2Salty4This February 28, 2025 5:54 am

The teacher dude is so goddamn annoying and manipulative/entitled why is he so involved in her life, it doesn’t even seem like he cares about her as a genuine concerned friend. Like, he doesn’t seem to wish the best for her, it just seems like he wants an option around and someone to admire him, someone who will be obedient to him, and someone he knows he has influence over. First, he finds her in her college days rebelling and tells on her to her parents, ultimately pushing her towards the path HE wants her to take with no regard for what SHE wants. Sure, what she did when rebelling was dangerous (running away from home etc) however, him pushing her towards a path she clearly isn’t happy with was his biggest mistake towards her. Then, he acts like he has the right to know everything abt her even when their relationship honestly doesn’t even seem that deep or meaningful if im gonna be honest. From my understanding, they’re just in a sunbae-hoobae (not sure if thts right but smthing like that) relationship where he has all the influence ovr her due to his seniority. Anyways, yeah she’s an adult and was an adult back in her college days, she could’ve stood her ground and should stand her ground now, im just annoyed with him bcuz you would never find me putting up with his bullshit, senior or not, friend or not, my short temper could never

    midnight reader February 28, 2025 1:31 pm

    You are SO SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh this is just so frustrating

2Salty4This February 24, 2025 12:40 am

Im on ch 23 when they’re talking about her style and whatnot, and i just wanna say, I think she would look so cute if she sported a punk pop style! From the snippets of her life we’ve seen so far and her personality i think it would ironically match her personality more. Plus her short hair would look so cute with that style!

    Nadii February 25, 2025 12:36 pm

    That’s such a cute idea T-T

2Salty4This February 23, 2025 11:40 pm

Real talk tho, how easily do ppl actually blush when talking to physically good-looking ppl? I rarely ever blush and when I talk to extremely gorgeous ppl I’ve never blushed just from talking to them?? At most I just think to myself “oh wow this person is gorgeous” and just move on with my day. But this is coming from someone who never blushes/feels their face heat up unless they’re in an extremely embarrassing situation. So maybe its different for others who turn red easily.

    yoonso February 24, 2025 1:11 am

    Perhaps it’s because blushing is more noticeable on light complexions. But more often if its done in a manhwa it’s less realistic but more for characterization & aesthetic purposes since there was a lot of japanese manga influence over gesture/expression in manhwa including blushing

    Chocolate February 24, 2025 2:44 am

    Fr! It's a bit much to blush when u see an ikemen. The last time I saw an ikemen, with a very beautiful face & nice body, not like too skinny or too jacked but u can tell those r working muscles not just for show, & I can swear I understand why men went to war for beauty, I did not blush. I just stared at him for a few sec without blinking until I was pushed (it was a very crowded situation).
    TMI, I start smiling & laughing when I blush. I know that but can't control the symptoms. Anyways, after the very few initial seconds all I did was exclaim "wow" to myself

    Yomama February 24, 2025 4:42 am

    It probably depends on a person. I do not blush as far as I know. But my friend blush very easily her whole face would become red when she's shy.

    sasha February 24, 2025 10:23 am

    that’s actually due to blood pressure rising when anxious or shy lol. it happens to me when i’m scared or nervous have you ever felt like your ear or face was burning? it’s kinda like that

    Akira_H February 24, 2025 10:15 pm

    Oml it happens to me all the time!!!!

    I have a pretty bad anxiety so I get nervous easily when talking in public, meeting new ppl, talking to good looking ppl and so on... So I sometimes blush and stutter a bit lol

    Tbh it's not like I get nervous cause I'm flirting with them or I'm thinking anything about they being gorgeous, it's just that I'm already bad with ppl ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Also my family is japanese and some ppl told me it's common for asians to blush easily, but Idk if it's true or ppl just think so due to mangas

    sasha February 25, 2025 1:12 am
    Oml it happens to me all the time!!!!I have a pretty bad anxiety so I get nervous easily when talking in public, meeting new ppl, talking to good looking ppl and so on... So I sometimes blush and stutter a bit ... Akira_H

    same exact thing happens to me lol but i’m half honduran half black and it still shows but it may be because i’m a bit lighter…im like light skinned lol every time i talk to an attractive person my face and ears feel weird and i feel my blood pressure rising and then my face turns red

2Salty4This January 29, 2025 1:54 am

To be fair asf, what is she even supposed to do at this point? Like, the damage has been done. I wish she had the ability to take away someone’s love for her like literally rip their “heart” out. To make it easier on him at least idk. But still, sure, she had kind of pulled them around when they were younger (iirc?) but at this point in time she has made herself abundantly clear that she’s not looking for anything and is not romantically available. Would it have been better for everyone if she had completely cut them off despite their begging? Like ripping a bandage off? Maybeee but i honestly don’t know what she can do to “help them” move on from her. (Not that that’s really her responsibility imo)

