forreal September 12, 2024 10:22 am

How did Marvel turn into DC ( ̄へ ̄)

    forreal September 12, 2024 10:23 am

    To clarify, I am using a popular stereotype here. Though I do not think one is darker than the other, this just fits.

forreal September 2, 2024 8:32 am

There it is again. Raise in another stupid trope related to light haired characters. I see a lot of semes these days who are (called as) "as pretty as a girl", "as pretty as a doll", "how can there be someone so beautiful", "beautiful as a cute", "cuter than any girl", "looks like a doll", "so gorgeous" etc and for some reason majority of these happen to be blond, silver/light haired characters. This, Frey, Unfinished Business, and ton of other works follow this when the seme is a blond or light haired character. I saw just 1 work in the recent times where the seme is described as beautiful and has black hair.

I don't understand why these authors are so obsessed with the light haired characters being beautiful and dark hark semes being handsome. When am I going to see light haired semes being characterized or being called as Handsome damn it. (I know there are some, but this is a minority).

If you disagree, please enlighten me and share a few works where black/dark haired semes are called all these.

Disclaimer : I do not confirm to sex positions based on looks, physique or personality. I don't have a problem with pretty semes, or strong ukes or anything in between. What I have a problem is with light haired characters being persistently portrayed as only beautiful, pretty, pitiful, docile and downright door mats (be it as a uke or seme) and dark harried characters persistently portrayed as handsome, reliable, aggressive, ruthless etc. That too in works produced by countries with predominantly dark hair.

forreal September 2, 2024 8:34 am

I understand the father not knowing the child is adopted, but how can the mother (and the whole family) not know that the child is adopted? Lean is plain stupid (for thinking this), along with all the other characters. I just can't put this in a nice way.

Where do these people (father in law, husband, etc) think the womb is? Alexei can beat up, injure and be as violent as he wants as long as Lean's womb is uninjured and he can give birth? Where is the logic in this? The womb does not function in isolation, it requires the other parts of the body to be functioning as well.

I understand Alexei's anger to some extent since he was raped by Lean while in a coma. But this guy also is always violent with his partners and gets away with murder. And Lean? He wants to somehow make Alexei love him. Unfortunately I see this last part is somewhat true in real world. Some people do get away with murders, and some people stupidly stay with their abusers just because they think they can change them.

    Nai September 3, 2024 11:23 pm

    Not to try to excuse Lean but I think it was explained Alexei while in comma sensed his fated mate and released pheromones, inducing Lean's heat and what happened. Still bad and horrible.

    forreal September 4, 2024 7:22 am
    Not to try to excuse Lean but I think it was explained Alexei while in comma sensed his fated mate and released pheromones, inducing Lean's heat and what happened. Still bad and horrible. Nai

    Omega verse complicates it :(

forreal September 1, 2024 12:29 pm

The reviews for this were very really good and stated that the ML (Jaekyoung) was a green forest but had a problematic MC (Jiheon). After reading the first 100 chapters I would have to completely disagree with this.

Jiheon has a lot of one night stands but he is not deceitful, He always clearly communicates his expectations and limitations. He also tells people who are interested in him, that he is not into relationships. The issue I see with him so far is going along with all the things Jaekyoung wants. He also projects his regrets on Jaekyoung and doesn't want Jaekyoung's reputation to be tainted even though Jaekyoung himself does not care for it. He also starts a relationship with Jaekyoung for this reason.

Coming to the so called green forest, I don't have any issues with Jaekyoung's blunt personality or even with his lack of communication skills. With such a straight forward personality showcased in the first few chapters, you would think He would be the same with his love interest. Man.. was I wrong. He is very deceitful, coerces, manipulates and guilt trips Jiheon into sleeping with him, completely disregards a "NO" or "Please Stop" from Jiheon in bed, continues to manipulate, guilt trip and coerce in all subsequent personal interactions. It is shown that he greatly admires and respects Jiheon as a swimmer, but the respect hardly translates to his behavior. I don't see how this is green flag, let along a green forest. Sure, there might be great character development in future chapters which I have not read yet, but it still does not make him a green flag.

