I know he's already crazy, but now that he thinks that bum is also poisoning him and all, so he's totally out of it.
He's thinking that everyone's trying to betray him
So just like that counting the pills in the bottle thing, he probably dropped a nail on purpose to see if Kwak would still believes him or not and was shocked to see that the nail was gone when the old man is leaving.
Whatever, I don't like that old guy in the first place. But still, I don't want any killing scenes at this moment.
I was actually waiting for how Sungwoo gonna fix things up with Bum after all of that harsh words and misunderstanding .
Dammit! It was just getting good and interesting, I was expecting Sungwoo to whisper sweet nothings or apologize or cuddles that cinnamon bun or something. But that geezer just had to come and knocked on the door!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Seriously, I'm really crying...
How could you Eren, saying all of that to Mikasa and also beating Armin up!
Now that you've seen the ocean, everyone is meaningless to you now?! Even your own childhood friends?!!
Fuck Zeke! Even though you don't share the same blood with Mikasa and Armin, but they're your real family! They was the one standing by your side ever since you were a kid!
That little blonde is the one you was crying for and begging for his life when he got roasted by Bertholdt!! And now you beat the shit outta him!?
For fuck sake, wake up already ERENNNN!!! You're being used!

I think Eren actually said the things he said in order to help Armin and Mikasa. He suspects that part of Bertolt is infecting Armin because he himself experienced something similar. He's trying to make Armin aware of this so he can hold onto his true self. The same goes for Mikasa. I think he said what he said to Mikasa in order to try and free her from the Ackerman gene that's making her the "protector". Eren's all about freedom. He cares a great deal about his friends, and so he's trying to do whatever it takes to free them, even if that means painting himself as the villain.

I really hope that's really the case.
This series just have so many betrayal, I don't know what is what anymore.
Floch seems to know about that whole wine thing, and Eren got there because the Yeagerist help him. So he must've been helping Zeke with his plan, like he said, brother to brother. Not so much freedom I see there.

I think E ren is aware that Zeke is using him, and he's letting Zeke use him because he has his own agenda, but it only works as long as Zeke is absolutely sure he's on his side. This is why Eren is going to such extremes and acting so out of character, as Armin pointed out, even making himself an enemy of his Armin and Mikasa, either to keep them safe and uninvolved, or because he's trying to convince Zeke that he's on his side. Either way, I just can't see Eren changing to the villain he seems to be.

I can't imagine one day their love child would asked "So daddy, how did you met and fall in love with mommy?"
And Doyoon would be like.. "You know... Aunty Juhee once had a crush on Uncle Taeyi, but mommy got a little angry because uncle Taeyi didn't like Aunty Juhee the same way she liked him. Because daddy was the only friend that uncle Taeyi got, then your mom beat daddy up and crushed daddy's leg."
The love child : "You're a masochist, dad..."
sorry. I'm an idiot.
I'll get out of here real quick.

out of all the places in that damn house to hide whatever present he bought with the money he borrowed from that ex-classmate lady, why does he had to choose that uppercase cabinet where sangwoo clearly can reach his hand?
and out of the time that bottle could've fall, why in the name of bloody hell it had to burst open and a few pieces decided to rolled off under the washing machine?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(correct me please if there's anything I'm misunderstanding about the whole situation...)
oh my, the Raws was so nerve wrecking
Link please