So a 24 year old TEACHER is taking the guardianship of a 19 year old who he is interested in romantically? Moreover the 19 year old is quite child like and was sheltered?
This to me, SCREAMS grooming and pedophilia. What is with this disgusting trend of stories with pedophilia and grooming these days.
This was plain disgusting to me. An adult preying on 18 to 19 year olds _:(´ཀ`」∠):_
And trying to pass this disgusting concept and the SA as comedy. What is wrong with these authors.
Edit: 18-19 International age/ 20 years in Korean age.
It would be great if this is adapted to animation. This work has great action scenes as well as psychological elements. I would love to see the action scenes in animation.
What's with authors drawing the light haired characters with long eyelashes to make them "pretty".
When all other characters are drawn with no extensions on eyes only these "supposedly pretty" characters are drawn with these weird extensions on eyes (This character, Mido from Unfinished Business, Frey, Noah (Kill the light), and list goes on).
I feel like someone stuck shark teeth on their eyelids.
Also, starting looks way too similar to DASH. Hopefully it doesn't go in that direction.
For lack of better words, WHAT STUPIDITY is this?
Omegaverse or even Guideverse makes some sense from a evolution standpoint, but CAKE? ヽ(`Д´)ノ
What is the point of evolution based on cake? How? Even considering all the negative evolutions which exists, why would cake have any significance or role in evolution. A Human only concept of baked goods.
What's next? Dress verse? CPU Verse? Pesticide Verse?
Human mind is really strange. (⊙…⊙ )
There it is again. Raise in another stupid trope related to light haired characters. I see a lot of semes these days who are (called as) "as pretty as a girl", "as pretty as a doll", "how can there be someone so beautiful", "beautiful as a cute", "cuter than any girl", "looks like a doll", "so gorgeous" etc and for some reason majority of these happen to be blond, silver/light haired characters. This, Frey, Unfinished Business, and ton of other works follow this when the seme is a blond or light haired character. I saw just 1 work in the recent times where the seme is described as beautiful and has black hair.
I don't understand why these authors are so obsessed with the light haired characters being beautiful and dark hark semes being handsome. When am I going to see light haired semes being characterized or being called as Handsome damn it. (I know there are some, but this is a minority).
If you disagree, please enlighten me and share a few works where black/dark haired semes are called all these.
Disclaimer : I do not confirm to sex positions based on looks, physique or personality. I don't have a problem with pretty semes, or strong ukes or anything in between. What I have a problem is with light haired characters being persistently portrayed as only beautiful, pretty, pitiful, docile and downright door mats (be it as a uke or seme) and dark harried characters persistently portrayed as handsome, reliable, aggressive, ruthless etc. That too in works produced by countries with predominantly dark hair.
I understand the father not knowing the child is adopted, but how can the mother (and the whole family) not know that the child is adopted? Lean is plain stupid (for thinking this), along with all the other characters. I just can't put this in a nice way.
Where do these people (father in law, husband, etc) think the womb is? Alexei can beat up, injure and be as violent as he wants as long as Lean's womb is uninjured and he can give birth? Where is the logic in this? The womb does not function in isolation, it requires the other parts of the body to be functioning as well.
I understand Alexei's anger to some extent since he was raped by Lean while in a coma. But this guy also is always violent with his partners and gets away with murder. And Lean? He wants to somehow make Alexei love him. Unfortunately I see this last part is somewhat true in real world. Some people do get away with murders, and some people stupidly stay with their abusers just because they think they can change them.
The reviews for this were very really good and stated that the ML (Jaekyoung) was a green forest but had a problematic MC (Jiheon). After reading the first 100 chapters I would have to completely disagree with this.
Jiheon has a lot of one night stands but he is not deceitful, He always clearly communicates his expectations and limitations. He also tells people who are interested in him, that he is not into relationships. The issue I see with him so far is going along with all the things Jaekyoung wants. He also projects his regrets on Jaekyoung and doesn't want Jaekyoung's reputation to be tainted even though Jaekyoung himself does not care for it. He also starts a relationship with Jaekyoung for this reason.
Coming to the so called green forest, I don't have any issues with Jaekyoung's blunt personality or even with his lack of communication skills. With such a straight forward personality showcased in the first few chapters, you would think He would be the same with his love interest. Man.. was I wrong. He is very deceitful, coerces, manipulates and guilt trips Jiheon into sleeping with him, completely disregards a "NO" or "Please Stop" from Jiheon in bed, continues to manipulate, guilt trip and coerce in all subsequent personal interactions. It is shown that he greatly admires and respects Jiheon as a swimmer, but the respect hardly translates to his behavior. I don't see how this is green flag, let along a green forest. Sure, there might be great character development in future chapters which I have not read yet, but it still does not make him a green flag.
The story and story telling was ok. The starting was interesting with professional athletes and the politics around it, but 30 chapters in, the story telling gets very blurry. The world of athletes takes a backseat (with occasional glimpses).
