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ok yea no nvm this cant be-
this aint chinese then. at least not published from china ig

untitled add 1 photos to heh cyute! (2)


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wait istg isn't this a chinese manhua? how tf is this not getting censored? i aint complainin tho-

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yo ive been thinking but the gold hair's personality reminds me a shit ton of wwx iykyk

the literal one time i appreciate this jaekyung mf

oh fuck no. :( god bless everyone irl btw

im surprised this kid hasnt started a villain arc yet, i feel so bad for him for everything

damn right he does

i need some. lemme snatch some.

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omg is this his normal fashion style-
damn. damn damn damn.

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facts. what he's saying is: YOLO BITCHES

untitled add 1 photos to heh lmao!

social phobia? SAME MAN SAME, only difference is i aint nearly as good lookin

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bro its the eyeball from little nightmares

ugh these two are too pretty