Can someone explain the ruby valley arc to me? I didn’t really get what was going on and why

from what i can remember, iys just them spending time togather and gettting to know eachother. the main guy also appeared where i revealed he was brainwashed by the emperor. he helps her instead of killing her, so now he is wanted by the empire. also the girl does her first bit of magic when she heals the slaves she encounters,, at least i think that was the ruby canyon arc??? perhaps idk thor

Like...why would you upload this here? It’s really easy to just go to the scanlation group, and you know they don’t like it being uploaded. Why? I don’t understand.

Why are people so rude? @xmoonlight The translators don't like the fact that their work is out and about when they never gave permission to be posted on mangago. And if you want to see more translations than support the translators wishes ( their on discord) or they won't translate anymore and one group has stopped translating cause of this very problem.
Is 80 cm really his heart? I would've thought it was closer to his crotch...