In a world where Humans and Demons are in constant wars. Human adventurers seek to challenge the dem...
- Author: Color-LES
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo Ai / Webtoons / Yuri
Jeongwon, who is traumatized by four-wheeled vehicles because of a car accident, got a ride from Kim...
- Author: 1172
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Yuri / Smut / Webtoons
When vlogger meets top-of-the-industry writer, what could go wrong? Everything! Nothing has gone my ...
- Author: 考石头,奇三三
- Genres: Chinese / Webtoons / Shoujo / Yuri / Comedy / Drama / Full Color / Romance / Slice of Life Chinese Webtoons Comedy Drama Full Color Romance Slice of Life
Bullied at school and abused at home, Seulbi, a high school senior struggling with her interest in o...
- Author: ZZING
- Genres: Drama / Webtoons / Yuri
Sena's built the perfect life for herself. She a has a caring boyfriend, a job she actually enj...
- Author: Minguk23
- Genres: Adult / Mature / Smut / Josei / Yuri / Webtoons
- Author: Sungwon
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Mystery / Supernatural / Tragedy / Yuri / Webtoons / Adult
The enchanting flower maidens of Moonlight Garden are coveted by all, as they are known to provide s...
- Author: Kang Unnie,MissPM
- Genres: Historical / Yuri / Webtoons / Adult
- Author: 映梦社
- Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / yuri / shoujo ai
"The negligence is not the fault of the master but of the servant"Marie, who will be punis...
- Author: Jung shira,Cho sangduck
- Genres: Yuri / Smut / Historical / Romance / Adult / Webtoons
Yuzu Aihara, a fashionable, spontaneous and fun-loving city-girl, transfers to a new neighborhood an...
- Author: saburo uta
- Genres: Yuri
A collection of Sailor Moon doujinshi featuring Haruka & Michiru.In "Sweet Soul Revue," by Miike Rom...
- Author: Akasaka Arika
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Yuri
Plot: Despite the title, Hen is NOT Hentai. It does have sex, strong language, yuri, and other eleme...
- Author: oku hiroya
- Genres: Adult / Drama / Ecchi / Romance / School Life / Shoujo Ai / Yuri
A new employee, Ah-young, has been secretly in love with her boss, Cheon Seung-hee. Then one day, wh...
- Author: Hyuk
- Genres: Yuri / Romance / Smut / Adult / Webtoons
The funny romantic story of how Qiu Tong and Sun Jing met and fell in love.<br><br>Also ...
- Author: Tan Jiu
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life / Shoujo Ai / Slice Of Life / Yuri / Webtoons
A very special prison with only women!Ahn Taeseong, one of the world's leading conglomerates, c...
- Author: All-Ha, Shang-Gi
- Genres: Yuri / Drama / Adult / Psychological / Webtoons