What happened at the end of chapter 28? Is it cut off?

Yeah it is, I found the complete ver here:

Spoiler question:
Is the bed not magic? Why is she worried about being infertile if they plan on using magic?
Or was that a translation mess up? (I actually don't think she is infertile, I think her ex is and Rashta's baby isn't his) but even if she is they brought up thr magic bed thing and now im really confused

Spoiler answer[I think]…..
Wasnt it that She was never infertile and it was actually that bastard who was infertile, because he was the one who actually ate those infertile cookies(idk lol, something like dat). If I remember correctly trashta isn’t even pregnant with his child. And I read somewhere that navier got pregnant very easily and got twins to sum stuff.

(sorry I accidentaly sent my comment while i was still typing)
However, Navier was cured thanks to the magic bed. She became an ice mage and gave birth to Laurie and Kai.
And you're right, Rashta's child is said not to be Sovieshu, but that matter is left inconclusive by the end of the novel. The majority of the fandom thinks that the baby definitely isn't his, while there are some people arguing that she actually is Sovieshu's daughter and that the paternity test was tampered with. Especially because of Duke Ergi's note to Sovieshit and the fact that the priest commited su1c1d*
The agency ceo reminds me of the purple demon guy from blue exorcist lol