Mc was an independent guy at first. He was going to school, had a few friends and job, also he can have sex with whoever he wants. Not that I support bor understand his mazo fantasies but well, okay his choice. But... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THAT NORMAL COLLEGE BOY?! He was an ordinary human being, not a fcking damsel in distress who gets rape every time and cry for more. DUDE!
Story had a veeeeery long hiatus once, all of these happened after that. I mean, yeah, it was never a masterpiece before the hiatus but not a disaster like this either.

I also felt once the grief of wanting to let all go but couldnt leave someone behind. Knowing that I was there bcs I cant leave them alone made me angry. I was mad at someone just bcs they love me so much and if I end myself it's gonna break them so bad... How funny. Now I can feel both mother's and Woowon's pain. This story is a gem.

Uhm... I dislike Ju Dan. That's the tweet.
First, he took someone drunk to his home and took advantage of that. Second, he lure mc by lying and had sex with him. Third, even after knowing mc have interests with another guy (which is own bro) still used sex as a "payment" of the help for their reunion. And finally, knotted an omega in heat while expected him to be aware of his heat moments. There are no real consent here pals. Sorry, I like the calm and collected bro more.
Nunu-chan I love you