The story and story telling was ok. The starting was interesting with professional athletes and the politics around it, but 30 chapters in, the story telling gets very blurry. The world of athletes takes a backseat (with occasional glimpses).

    Pretzel September 1, 2024 5:13 pm

    THISSS I was so confused when people kept calling hima green forest because reading the novel.....he kept manipulating him and it just pissed me off

    Norn September 1, 2024 6:24 pm

    Yeah, I agree with this. People seem to have different expectations when it comes to ABO and hot men. Like, "oh he's so hot and he loves him, how dare Jiheon not want to be in a relationship with him right away and do everything he wants?" You see a lot of that in fandom.

    forreal September 2, 2024 2:55 am
    Yeah, I agree with this. People seem to have different expectations when it comes to ABO and hot men. Like, "oh he's so hot and he loves him, how dare Jiheon not want to be in a relationship with him right away... Norn

    Agreed. I read a comment somewhere along the lines of, "MC previously told the ML that he did not want to get pregnant, so the ML tried his best not to make the MC pregnant by offering morning after pill etc after the heat. He is such a green flag."

    The bar is so low that doing the bare minimum basic courtesy of not FORCING pregnancy on your partner is seen as a green flag.

    forreal September 12, 2024 10:15 am
    Agreed. I read a comment somewhere along the lines of, "MC previously told the ML that he did not want to get pregnant, so the ML tried his best not to make the MC pregnant by offering morning after pill etc af... forreal

    Finally completed the novel (not the extras). I don't think I even want to go there.

    Jaekyoung basically manipulates Jiheon even for the pregnancy. Even though Jiheon firmly states that he does not wish to be pregnant, Jaekyoung repeatedly asks him if he was sure and that he (Jaekyoung) would be thrilled to have a daughter.

    Had to skip a lot of content to be able to complete this. I just could not stomach their intimacy most of the time (not just talking about bed scenes here). Jaekyoung keeps coercing and manipulating Jiheon till the end and Jiheon just goes along with anything Jaekyoung says. No other thoughts what so ever.

    The only part I liked was the manipulation of media in the professional setting and how the Jiheon resolved it.

forreal April 11, 2024 5:45 am

A blond Raven ((sigh))

    SisterFriede April 11, 2024 9:45 am

    I have an albino flying around in a park nearby XD

    forreal April 14, 2024 1:13 pm

    Wow. An albino Raven. That's like the rarest of rare sights.

    I come from an area where the raven population is quite high, but have never seen one. Hope I see and photograph one before I die. I love the black of ravens and takes photos of them quite a lot :)

    Coming back to the manga, authors really like to write about cosmic flukes...

forreal March 23, 2024 8:24 am

Trigger Warning - Pedophilia, Child r@pe, Child Prostitution, Child Abuse, Child Sex Trafficking

Damn it. Another work with sensitive/triggering content without any warnings. Disgusting.

Also seriously the disgusting adults surrounding these kids. No amount of torture is enough for these disgusting creatures.

Also, another light haired seme who is subjected to sexual abuse as a child. Hardly happens to dark haired semes. Authors have this twisted racial domination and fetishism going on where they write light haired characters being repeatedly subjected to such atrocities.

Till date, number of manga with this trope - 58 (Light haired Seme) vs 17 (Dark haired Seme). I don't even need to count this happening to light haired ukes, since the majority is written with light haired person as uke.

    Kuze March 23, 2024 11:20 am

    Well what do you know, author is korean and korean is intolerant toward non black hair nature

    shithead March 23, 2024 12:45 pm

    wait does the manhwa show full on child r*pe? like the whole thing? or is it few panels or just mention of it in flashbacks and stuff?

    titty-eyed mosquito March 23, 2024 1:25 pm
    wait does the manhwa show full on child r*pe? like the whole thing? or is it few panels or just mention of it in flashbacks and stuff? shithead

    Can't say anything about the manhwa, but so far the novel only has mentions of rape and sexual assault that is happening to the circus performers (that might include the child MC? It was an incident that happened in the past)

    shithead March 23, 2024 2:22 pm
    Can't say anything about the manhwa, but so far the novel only has mentions of rape and sexual assault that is happening to the circus performers (that might include the child MC? It was an incident that happen... titty-eyed mosquito

    oh. can you link me the novel please? and thanks

    shithead March 24, 2024 6:31 am
    Sure here it is titty-eyed mosquito

    oh it was dropped...

    forreal March 24, 2024 12:41 pm
    Well what do you know, author is korean and korean is intolerant toward non black hair nature Kuze

    It's not limited to just this author or just Korean authors. This happens in all Japanese, Chinese and Korean works.

