It's such a shame that the biker dude had to pretend to be rika's boyfriend to get her stalker off her back. Aside from the fact that she shouldn't have been stalked in the place, it really cements the idea that women are free game unless they have a boyfriend/husband. I stayed for the titties, but I can find titties elsewhere that's not so dehumanizing to women. Although I might revisit because to be fair, the titty is very nice here.
Have you guys ever known somebody who is absolutely terrible to you, but so good to your friend? That's what came to mind when the bald dude was sussed out by the seme. And it gets complicated when your friend they've finally found happiness after going through a shit storm. What would you do if you were the person being treated badly? On another note, what if you were the person being treated well? I've been on ends and neither of them feel great.