forreal's feed

I would not call what Suou is doing as "teasing". Saying that he is going too far is also not correct. This is just plain mental abuse. Don't we often see this in abusive relationships? Making them feel insecure, putting your partner down or trying to lower their self-esteem so that they are trapped in the abusive relationship. Suou basically does all this. Even after starting a relationship, he repeatedly tells Rikiya that's he is not good enough, that Shinobu is cuter than him, gentler than him and is more important. I don't see how this is even remotely healthy.

So what if Rikiya thinks of you as a younger person or so called subordinate (even though Rikiya doesn't actually show anywhere that he is trying to put down Suou)? What has that got to do with love? Can't you just ask him out? Why try to start a relationship only based on jealously. He is so manipulative and abusive. And he always puts the blame on Rikiya. Yes, Rikiya is not very expressive but is mental abuse supposed to fix that? I just wish Rikiya would break up with him. Dealing with that kind of constant mental abuse is going to take a toll on him in the long run. Heck he constantly gets sick due to Suou already.

This is just an irredeemable work with tons of stupidity. Nothing good about it.