    I have seen many authors mainly write seme as dark haired and when they write some work with seme with r@pe as backstory, they suddenly switch the seme to being light haired.

    This is not even limited to BL, same thing happens with male characters in other genre.

    Heck, even in hetro manga, women most often than not are portrayed with light haired.

    For countries with predominantly black hair to first portray so many light haired characters, and further more portray these atrocities committed against them...

    Kuze March 24, 2024 2:07 pm

    Idk about chinese since I almost never read chinese webtoon but Ive seen enough black haired got raped in japanese yaoi

    forreal March 24, 2024 3:53 pm
    Idk about chinese since I almost never read chinese webtoon but Ive seen enough black haired got raped in japanese yaoi Kuze

    Not saying that doesn't happen. I am talking about numbers.

    With semes, the majority is light haired.

    With ukes, in general about 70 to 80% have light hair. So, even considering same % of atrocities committed towards light vs dark haired ukes, the % is more for light haired ukes.

    Japanese, Korean and Chinese all follow this.

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies March 24, 2024 4:33 pm
    Can't say anything about the manhwa, but so far the novel only has mentions of rape and sexual assault that is happening to the circus performers (that might include the child MC? It was an incident that happen... titty-eyed mosquito

    Does it say specifically what the incident was

    titty-eyed mosquito March 24, 2024 7:29 pm
    Does it say specifically what the incident was Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    So up to the point I read the MC does talk about the incident in detail. He was supposed to service a guest in the crater, an adult man. It wasn't full on rape as there was no penetration but it came very close to it. Fortunately at the last minute he turned into a wolf and attacked the pedo but didn't kill him

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies March 24, 2024 7:32 pm
    So up to the point I read the MC does talk about the incident in detail. He was supposed to service a guest in the crater, an adult man. It wasn't full on rape as there was no penetration but it came very close... titty-eyed mosquito

    Well at the very least I'm glad he attacked him shame he didn't kill the pedo still disgusting they have children doing that damn thank you

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies March 24, 2024 7:34 pm
    So up to the point I read the MC does talk about the incident in detail. He was supposed to service a guest in the crater, an adult man. It wasn't full on rape as there was no penetration but it came very close... titty-eyed mosquito

    Sorry can I also ask is it going to happen again to him I'm not sure if I should keep reading if it does ?

    titty-eyed mosquito March 24, 2024 7:51 pm
    Sorry can I also ask is it going to happen again to him I'm not sure if I should keep reading if it does ? Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies

    I finished the first volume where he is still a child and nothing like that happens again. I also skipped a bit further and didn't see anything related to rape, but I'm not 100 % sure as it was mtl. Anyways I'm gonna continue reading it as characters and the story is interesting and I want to see the MC grow and become more self confident amd not be afraid and repulsed by his monster side

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies March 24, 2024 7:53 pm
    I finished the first volume where he is still a child and nothing like that happens again. I also skipped a bit further and didn't see anything related to rape, but I'm not 100 % sure as it was mtl. Anyways I'm... titty-eyed mosquito

    Ok tysm

    Sorry, I only eat ass March 25, 2024 5:02 am
    So up to the point I read the MC does talk about the incident in detail. He was supposed to service a guest in the crater, an adult man. It wasn't full on rape as there was no penetration but it came very close... titty-eyed mosquito

    Wtf author should have made him kill that nasty ass pedo

    titty-eyed mosquito March 25, 2024 8:10 am
    Wtf author should have made him kill that nasty ass pedo Sorry, I only eat ass

    The people outsode the tent noticed the commotion and went in and subdued Six so he couldn't do anything

forreal March 21, 2024 2:37 pm

I see many people bring up Banana Fish in works with (pretty) blond and black characters. Like this one, Jeweler Richard and so many more.