Trigger Warning - Pedophilia, Child r@pe, Child Prostitution, Child Abuse, Child Sex Trafficking
Damn it. Another work with sensitive/triggering content without any warnings. Disgusting.
Also seriously the disgusting adults surrounding these kids. No amount of torture is enough for these disgusting creatures.
Also, another light haired seme who is subjected to sexual abuse as a child. Hardly happens to dark haired semes. Authors have this twisted racial domination and fetishism going on where they write light haired characters being repeatedly subjected to such atrocities.
Till date, number of manga with this trope - 58 (Light haired Seme) vs 17 (Dark haired Seme). I don't even need to count this happening to light haired ukes, since the majority is written with light haired person as uke.
I see many people bring up Banana Fish in works with (pretty) blond and black characters. Like this one, Jeweler Richard and so many more.
That shit work is very traumatizing and has a LOT of triggering content like child r@pe, prostitution and r@pe. THIS WORK DOES NOT. Why compare and mention it here.
I understand people might miss that work or what ever and cannot handle the fact that it ended, but please, request all of you people to stop bringing it up in all other works for no apparent reason.
That disgusting excuse for a brother really did try to drug him and rape him. Disgusting piece of shit.
Ch 30 had me doubting myself for a second if Limon was an omega. Thank god that wasn't the case. I really hate it when a really pretty character is written as omega or uke just because they are beautiful. And that too when they explicitly call out blond as pretty.
I really hope that Limon doesn't rape Inferna either.
I would not call what Suou is doing as "teasing". Saying that he is going too far is also not correct. This is just plain mental abuse. Don't we often see this in abusive relationships? Making them feel insecure, putting your partner down or trying to lower their self-esteem so that they are trapped in the abusive relationship. Suou basically does all this. Even after starting a relationship, he repeatedly tells Rikiya that's he is not good enough, that Shinobu is cuter than him, gentler than him and is more important. I don't see how this is even remotely healthy.
So what if Rikiya thinks of you as a younger person or so called subordinate (even though Rikiya doesn't actually show anywhere that he is trying to put down Suou)? What has that got to do with love? Can't you just ask him out? Why try to start a relationship only based on jealously. He is so manipulative and abusive. And he always puts the blame on Rikiya. Yes, Rikiya is not very expressive but is mental abuse supposed to fix that? I just wish Rikiya would break up with him. Dealing with that kind of constant mental abuse is going to take a toll on him in the long run. Heck he constantly gets sick due to Suou already.
This is just an irredeemable work with tons of stupidity. Nothing good about it.
Another example of illogical physical attributes like Heat and Run.
Aki has light hair and his brother has dark hair. And Sai's family.. Every single one of the brothers have a different hair color. Like.. Just why and how..
My only consolation is that the author here (unlike in Heat and Run) did not make him (Aki) light haired just to make him uke. Averted Light haired uke stereotype successfully. Thanks Author.
Enjoyed reading this though.
Are people just going to brush the fact that Kai (seme) was also raped since childhood? He was sold into prostitution (by his mother) where cats use them as heat relievers. No mentions of his trauma at all.. WOW... Nor about all the other human children..
Could also apply to Meri (uke) but his age is not mentioned anywhere.
Also, another seme with rape as back story with light hair.. Sick of this trope already.
Rare uploader/translator who actually put Trigger Warnings for pedophilia and other sensitive stuff. Thank you!!!
Mentions of Child Rape/Molestation. Another light haired seme raped/molested as a child.
Although I like this work, I am really appalled at the fact that the author just brushed the child rape as consensual. Hiroki (seme) actually mentions in the passing that his first experience was a child during his elementary school and even says "Don't worry, it was it was consensual". How is an elementary school student, A KID, supposed to consent to sexual activities. Seriously what is wrong with the author? Why even mention it, and even if you did, why can't you portray it as what it is, RAPE, instead of naming it "consensual". Disgusting.
Trigger Warning - Child Rape, Grooming, Disgusting Teacher (pedophile), Child Abuse, Parental Neglect
Disgusting piece of shit teachers (Pedophile) who lay their hands on students (kids). Also the disgusting parents who give birth but cannot take care of their kids, what's the point of your pointless life. No amount of torture is enough for these people.
Also, another manga with light haired seme with rape as back story. Sick of this already.
Another disgusting manga I started reading on WT without knowing about the child rape. Put some Trigger Warning or tags damn it.
Kai (seme) was constantly raped as a child. His mother was raped in front of him, then is taken in by something like yakuza and he was repeatedly raped as well. He is seriously mentally damaged.
I don't understand the authors need to make these kinds of seme characters light haired. They hardly write these scenarios with dark haired semes. Authors love subjected light haired characters to these kinds of abuse and atrocities. Sick of this disgusting trope already. Disgusting authors. Serious case of racial domination and twisted racial rape fetishism.
On top of that all the other kinds of violence. Just a ton of shit.