I have BPD, too. So... Perhaps i can help a little bit? (Sorry for the grammar) Love is not... Love. You love every Men/ Women in another way. You are happy till the moon or you are nervous like a teenager or you have butterflys in your stomach... But after a while, you will lose it. At least the emotions will weaken. If you think stuff like: "Am......
When to lose our virginity and whom to give it definitely our own choice but personally I believe rather than hooking up with a random person we should give it to someone who we love and respect and who loves and respects us because it is our special first time and it will be in our memory for a lifetime and trust making love with a person we love ......
i'm a virgin because i have no interest in male genitals being put in me.
As for me I think virginity is something really important its like some silent pride for me as a girl and I have a very conservative mindset that sex is only appropriate after marriage.
How to tell you're in love?