forreal's feed

forreal created a topic of Love Interest Zone

I really really really don't understand why people like this have children. If you cannot take care of a child, emotionally, financially or otherwise, don't have kids. Period.

Warning - This is going to be long rant on parenting. Skip if you don't agree to the statement above since the content after this is going to be even more descriptive. Feel free to down vote or leave comments regarding how wrong I am and how I don't understand people's situations and their helplessness. Doesn't change the fact that what I am saying is right and as adults, we should have the guts to take responsible decisions. Some people might even feel this topic is too heavy for a site where people come to read manga, but there are too many kids here. It's better to educate them when they are exposed to all the shit in this without any age restriction.

Stop ruining the child's life for your selfishness.
- If you cannot feed your child at least twice a day and provide basic safety, even if you are ready emotionally, you are not financially. Don't have children.
- If you cannot take care of them emotionally and rely on your partner entirely, then don't have children.
- If you are in an abusive relationship don't have children in the hope that they will be your ray of light or what ever shit. All you are doing is bringing a kid into an abusive environment. As an adult be mature and don't have kids. If you really need to have kids, have the guts and courage to fight against the abuse and get out of the abusive situation before having kids.
- If you are having kids because of societal pressure or pressure from relatives. DON'T.
- If you are having a kid to just showcase to the world that you are a "man" or a "women". JUST DON'T. If you really feel the need to be a father or mother, instead of IVF, why not try adoption.

There is an exponential raise of cases where parents sell their children into child and sex trafficking because their household situation is not good. Need of the hour is for women to stop going with the flow and take a strong stand based on their situation. And also for men and women to be properly educated (I am not taking about going to school, I am taking about educating them which ever way possible).

If you are going to say that animals too have kids without all these considerations and having kids is a biological need for humans as well, let me remind you we enjoy special privileges than animals. We have built a world abusing animals and even feel the need to control their population, just because we think human beings are intelligent and special, and hence we are superior and have the right to trample on other species (even though not all humans are intelligent and intelligence is not rare in animals as well). With special privileges comes responsibilities as well. If you think humans are intelligent, then apply that intelligence to all aspects of life, not just where it suits you. That is called hypocrisy.

Disclaimer - I have repeatedly used "you", but it's not specific to one person. This is intended for all humans including myself.