Didn't even realise it was valentines day until i just looked at the date. Over-commercialised bs, imo.
Pulling a Hera and throwing the kid off Olympus. Hopefully it isnt like Hephaestus and comes back to torment me. If it was even born in the first place.
At 12, we all know right from wrong. She's just a spoilt shit and 'kinda hating' her is entirely justified. She's not just a kid, anymore, though. If she doesn't learn now, she never will.
You made me want a penpal now, too
So I found Penpal World. https://www.penpalworld.com/index.asp
(Im also Australian, and have already found someone I wouldn't mind becoming penpals with on the site. One thing to note; they're keen on safety, so won't let new members send messages to anyone for 24 hours after account creation. Not a bad idea, im......
I see them. So its pretty hard to not believe in them. I've had a little girl, not even a tween yet, project her experience and memories of death onto me which basically gave me a panic attack at around midnight when i was sitting, chatting with my aunt and sister about the paranormal. After everything, I looked up the cemetery and looked for her g......
Probably poppies because of their colours and meaning behind the poppy. Especially in Australia for the ANZACs (fun fact: foes and allies alike were terrified of the ANZAC troupes because of their resolve and the way they could charge into anything. The true story behind the battle of Beersheba is an excellent example- the ANZACs took Beersheba bec......
It wouldn't much surprise me if my mum already knows. She bought me yaoi manga for xmas last year. I literally asked for it. But that was Sasaki and Miyano, so I don't know if she knows just how deep this runs...
But, for those of you who also enjoy novels, and not just manga, if you haven't already, give 'Bro and the Beast' a try. Omegaverse and ......
It's going to be my first time dressing up at all for halloween, and my friend is just doing us up as zombies. It took for me to be an adult to have a chance to celebrate Halloween...
Everyone wants Masaki, but uke was trying to get over feelings he'd had since he was young. That's not something that comes easy. Masaki so deserved better, and I hope he found his peace, but you can't deny uke's feelings, either.
Psychology Student
Attention seeker sometimes (autism)
Not your Nishii im sorry.
07 10,2024
Ngl, that's actually kinda cool. But doesn't it present fertility issues? (If you want a family of your own)
I think some people just need a supervisor around them at all times, even if they are an adult...
I don't think my parents would appreciate me reading yaoi smut regularly... They're not homophobic, just dont think they'd appreciate it... Especially with how most of the yaoi I end up reading is hella toxic.
Probably kill the sexist and pedophilic teachers I had.
I was in general math, and a teacher I had for automotive asked 'isn't that subject pretty difficult?'
Specifically to me. A female. Who was also writing out his answer books for him in automotive so he could mark other students based off my bench mark. So, no, sir, general math is not a diff......
Let me tell you, ignorance is bliss. I have memories of my deaths in 2 lives. Both from people I'd trusted and they betrayed and killed me. Our souls, our life force, doesn't just disappear when our bodies are no longer of this world. My own soul has been bound to this earth and wandering since Celtic times.
Soul reincarnation doesn't exist. But ......
For personal safety, I think for anyone below the age of 25 should be cautious about sharing their age online. Unless its privately with someone you've been getting to know and can be relatively certain they're not a predator. Especially for women.
I'm not a minor, but I'm also still pretty cautious about sharing my age. A lot of people can see ho......
Asking to pick one is a crime. So you get multiple. Low Tide at Twilight. Crush and Burn. Dawn of the Dragon. Minmotion Syndrome. Surge Looking for You. Sketch. And Pearl Boy.
I just finished reading the latest update for the bonus chapters coming out for minmotion syndrome, and I knew what was coming, but I was also holding my breath because you c......
I used to get really confused with 'professor', and then I think Daffy saved me from that. Embarrassing and occurred were also ones I'd get hung up on, and sometimes I still do with occurred. Remembering is one I know how to spell but will almost always type wrong if I'm typing fast. But I think most people would have a reasonably difficult time wi......