Waittt if yuuto was 18 when they did the time skip and he said that he has been in college for 3 years then that means tht he went to college at 15???

He went to high school for three years afterwards he went and lived with his brother as he attended college classes. They became brothers when yuuto was in middle school (15yrs old)
So wat i understood was the doll had the human guy kill her to set the ghost free and when she died it kind ofbroke the curse tht the whole village was stuck with becuz the ghost was the reason or was apart of the reason why the village got cursed in the beginning. And the village was never there to begin with it was just a ghost village??? But the human got sucked into the villages curse becuz he got involved with the doll. And he refuses to believe tht the doll was never real but in the end acknowledges it becuz when he was reporting to the king or officer he said tht there was nothing there.