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forreal created a topic of Heaven Official's Blessing

Absolutely love this work. BL with actual plot. Or more like a good story with BL :) Love the plot, story building and character development.

Small things have a plot of their own. Once I read the sub plot I could connect it to the small reference or object in the main plot. And these sub plots are not there just for the heck of it (I can't help but think of Great god Airplane here (lol)). They have meaning and carry emotional significance (which help in character development) or are very essential to the main plot itself.

The character development of Xie Lian is tremendous. From a naïve crown prince who is not aware of how world works to a scrap collector god who, despite being aware of the ugly side of the world could still keep his core values. And Taihua.. same as his master.. Refuses to discard his core values.

Just every character has a story and significance. Like in real life. We might not think some one is important and that is true from certain perspectives. But seeing the whole picture, everything is interconnected.

Love the comedy as well. I found it hilarious that Mu Qing and Feng Xin tried to rescue Xie Lian from Hua Cheng saying he has been stalking him (so true). Also the part where Goushi calls Hua Cheng scary. "He’s been stalking you for eight hundred years!
Scary, too scary! My fortunes really are too accurate!" (lol). Though I tend to agree, the devotion is real. And Xie Lian doesn't seem to mind, so that's what matters I guess.

Both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are strong and don't interfere with the other's fight for no reason.

I read the novel while listened to the One Flower One Sword track and that somehow elevated the experience for me!!!