I mean, if they would just look up on the online store, there's this device that would squeeze the toothpaste at the end of the tube for you. It's sold for cheap too, with many cute designs. (I've a froggy one btw.)
Or look up on the internet, there's also this life hack where they could use a 'paper clip' (not really a paper clip, I don't remember what that stationary were called as) to hold the end of the toothpaste tube, so that the filling inside won't flow back to the end when you squeeze the tube in the middle.

Alex honey, you're so darn right. Why in the goddamn world would you ask Cole for his permission? You never want 'no' as an answer in the first place,
And those lesbian couple, if you don't want a random person and would rather someone you know to be as a donor, then you should have just ask your cousin or neighbor or something!
Or better yet, ADOPT for fuck's sake.
Well Cole... Brad did said he'll be always waiting for you with open arms. Now off you go!!
People are insensitive, the only thing they get sensitive about is when you cheat.

Well the lesbian couple has the right to choose who they want their donor to be and whether they should adopt or not. Also, We don’t know if the rest of their family is homophobic, or any of their other circumstances. They were clear about respecting Alex’s choice regardless of their answer so I don’t think they take any blame.
Actually I’ve recently read a manga about the mangaka describing her experience with her gf on trying to have a baby, hold up ima find it

Well if that's the case, then they surely have use their respectful rights so damn well.
Say if it's the other way around, if Cole were the one asking them to be the surrogate mother for his baby, but nahh...
His own relationship is a wreck enough. He's not that kinda insensitive prick that would risk on jeopardising other's relationship.
Why are the lesbian couple can't take the blame too?
Did they went asking the favour, not knowing that Alex is in relationship? Do they think it's only Alex choice to make? Do married men or men in general who are in a relationship normally donate their sperm behind their spouse's back..?
Surely they wouldn't think that the favour they ask won't raise any arguments on the other party, is it? Ayy, they're not that stupid, because they have every right to ask whoever they want.
Who cares if the spouse of the person they asked the seed from is a kid with inferiority complex and won't mull over the subject and become even more depressed about himself.

Are you saying they should have not asked at all?
1)” Who cares if the spouse of the person they asked the seed from is a kid with inferiority complex and won't mull over the subject and become even more depressed about himself. ”
Correct me if I’m wrong but, the lesbian couple doesn’t know that much about Cole and Alex’s relationship. Is it their duty to keep track or?
2) “ Did they went asking the favour, not knowing that Alex is in relationship? Do they think it's only Alex choice to make? Do married men or men in general who are in a relationship normally donate their sperm behind their spouse's back..? ”
they met with Alex and Cole asking if it was okay for Alex to be a sperm donor. Though they did Alex by themselves at first, they did create an opportunity for Cole to voice his opposition. Alex isn’t doing shit being Cole's back nor was he encouraged to by the lesbian couple
3) “Surely they wouldn't think that the favour they ask won't raise any arguments on the other party, is it? Ayy, they're not that stupid, because they have every right to ask whoever they want. “
Cole being a cowardly bitch and not properly rejecting or considering the couple’s request is not their fault lmao. Cole had the choice to say whatever he wants but made excuses instead. Alex was set on being a sperm donor while Cole hated it...However we all know the only reason the couple is still together is because of Alex’s compromises. Alex compromises a lot more than Cole so I feel like if Cole flat out said no for once, Alex would compromise for their relationship.
4)” His own relationship is a wreck enough. He's not that kinda insensitive prick that would risk on jeopardising other's relationship.”
Um you’re talking about the same Cole that held Alex at gun point bc he talked to girls and the same Cole that was completely fine keeping Brandon was a side option even though Cole has Alex and little interest in Brandon right? ( I guessed Alex’s old best friend’s name I actually don’t know it lmao)
this story centers around Alex and Cole’s toxic relationship. We can’t expect actual consideration from either of them lmao.
5) “ Say if it's the other way around, if Cole were the one asking them to be the surrogate mother for his baby, but nahh... ”
Side note but being a sperm donor doesn’t mean you have to be involved in the child’s life...like Alex could just give the couple his sperm and fuck off lol
On the other hand, being a surrogate mother is much more challenging decision to make since the mother has to carry that baby for 9 months which GREATLY affects her daily life and she has to risk not dying during pregnancy...

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/lesbian_teki_kekkon_seikatsu/ Here’s the manga about a lesbian couple trynna have a baby (plus the men’s reactions to being asked to be a sperm donor) if anyone is curious

You know, I'm a jackass myself. Hahaa.
I live to simp for every uke out there. So with that being said, I don't give a shit about what the lesbian couple want or what hardships they went through to get a baby. In fact, I don't care about anyone at all, be it other gay couples, trans or other lgbt community.
The only one I care about is the one I'm simping for. He should be pampered like a queen
You should realize by now that I'm just a troll.
But still, I have my own opinion. And you have yours. Neither of us can force our idea or change each other mind by this point.
You think Cole is an asshole fucked up in the head, and I think the lesbian couple is a pair of insensitive cunts.
We're so entitled by our own perspective that seeing other people thinking otherwise is making us pissed off. Lol

Woww, look at the comment section.
There seems a lot of people hating on the uke...
I guess I'm the only one who's simping him, lol.
Good riddance, I can have him all for myself.

Just one ?! There r so MANY who aren't dumb at all !! Idk what the heck u have been reading but for starters I'll give u these names - under the green light, checkmate,exotic love, lover boy, walk on water , unintentional love story, a typical Romance and so on these r only 1/4 th of the names I remember cause they r in English ,there r so many japanese mangas too but I don't remember the names anyways I think u have got the point also if u enjoy the "dumb charm" well then ...great !good for ya .-.

I love it how Takamada was a sadist then become a total simp for Yu, to the point I almost mistook that he had turned into a masochist instead.
But enough with that, shall we..?
I hope Yu would give in to the lovestruck Takamada soon and let the man have his way.
Come on Yu, haven't the man being remorseful enough?
And we all know that you like him more when he's in control (▰˘◡˘▰)

Poor boy... I wanna wipe his tears, wrap him up in a blanket, cuddle him, pat his back and tell him that he's safe with me.
For once as a reader, I want this webtoon to turned out into that kind of cliché yaoi plot where the asshole psycho would come to his sense and fall in love with that substitute Min Jiwook instead, then he would terribly regret what he did to the boy and prostrate himself on the floor asking for the boy's forgiveness. But the boy would just flip him a middle finger. Hmphh!( ̄へ ̄)

Egg-xactly but we all know if it was the clichè one he’d somehow look beyond this blonde psychopath’s mistake and forgive him except he meets someone who then would take first lead and the blonde would be second lead and then lose and maybe die from heartbreak
Ahhhh yesss yes you are a genius I see our plans working out well
Let’s have tea

I love how tsundere Kim Hogun is. He's so precious, omg
It's so hilarious when he walked in and misunderstood Kamin and Kanggo's position, then he went to dive in flat on his stomach with intention to save the two, but end up making the situation seems more weird for the second person who walked into the room.
Such a wholesome story, but a creepy artstyle.
You know, that kinda artstyle that you would usually find in horror manga.
Jeez, at first I even thought that someone's gonna die