That shit work is very traumatizing and has a LOT of triggering content like child r@pe, prostitution and r@pe. THIS WORK DOES NOT. Why compare and mention it here.

I understand people might miss that work or what ever and cannot handle the fact that it ended, but please, request all of you people to stop bringing it up in all other works for no apparent reason.

    Kiki_manga March 22, 2024 3:03 am

    No apparent reason huh

    forreal March 22, 2024 3:19 am
    No apparent reason huh Kiki_manga

    I don't see any reason why other works have to be brought up in a completely unrelated work.

    That too when that work is very traumatizing and triggering. Why bring up something like that when people are trying to enjoy a totally different genre.

    Now this work brings up associated feelings with the other work, when ever people look at this poster. Just because some cultist people can't control their feelings. That other work is still on this site. Please use that for your discussions on that work.

    This is a type of ruining a perfectly good work for other people.

    I generally look at the comments to see if there is any sensitive content in the work. Instead I see people repeatedly mentioning some other work which is totally unrelated, and has very triggering content. This in fact again brings up bad feeling to light.

    forreal March 22, 2024 3:21 am

    And here comes the downvoting from cultists for a request to stop bringing up triggering stuff. Seriously you people are beyond reason.

    Kiki_manga March 22, 2024 12:01 pm
    And here comes the downvoting from cultists for a request to stop bringing up triggering stuff. Seriously you people are beyond reason. forreal

    A completely different genre? Triggering things? You realize Max Mojave's case has those subjects right? You realize the similarity with banana fish doesn't stop at blond and brunette protagonists right? If you don't want people to bring it up maybe use a different argument than " they're totally different" they're not.

    forreal March 22, 2024 1:46 pm
    A completely different genre? Triggering things? You realize Max Mojave's case has those subjects right? You realize the similarity with banana fish doesn't stop at blond and brunette protagonists right? If you... Kiki_manga

    You do realize Max (THE MAIN CHARACTER) was not raped as a child right? You do realize he was not used for a child prostitute right? You do realize he was not raped constantly even as an teen/adult right? How is this same as that work?

    Yes, there are such elements, but not with main characters. And a simple trigger warning would have sufficed if people wanted to warn other people of such elements. But noooo. people won't do that.

    Apart from looks, mob and some scenarios, it's literally a different story line and their personalities are also different.

    Even if 2 works are a bit similar, what is the point of bringing one into another. There are so many comments here saying this is "2.0" or "They are literally Ash and Eiji", or "I hope the author doesn't kill Max because it happened to Ash.", so on and so forth. The whole comments section is filled with this. Are people really reading THIS work or just trying to hang on to the feelings they got from other work. I think it's the later. Totally like a CULT.

    And not just this one.. Any other manga or any video on YouTube with a characters with similar looks, BAAM.. The cult started commenting "ash and eiji" "ash and eiji". We get it, they look a bit similar, but stop with the cultist mindset and these comments.

    Also, here are a few examples (from this site) of how people bring that work into literally anything.
    "i think I spotted a banana fishhhhh"

    I don't see how My stallion has anything to do with that work apart from appearance.
    "THE FUCKING “nice to meet you” REMINDED ME OF BANANA FISH NO (and the fact he even has blonde hair & blue eyes"

    Same here
    "This chap making my ptsd from banana fish surface again"
    "And thank god for not a banana fish ending!"
    "Looking like ash and Eiji from banana fish roles reversed"
    "last panel of extra giving me banana fish vibe"

    How is this related to Banana fish, I will never know.
    "This is what banana fish ending should be"
    "I was thinking how this story reminded me of Banana Fish AND THEN I SAW YOUR PROFILE"

    Dear Benjamin? Seriously?
    "Banana fish?!.........I swear this manhwa made me think like that"

    And so on.. This is just the tip of iceberg. There are literally thousands of comments all across this site, reddit, YouTube etc. I can't see this as anything but as a CULT.

