forreal March 8, 2024 10:30 am

Trigger Warning - Gang Rape, Child Abuse, Gore

I seriously don't know how to feel about this. I cringe every time Pil gyun calls Nanmu dad since they are in a relationship. I would not tag this with grooming though, since Nanmu never had that intention when Pil gyun was a kid.

The story is interesting though. Strong seme and uke characters. Trauma and emotions are also written very well. Really disgusted with Pil gyun's actual dad, mom and step dad. He went through severe abuse during his childhood which totally impacted his personality.

I did not quite understand the correlation between a decapitated head and sex dolls. Once the person is decapitated, he is dead right? Or is this necrophilia.. Yuck _:(´ཀ`」∠):_

    monologue March 8, 2024 5:52 pm

    Agreed, it’s super uncomfortable when he calls him dad I thought it was just me. Or when Nanmu babies him, if that’s the right word. Idk it’s a very complex and odd relationship so I get it but it doesn’t make me any less uncomfortable lol

    forreal March 9, 2024 2:51 am
    Agreed, it’s super uncomfortable when he calls him dad I thought it was just me. Or when Nanmu babies him, if that’s the right word. Idk it’s a very complex and odd relationship so I get it but it doesn�... monologue


forreal March 8, 2024 8:39 am

So the disgusting excuses for humans, the queen and younger brother want to drug him, make him go into heat? during the ball and take advantage of that to rape and mate with him? Yuck _:(´ཀ`」∠):_ Since Limon is the crown prince, the queen wants the younger brother to marry the crown prince so that he can take over the kingdom? It's already shown in a previous chapter that the younger brother wants to "help" Limon with his heat. Yuck _:(´ཀ`」∠):_ I wish Limon would stop pretending to be weak and pummel these disgusting pieces of shit into the ground.

I stopped reading this for a while so that the story would progress a little and I come back to this?

Also, there is some serious issue with pacing in this work. Literally nothing of significance happens during the chapter, then a bombshell is dropped at the end of the chapter and then a cliffhanger. I am starting to believe that this work attracts so much attention just because of Limon's undisclosed secondary gender and the cliffhangers..

    pigglypoof March 8, 2024 6:17 pm

    I'm here for dragons and the secondary gender reveal so you're definitely on the right track about why we're still reading ( ̄∇ ̄")

    forreal March 9, 2024 2:52 am
    I'm here for dragons and the secondary gender reveal so you're definitely on the right track about why we're still reading ( ̄∇ ̄") pigglypoof

    ( ̄∇ ̄")

forreal March 6, 2024 6:23 pm

Trigger Warning - Child Rape

Another story I picked up today which has Child rape. I am really sick of this...

Again with the Light Haired seme with r@pe as back story trope. Sick of this too.

Including this till date I came across 41 such manga where the light haired seme was r@ped as a child or was prostitute. This is against 10 such manga where black haired seme was subjected to such things.

If this is not some twisted sense of racial domination, I don't know what is. Disgusting.

forreal March 6, 2024 5:40 pm

Did no one think about putting proper tags on this. This HAS CHILD RAPE in it. Not a single comment talks about the child related sensitive content in this.

This is seriously the second manga I picked up in last 3 days which has child rape. What is with the onslaught of this stupid trope.

Also another child rape victim seme with light hair. Sick of this trope already. Why do authors pick light hair for the seme when they want to add this kind of disgusting back story to them. Hardly is ever done for black haired semes. Twisted racial domination thing these people seem to have.

    m e l o n T a e April 24, 2024 12:17 pm

    So its okay for black haired semes to be childraped ?

    forreal April 26, 2024 1:46 pm
    So its okay for black haired semes to be childraped ? m e l o n T a e

    Did I anywhere say it was ok for anyone to be raped, much less as a child? No. I also have been pretty vocal about condemning it and put trigger warnings for any manga which I know has child rape IRRESPECTIVE of the hair color or position. Please stop twisting my words.

    But manga coming from countries (Japan, China, Korea) with predominantly black/dark hair repeatedly showing light haired characters being raped, raped as child, forced into prostitution as child etc ? This cues some sort of racial domination and/or fetishism.

