruined her family's life I have mental issues so I can't blame her cause I'm not easy to deal with, because of me she had to put my brother and sisters need's on the back burner. Like when I was sexually assaulted by my brother and also a boy from my middle school. Both times I told someone and it made things harder...So I wish ......
i have a weird BDSM fetish(even trouth i never saw or used one of them) and I sometime have dream were I am gang raped but i enjoy this( ̄∇ ̄")
Unpopular opinion