    Kiki_manga March 23, 2024 12:57 am
    You do realize Max (THE MAIN CHARACTER) was not raped as a child right? You do realize he was not used for a child prostitute right? You do realize he was not raped constantly even as an teen/adult right? How i... forreal

    YoaiLover March 30, 2024 5:24 am
    You do realize Max (THE MAIN CHARACTER) was not raped as a child right? You do realize he was not used for a child prostitute right? You do realize he was not raped constantly even as an teen/adult right? How i... forreal

    It’s honestly never that serious to write whole paragraphs about comparing this to banana fish not every comparison needs have same background/personality to be like bffr and calm the fuck down

    forreal March 30, 2024 6:30 am
    It’s honestly never that serious to write whole paragraphs about comparing this to banana fish not every comparison needs have same background/personality to be like bffr and calm the fuck down YoaiLover

    May be it's not serious for you, but for others it is. There are tons of comments in this section asking for people to stop bringing up that work into this.

    It's triggering for some people. People get physically sick due to such triggers. If this work had the same amount of triggering content or trauma, then it might not have been so disturbing (Because people who have those issues wouldn't be reading this work in that case). But what am I expecting from people. Seriously... A genuine request with reasoning triggers such responses.

    Calling people dumb or asking to "calm the fuck down" is easy to do. But there is no substantial reason for anyone to actually understand or follow what you want with just these words.

    If someone wants to get their point through they have to explain. That explanation might lead to such long paragraphs.

    I believe in explaining my viewpoint instead of just name calling others. If you have a problem with that, nothing I can do about it.

    YoaiLover March 30, 2024 2:37 pm
    May be it's not serious for you, but for others it is. There are tons of comments in this section asking for people to stop bringing up that work into this.It's triggering for some people. People get physically... forreal

    Again I’m say it not serious to make whole paragraphs and I’m not reading all I stand by my point doesn’t matter if you agree or not

    forreal March 31, 2024 6:58 am

    No point in even "trying" to have a conversation with a person who doesn't read what others are saying. So not going to reply after this.

    People won't understand what they don't want to understand.

forreal March 21, 2024 2:21 pm

That disgusting excuse for a brother really did try to drug him and rape him. Disgusting piece of shit.

Ch 30 had me doubting myself for a second if Limon was an omega. Thank god that wasn't the case. I really hate it when a really pretty character is written as omega or uke just because they are beautiful. And that too when they explicitly call out blond as pretty.

I really hope that Limon doesn't rape Inferna either.

forreal March 11, 2024 10:54 am

I would not call what Suou is doing as "teasing". Saying that he is going too far is also not correct. This is just plain mental abuse. Don't we often see this in abusive relationships? Making them feel insecure, putting your partner down or trying to lower their self-esteem so that they are trapped in the abusive relationship. Suou basically does all this. Even after starting a relationship, he repeatedly tells Rikiya that's he is not good enough, that Shinobu is cuter than him, gentler than him and is more important. I don't see how this is even remotely healthy.

So what if Rikiya thinks of you as a younger person or so called subordinate (even though Rikiya doesn't actually show anywhere that he is trying to put down Suou)? What has that got to do with love? Can't you just ask him out? Why try to start a relationship only based on jealously. He is so manipulative and abusive. And he always puts the blame on Rikiya. Yes, Rikiya is not very expressive but is mental abuse supposed to fix that? I just wish Rikiya would break up with him. Dealing with that kind of constant mental abuse is going to take a toll on him in the long run. Heck he constantly gets sick due to Suou already.

This is just an irredeemable work with tons of stupidity. Nothing good about it.

forreal March 11, 2024 10:53 am

Another example of illogical physical attributes like Heat and Run.

Aki has light hair and his brother has dark hair. And Sai's family.. Every single one of the brothers have a different hair color. Like.. Just why and how..

My only consolation is that the author here (unlike in Heat and Run) did not make him (Aki) light haired just to make him uke. Averted Light haired uke stereotype successfully. Thanks Author.

Enjoyed reading this though.

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