    I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone, but if they have to show it anyway, why not have both uke and seme as black hair? Why shy way from subjecting dark haired characters to the same atrocities as they do to light haired characters?

    Just in BL alone there are 64 manga with Light haired semes raped vs 20 with dark haired semes. I don't even need to talk about ukes, since majority of the manga have light haired uke.

    The trend seeps into manga of other genre (like Shonen) as well - 15 (light haired) vs 7 (dark haired).

    m e l o n T a e April 26, 2024 7:29 pm
    Did I anywhere say it was ok for anyone to be raped, much less as a child? No. I also have been pretty vocal about condemning it and put trigger warnings for any manga which I know has child rape IRRESPECTIVE o... forreal

    Weird because most mangas coming from these countries usually feature asian characters (even if the colors of the hair is light, they still are asian, and if its fiction then most of hair colors dont make sense, it's a fucking cartoon)

    I dont really understand what difference it makes if the seme or uke wad this hair color or the other. Sounds like you're a butthurt european or some shit. Smooth your soreness cause i doubt anyone is as obsessed as you are to be counting how many mangas have a light haired uke. Most people don't even notice the colours.

    forreal April 27, 2024 5:58 am
    Weird because most mangas coming from these countries usually feature asian characters (even if the colors of the hair is light, they still are asian, and if its fiction then most of hair colors dont make sense... m e l o n T a e

    I never said they were not Asian. But Asians do not generally have light hair. And many school going children and office workers are shown with light haired. IN countries with strict rules regarding dressing and HAIR color.

    Also ever heard of surrogate ads, they show something but actually sell something else. This is kind of similar. We get asian characters who do not look asian.

    Depicting so many people with light hair in countries with predominantly dark hair points towards some unresolved issues. Obsession with light/fair skin, eyes and hair. We (asians) haven't really been able to get rid of this baggage.

    Also, please stop making assumptions. I am Asian. That doesn't mean I want to see other races being put down. I am not racist.

    If no one is noticing the colors, what has that got to do with me. I am commenting since it's my freedom. You replied to me because it's your freedom. You could have just ignored the comment thinking this is some obsessed person's rambling, but you still chose to reply.

    Also, I don't think no one cares, I have seen people expressing this sentiment (about light haired uke) in a lot of forums.

    forreal April 27, 2024 6:20 am
    Weird because most mangas coming from these countries usually feature asian characters (even if the colors of the hair is light, they still are asian, and if its fiction then most of hair colors dont make sense... m e l o n T a e

    Also that cartoon is not drawing itself, a real breathing HUMAN being is drawing it and real breathing HUMAN beings are reading it. And these real breathing HUMAN beings conform to a lot of stereotypes.

    Regarding the count, saying is just saying. Data talks. This particular statement of mine actually challenges the world view of a lot of people on this site (proved by the number of down votes I get), so I need to back it up with data.

    m e l o n T a e April 27, 2024 12:19 pm
    Also that cartoon is not drawing itself, a real breathing HUMAN being is drawing it and real breathing HUMAN beings are reading it. And these real breathing HUMAN beings conform to a lot of stereotypes.Regardin... forreal

    Just chill lmao it's just fiction no need to be this serious abt it. As if hollywood doesn't fetishizes or villanizes people from other countries and.out the white man with light hair as the saviour lmao. Literally 99% of western movies have villains belonging to the east of the world (esp. russia , china and the ME) so call your tits and go take some painkillers for your period

    forreal April 27, 2024 1:59 pm
    Just chill lmao it's just fiction no need to be this serious abt it. As if hollywood doesn't fetishizes or villanizes people from other countries and.out the white man with light hair as the saviour lmao. Liter... m e l o n T a e

    Since my comment was about manga, I am talking about manga. If I was talking about Hollywood, I would condemn anything wrong in it as well. Please stop with the assumptions.

    I think you are the one who needs to chill. Ever heard of polite speech? I don't know if it's the anonymity or what.. but people use such language here. Don't Asian cultures emphasize politeness from childhood.

forreal March 3, 2024 7:33 am

Having said all I wanted to about parenting in another post, this work is really funny. The interactions between the system and human... 50 cents less (lol).

forreal March 3, 2024 10:51 am

I really really really don't understand why people like this have children. If you cannot take care of a child, emotionally, financially or otherwise, don't have kids. Period.

