i currently have 5 facial piercings (i had 6 but one of my nose ones fell out) and 6 on one ear and 4 on the other.. it is very addicting and i want many others but with them finding a job is tough and you get quite attached to them after awhile. to me they became part of myself and i would be very sad if i had to remove them/ 5 reply
In my lovely province the official language is french. we are one of the only french provinces in canada. Unfortunately my first language is english. so as soon as i started school at 5 years old french was shoved down my throat. I lived thinking i would be able to survive just knowing english. but as i grew and my area because more french i quickl...... 4 reply
I’m fat and 28 and have barely dated. Online there are plenty of dudes who seem okay with it. But I’m learning to accept I’ll be single forever . Being asexual it’s not to bad just a tiny bit lonely 2 reply
I’m fat myself so I can’t judge. I dated a guy around the same weight as me and it was fine. Honestly if I like the dude as long as he is clean, takes care of himself and actually leaves the house then I’m fine reply