I feel like sangwoo has become very observant of small things bum does, he asked why he was holding the frog with 2 hands and pointed out bum lifting up his butt. Just,, dumb things ya know? Or maybe he's always been like that I can't remember. He really seems to be in competition with bums uncle too, yandere piece of fycukgn ,,cunt

That was a lot of good build up for such a weak ending, there was so much potential. Feels like I wasted my time reading it sadly

Nothing specific but there were so many short cuts that could have at the very least been executed better. Namsoo ends in a psych ward? How edgy lol. MC decided to go back to the environment he was tortured at, ooo how heroic. The end was in all very stale, the story made the point but It didn't make me FEEL anything, I was just like " ok..next story"

What it’s edgy about someone with mental disorders staying at a mental hospital to receive treatment? Lol. And about Hyeongoh, why shouldn’t he finish high school in the same place when the only reason he was bullied to begin with isn’t there anymore. IMO, it was a realistic ending and I don’t think I would have been as satisfied as I am if it was different.
The scenario for sexual tension was so absurd I couldn't even enjoy it in chapter 2. I've read so many cliche and annoying "accidents" but this is the worst so far.
I've read way more then you and i can agree that some of the parts in this manga are really clichè. However, this is far from the "worst" I've ever come across. They are clichè because they work. A great example of clichè in junjou romantica, now that is some crazy clichè stuff. But it's fucking amazing, so if your going to hate, at least make sure there is a real argument, or just point out thngs you do like about it? Trust me, in the yaoi world you won't get very far if you don't have an open mind about seeing a pattern in the drama.
I can still think this is the silliest scenario I've come across becaaauusee I haven't read that many, why i said "so far". When I read a crazier one I'll consider that the new crazy, I still really enjoyed this one enough to add it to my faves list. Your worst and my worst are obvi going to be different because we are not the same person ::)