Warning - This is going to be long rant on parenting. Skip if you don't agree to the statement above since the content after this is going to be even more descriptive. Feel free to down vote or leave comments regarding how wrong I am and how I don't understand people's situations and their helplessness. Doesn't change the fact that what I am saying is right and as adults, we should have the guts to take responsible decisions. Some people might even feel this topic is too heavy for a site where people come to read manga, but there are too many kids here. It's better to educate them when they are exposed to all the shit in this without any age restriction.

Stop ruining the child's life for your selfishness.
- If you cannot feed your child at least twice a day and provide basic safety, even if you are ready emotionally, you are not financially. Don't have children.
- If you cannot take care of them emotionally and rely on your partner entirely, then don't have children.
- If you are in an abusive relationship don't have children in the hope that they will be your ray of light or what ever shit. All you are doing is bringing a kid into an abusive environment. As an adult be mature and don't have kids. If you really need to have kids, have the guts and courage to fight against the abuse and get out of the abusive situation before having kids.
- If you are having kids because of societal pressure or pressure from relatives. DON'T.
- If you are having a kid to just showcase to the world that you are a "man" or a "women". JUST DON'T. If you really feel the need to be a father or mother, instead of IVF, why not try adoption.

There is an exponential raise of cases where parents sell their children into child and sex trafficking because their household situation is not good. Need of the hour is for women to stop going with the flow and take a strong stand based on their situation. And also for men and women to be properly educated (I am not taking about going to school, I am taking about educating them which ever way possible).

If you are going to say that animals too have kids without all these considerations and having kids is a biological need for humans as well, let me remind you we enjoy special privileges than animals. We have built a world abusing animals and even feel the need to control their population, just because we think human beings are intelligent and special, and hence we are superior and have the right to trample on other species (even though not all humans are intelligent and intelligence is not rare in animals as well). With special privileges comes responsibilities as well. If you think humans are intelligent, then apply that intelligence to all aspects of life, not just where it suits you. That is called hypocrisy.

Disclaimer - I have repeatedly used "you", but it's not specific to one person. This is intended for all humans including myself.

forreal March 3, 2024 5:31 am

Both the seme (Seram/Seth) and uke(Theo) are strong. They are leaders of their respective countries/sects. Strong characters written well and I really like the fact that the author did not make them a switch couple just because they are both strong (physically and politically). (I really don't understand the concept of sexual preferences having anything to do with physique, strength or personality.)

It's also admirable that they did not run away leaving their people to handle all the issues by themselves. They came back and fought with their respective armies. Seth went back to rebuild his destroyed nation and Theo went on to support his own country. They meet frequently and the relationship between the children seems to be good. (It might have been better for the children to stay together but it's understandable since even in real world good kings, queens and rulers do make such sacrifices.)

Since the plot is also good, I would have preferred if author expanded more on the politics in this. It's really rare to see good political plot in BL.

forreal March 3, 2024 7:34 am

I don't know how to feel about Hyo-un with Taehyuk in their previous life. He is a child, but he grows rapidly to look like an adult.. And the master was the one who was raped.. But he is still a child :'( So I am going to tag it with Child Sexual Scenario and abuse anyway, but not with grooming since Taehyuk did not have such interest. Looks more like Hyo-un groomed Taehyuk instead. Could have done without the rape scene, but he is a child and a dragon and in heat. This is so morally confusing since I don't know what's the age of consent for dragons.

This has a long flashback but a good example of how it's done right. Not talking about story but the transition and pacing.

    Tamaki5 March 3, 2024 1:12 pm

    Based on my belief, I think Hyo-un took on the form of a child, his a dragon who saw a child and took on the form of a child to blend in. He just awakened but was like a defective dragon who never got the training done to fully awaken as a dragon, if possible in a grown human form, so because he was confused and tried to belong, he saw a human girl and took a childlike form, If he saw a human adult first he would take on that adult like form. It's a bit weird but it's understandable.

