So the disgusting excuses for humans, the queen and younger brother want to drug him, make him go into heat? during the ball and take advantage of that to rape and mate with him? Yuck _:(´ཀ`」∠):_ Since Limon is the crown prince, the queen wants the younger brother to marry the crown prince so that he can take over the kingdom? It's already shown in a previous chapter that the younger brother wants to "help" Limon with his heat. Yuck _:(´ཀ`」∠):_ I wish Limon would stop pretending to be weak and pummel these disgusting pieces of shit into the ground.
I stopped reading this for a while so that the story would progress a little and I come back to this?
Also, there is some serious issue with pacing in this work. Literally nothing of significance happens during the chapter, then a bombshell is dropped at the end of the chapter and then a cliffhanger. I am starting to believe that this work attracts so much attention just because of Limon's undisclosed secondary gender and the cliffhangers..