I tried getting on here last night and it did a 502 no matter what. I'm so glad to be able to read my trash today , I was so scared!

Same,and while trying to log in,it wasn't happening so when I tried to change my password,they said that me email wasn't registered on this site so I thought that my account might have been accidentally deleted. I'm so happy right now.In the future ; the reason for my death will be mangago I think,by giving me heart attack

SAME!!! OMG. I was trying to log in and it kept saying 'wrong password or email' and I'm like 'ok...' so I typed in my new password that didn't update before. But it still wasn't working so I clicked forgot the password and typed in my email then it was saying that my email doesn't exist on this site. So I started freaking out XD

Has anyone looked up irl asian boy x boy porn? I just did and I was weirded out because porn culture is a little funny, but some videos were extremely cute and hot. What are your experiences?

I just watched some short videos and gifs, and I didn't like it at all, they looked awkward and everything looked so fake, like they don't put effort to it.....and most of them have small dicks lol. It's so weird cause even though I don't watch porn I know that there is diversity but they rarely have it....
I can't fully be honest to anyone but I just want to let out that I'm a quiet sex addict, I don't really act on it but sometimes I fuck up. I'm very emotionally loyal to my partner but I've cheated twice and I've decided I definitely don't want to again bc I feel real about this person. Ive cheated on other not really serious relationships too. But when I feel like my body isn't mine I get a little unstable. My partner told me I can experience things with girls which I'm grateful for and won't take advantage of. I know what I've done is the worst and I don't deserve his kind love. I want to unlearn my poor sexual behavior, it's just hard bc I've known what sex is since I don't even know, it's like I was born knowing. Which I was told might mean I was abused as a small child. I've masturbated since I could have memories and became addicted to porn when I was only and 8 years old and now I'm here and crave to be sexually tortured continuously until I'm dead. I've lost count with how many people I've slept with and can't go very long without masturbating or physical contact . Sex is all i see in my future and when im no longer sexually desirable I'll probably decide to kill myself. Im sorry for being a cheater, it never bothered me too much before but i feel truly undeserving with this person now, I've promised to do better bc I've never felt this way before. I also depend on him to live.. I think otherwise I'd ask for an open relationship to be honest with myself and with him. Also I've never gotten sick I always use protection and get check ups often. All I see is sex
If u like it that much,try to ask ur partner to do it whenever you feel like it?
He's a very hard worker and is often tired and not in the mood. When we do stuff it's cool and nice but it's hard to ask him or just anyone to do the kinds of things I'd want them to do, that involve a lot of time, attention and enthusiasm. I want to too often and he also doesn't last very long. My heart is all there but our bodies aren't >.<
First off why not talk to your partner, discuss how you feel, but maybe also get a therapist and talk about how you feel and get an outside point of view. But ultimately talk with him ask if an open relationship is an option or if he's fine with doing these things with you whenever. To be able to work this out you need to make sure you converse with your partner and make sure you both are okay and happy.
I'd also like to add that I do make my own money, I have ever since I was 16. He let me live with him because he empathized with my poor home life. But I do my pay my portion of rent, my groceries, luxuries and phone. I'm a pervert but not a loser leech
I sort of have like .. He and I also know I could benefit from therapy hehe. But it's very expensive... :( I've in a way insinuated these things but he's made it very very clear that at least with another guy he could not be happy with me doing these things. But ... with girls he's ok with it? I slowly but surely let him know how I think because I'd truly like to find a perfect spot for us where were both happy! I don't want to hurt him and I want to release. Thank you for being kind <3
Not that you were insinuating anything I just wanted to put it on the post!
If you are really struggling with your sex addiction you can see a therapist, or try going to a support group. There's some stuff that's too hard to sort out in your own brain. There might be some decent internet communities but I'd strongly recommend going to a strictly moderated setting.
You clearly care about your partner, but this is something you are doing for yourself. Best of luck et bon voyage
Feels like reading a Jiang Wenxu from 10 years where I loved you the most.
Anyway, you should ask yourself what can't you miss, your boyfriend or your sexual needs. What would you longer more if have to choose between one of them? How would be a world without your boyfriend (whom my still love you even when you are not sexually atractive) and how would be a world without all that sex?
Your affairs will hurt your boyfriend and also yourself. If you care for your boyfriend you should do even the impossible for receive professional help other than asking in the web. And when your boyfriend realizes you're cheating it will bring hell to both of you.
In the other side, being promiscuous is a sign of sexual abuse in the childhood. You really should seek for help, since you really need it, not only to protect your relationship with your boyfriend, but to take care for yourself, since you might have those needs to deal with something hurting emotionally. It doesn't matter how expensive could it be, psychological and emotional health deserves it.
I know what you mean about therapy being expensive, it also needs tons of searching but anyways I hope you can get the help you need with this and also a perfect middle between you guys i know it can be tough for finding middle grounds Idk maybe threesomes? If both parties are comfortable but I really totally wish you the best and I'm not sure why he can't be okay with you having intercourse with the opposite sex i guess that just involves more talking right? But seriously wish I could help you out more
Also maybe searching for like hotlines that are accustomed to your finances, it's definitely not long term but maybe it can help you talk this out with someone else :)
Yeaa I think about those questions sometimes and it jumbles up my thoughts until I want to think about something else. I would like to be happy and stable more than have meaningless sex:' I would really like to go to therapy so I'll look into what my options are !
No please you have been so nice and everyone's gave great inputs, I feel your care from far away <3 I was smart enough to sign up for health insurance recently and haven't looked into what it can offer me but I'll see what I can afford now with it. I know it's silly to do all this online but I think I just needed a push because I was starting to feel that pulling feeling again and in my head it's probably saying "pls chill with the sex stuff I'm tired get help" I believe I'll figure it all out soon now that I have some resources ! Thank you
Well 1st of all be honest with him,just with everything, even the little things,try to spend more time with him too,and when he get home from work,care for him and try to cook good meals,and try not to be too depressed cuz depression is contagious, u'll work it out just fine,if ur honest with each other and share things together,and if he does love u and the one meant for you, he will try to understand and try to help you in his own way
Ok I know this isn’t necessary but I wanted to wrap this up after a year by saying that the bf I had when I made this post was actually a shit head. A lazy 31 year old bum that worked as a dog walker and later quit to do gambling as a “job” and doesn’t know how to feed himself bc he’s too busy playing video games and vaping. I cheated bc I wasnt happy in my relationship with him but my extremely low self esteem didn’t allow me to see my problems for what they really were. Which btw that bf didn’t help bc he was pretty emotionally negligent and would straight up call me a dirty Mexican and a dumb whore and shit like that. I have my own beautiful apt now and I share it with a new partner that I am fully devoted to and I work hard to maintain myself, where I live and our relationship. I haven’t felt any desire to cheat or feel any lack of sexual attention that leads to negative habits bc for once I’m actually in a good relationship and good environment. Things can always and will always change, please don’t ever give up. Growing up and becoming more mature is hard but coming out on the other side, you feel so amazing and independent. Listen to your body when it’s acting against your emotions, don’t stay in relationships that you’re body is trying to tell you to get out of.