    Succube March 3, 2024 7:11 pm
    Based on my belief, I think Hyo-un took on the form of a child, his a dragon who saw a child and took on the form of a child to blend in. He just awakened but was like a defective dragon who never got the train... Tamaki5

    I mean tbf even if he's not a human child, he's still a dragon child ( ̄∇ ̄")

    menluvr March 3, 2024 7:54 pm
    I mean tbf even if he's not a human child, he's still a dragon child ( ̄∇ ̄") Succube

    yeah… from what I remember, Taehyuk arrived in the village when he was like… mid 20’s? And left when he was mid 30’s? even if I’m wrong Hyo-un is still like 10 when that went down :/

    Succube March 4, 2024 9:11 am
    yeah… from what I remember, Taehyuk arrived in the village when he was like… mid 20’s? And left when he was mid 30’s? even if I’m wrong Hyo-un is still like 10 when that went down :/ menluvr

    À child(/TДT)/
    Then he went to sleep for centuries. Mentally even in the present he's a kid

forreal March 3, 2024 5:13 am

People here going on and on about cross dressing shorter seme and how "cute" he is and they how CAN'T WAIT for the (so called) sex scenes.... He is basically a stalker and really really REALLY CREEPY. You guys are seriously fetishizing this? Stalking, sexual abuse and rape? Seriously? This is Sexual abuse you realize? And it's not even written in a way which condemns these problematic things.

And I am sure I am going to get a lot of down votes for this, but I am going to say this anyway. You guys need some serious help.

    shartpissbaby April 22, 2024 3:00 am


    forreal April 26, 2024 1:50 pm

    Pointing towards the "(so called) sex scenes" I mentioned in the comment.

    shartpissbaby April 26, 2024 1:56 pm
    Pointing towards the "(so called) sex scenes" I mentioned in the comment. forreal

    I don’t get what u mean tho they never had sex or did anything lewd

    forreal April 27, 2024 5:38 am
    I don’t get what u mean tho they never had sex or did anything lewd shartpissbaby

    "how "cute" he is and they how CAN'T WAIT for the (so called) sex scenes...." I am talking about comments here..

    shartpissbaby April 27, 2024 3:48 pm
    "how "cute" he is and they how CAN'T WAIT for the (so called) sex scenes...." I am talking about comments here.. forreal

    Oh wait so u mean if they ever did have sex it would be rape?

    forreal April 28, 2024 12:40 pm
    Oh wait so u mean if they ever did have sex it would be rape? shartpissbaby

    Kind of. Since, at this point of time he is a stalker and assaults him, if they do it now, it would be rape.

    It was more about people anticipating the sex scenes with current situation.

    shartpissbaby April 28, 2024 3:46 pm
    Kind of. Since, at this point of time he is a stalker and assaults him, if they do it now, it would be rape.It was more about people anticipating the sex scenes with current situation. forreal

    Ohhh ok ok my bad

    Mayo Nessa August 14, 2024 2:55 am

    I get it. I wanted to read this out of curiosity coz I just hate the guy. But then I read this and I was all "This ain't it."

    I don't mind a shorter top. I like height gaps whichever role they play. My issue is the constant harassment. Creeps me out. There wasn't even anything remotely cute about their interactions. It didn't really get better the further I read. Sadly, as much as I didn't like the guy, I wanted to read his story. But this one just isn't for me

    ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

    forreal August 14, 2024 5:04 am
    I get it. I wanted to read this out of curiosity coz I just hate the guy. But then I read this and I was all "This ain't it." I don't mind a shorter top. I like height gaps whichever role they play. My issue is... Mayo Nessa


forreal March 1, 2024 12:51 pm

I really love this work, but it's getting too long with unnecessary couples. I don't understand the need to make everyone around the main couple gay. Like expect for Lingwei's couple, every other character of some importance turned out to be gay. Just how and why? Most of the female characters in this have bad characterization. Why not have a healthy balance.

And the latest story... Uhh.. Incest. Was that really necessary? Really feels like grooming.. I really hope they do not end up being a couple.. Just going to skip this though.

Concept of spin-offs, prequel and sequel exists. Why not create a different title for different couples so that one story does not effect the other. Many a times the second couple leaves a bad taste (true with vice-versa) and this effects the feelings for the whole manga. I don't understand the need to jam pack everything under one title, when most stories like this can be read absolutely independently.

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