2Salty4This January 26, 2025 4:49 am

Dude is like a friggin piece of dirt stuck under her nails istg someone burn his whole character to make it as if he never even existed in the archives. Fck this dude, he’s not even a second male lead more like the actual villain in the whole story. I feel disgusted that I found his design cute before it was revealed that he’s somehow involved in all her suffering.

    love_fluffy January 26, 2025 6:36 am

    he's a real piece of shit that one.. the kind that's hard to remove no matter how many times you scrub

2Salty4This January 26, 2025 3:30 am

Hold up, how is she still 17? I feel like everything thats happened so far has to have taken at least 3 years??? Unless the story started when she was like 14/15? I honestly can’t recall but for sure every movie, series, reality show, interview, training camp, and etc. that she’s participated in has to have taken her a minimum of 2 years to complete right? I’m not in showbiz but don’t most films require at least a couple of months of production and filming before the actors are “done” with their jobs? And if i recall correctly, she’s been in multiple significant big-hit films/series and a few other misc. roles as a loveme member.

    your nanny February 6, 2025 1:42 am

    I have just started reading this, and yes, she's 17 in the beginning. I'm shocked to hear not even a year has gone by???

    hope world ^ ♡ ^ February 25, 2025 7:42 pm

    What?? 20 years has passed and 300+ chapters in yet she's still 17?? Like not a year has gone by yet?? I stopped reading this around 200+ chap (cant remember anymore). No way no way no way

2Salty4This January 18, 2025 11:49 am

I thought she remembered both her first and second lives completely?? Or does she only remember little blips between moments in her first life and the same is the case with her second life? And those blips she can recall are just the most “memorable” memories for her? I think im just confused on if this recent chapter is alluding to a twist where she has missing memories that were too traumatic to cope with so the “priest” sealed them away for her own sake and shes now coming to a realization that even she herself doesnt have the full story and truth of her first two lives?

    StoryofMinglan January 18, 2025 11:57 am

    Ines had tunnel-vision when it comes to her past lives. Most of her memories focused only on the men she was with. That’s why she doesn’t know much about Carcel and other people. She would remember even less of a religious personage especially when he’s terrifying. Like in this ch, we saw she was warned by Rogelio/Anastasio but she promptly forgot it because she was not going to heed his warning anyway. Remarkably, that isn’t the first time Anastasio warned her but like he said, not everyone does what he wishes.

    2Salty4This January 20, 2025 11:44 am
    Ines had tunnel-vision when it comes to her past lives. Most of her memories focused only on the men she was with. That’s why she doesn’t know much about Carcel and other people. She would remember even les... StoryofMinglan

    Okay that makes a lot more sense!! Ty for the explanation, putting it in terms of “tunnel-vision” makes it much clearer to me how Ines saw her lives.

2Salty4This January 17, 2025 10:57 am

What the fuck was that-

2Salty4This January 17, 2025 10:17 am

Im kinda confused abt the sister and her king husband. Didnt he turn out to be a lying cheater?? I thought he treated the sister like shit once his identity was revealed? And that they weren’t on good terms (something abt him not letting the sister see her son?).

    jojo January 17, 2025 10:25 am

    Not even close he lied to her about his origin and that he was in a political marriage, (matbe that was one of the reasons he left home and found her, just my theory)he actually wants to make her his official but lots of things happening.

    2Salty4This January 17, 2025 10:29 am
    Not even close he lied to her about his origin and that he was in a political marriage, (matbe that was one of the reasons he left home and found her, just my theory)he actually wants to make her his official b... jojo

    Ohhhh okay gotcha ty. I must have just been scrolling by too fast to catch that. All i recall is her sister meeting her in that wooden cottage and looking conflicted abt her husband and stuff.

2Salty4This January 11, 2025 2:15 am

Hmm why do I feel like Herman will ultimately be the one who fucks things up the moment Anita makes the decision to let go of her revenge? Or at least pull her punch at the last second due to her guilt (as stated by her witch family). They might be setting it up so that Herman is the one who we should be looking out for rather than Anita. Since he is the one who is willingly doing every act of treason/betrayal for Anita when he has no driving reason to other than his “love and obsession” over her. For Anita, she wasn’t originally as twisted as she is now, whereas for Herman he is originally this twisted person and as far as we know there shouldn’t have been any traumatic or drastic reason for him to want to “punish the world” alongside Anita other than him falling in love with her.

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