Kaelynn December 6, 2023 6:45 am


Kaelynn November 5, 2023 5:19 am

ok so I've seen many people tired and complaining about how this keeps unnecessarily dragging so I brought some SPOILERS (the entire novel spoiled) in case you just want to know the main things and turns READ ONLY IF YOU WANT SPOILERS:

(possibly not in chronological order since I read it long ago)

Rashta's baby is not Sovieshu's, which is revealed before the entire nation on a public paternity test. The one that's actually infertile is Sovieshu (and it was his fault because of the laced cookies story). Navier is pregnant with twins, Rashta ends up being hated by the entire nation for multiple deeds, but the fake princess and giving the Eastern empire's port to Duke Ergi are the main reasons. He is scheming against her because of his hate towards mistresses and because he wants revenge against sovieshu and his own mother's life being ruined (his mother is old and sick, confined in a shack while another woman took her place). After being shunned, having her life ruined and her daughter taken away from her, Rashta ends up killing herself after being sentenced to life imprisonment and screaming to the whole empire that sovieshu was impotent. Roteshu/Lotteshu and Alan get sentenced to death because of Her. Sovieshu was so shocked after finding up the baby wasn't his he decided to send her away to a foreign noble family to raise and care for her, but realizes he loves her anyways after she leaves in a carriage with viscountess Verdi. He even had decided to adopt her anyways and make her the first female empress (Navier and the previous ones were married to the emperor but were not the main ruler). When he commands to go and stop them to bring the baby back, springwater bandits get to them first and attack the carriage, not knowing the baby princess was inside. One of them finds her and bc he wanted to be a father he happily takes her with him and she ends up belonging to their people being named Motte. The lost of Navier and his baby Glorym was too much for Sovieshu who entered a terrible mental state. During a crisis, he fell off his room's window and the fall made him lose his memories, becoming his 17-year-old self, who was madly in love with Navier. He would only regain his memories at night. After learning what his present self had done he became his own hater and was determined to win Navier back at any cost, while trying to get rid of his night(original) self. Mastas and Koshar end up falling for eachother (and they are the cutest thing ever). Navier becomes an ice mage thanks to Heinley and does actual magic, which saved her from an attempted murder. Evely/Evalie's actual parents are Rashta's fake parents (the ones that are desperately looking for their long lost daughters) and they harass their own daughter without knowing it. They find that out when they were already sentenced to death and ask someone to give Evely all their remaining wealth without revealing that they are her parents because they were ashamed for all they did to her. Heinley is actually kind of a bloodthirsry psycho but became soft because of Navier. Among the Springwater bandits there is this girl named Dartha who was adopted years before and discovers that she is a healing mage while trying to save her adoptive mother's life. This girl is later discovered to be Evely's sister, the second daughter of the now deceased Isqua couple. The Isqua sisters story is too long to summarize but know that in my opinion it is the best plot of the novel. Navier gives birth to twins: a girl named Laurie (Lauren) and a boy named Kai (Kaiser). Heinrey shows preference for Laurie since she looks a lot like Navier. They both can turn into baby birds from an early age. In the future, Laurie is beautiful but has a calculating mind and an easier time killing, while Kai has a soft heart and is more timid and wise. Navier is afraid of them both fighting over the Westren Empire's throne. Kai is willing to give up the throne for his sister's sake. His sister is too ambitious and willing to do whatever it takes for the empire's sake. Motte grew up raised by the bandits. They knew thanks to Dartha that the kid was the emperor long lost daughter and knowing that many people were looking for her, they decided to hide her under a fake hair color, age and gender without telling her the reason, in hopes of her never being found by the emperor (they were still way better parents than her biological ones). Still, she wanted to be a royal knight and eventually got found out. Formed a strong bond with Laurie and swore loyalty to her, promising to become the best knight to serve her in the future. Lastly, the kids' beloved uncle McKenna gets his own love story with a genderless dragon that can turn human (male and female) and it was funny because he loved the dragon when they were a girl and hated them when they took a male appearance, without knowing that it was the same person. They later have a dragon child named Coco, who Laurie falls in love with. They become a couple later in life. Motte grows up and encounters Sovieshu multiple times without him recognizing her. When he finally does she already knows she doesn't want to be his daughter or a princess, so they just meet one last time (fully knowing who the other is) but didn't say anything, just whispered goodbye. Later in time, Kai inherited the Western Empire while Laurie inherited the Eastern Empire. Sovieshu and the Western Empire royal family kept a good relationship, as Laurie would become Sovieshu's successor.

I probably missed a lot of interesting turns but that's all I could remember. Note that the final side stories are about Navier visiting Duke Kaufman's nation (Luipt Kingdom), a "what if" story about Rashta being saved by Navier and taking her side against Sovieshu, and lastly one about Sovieshu traveling in time thanks to a relic and trying to stop the divorce from happening.

    Ohmarwin November 5, 2023 6:37 am

    WOOOOOWWWWW where did you read the novel OMG

    And who is the father of trashta's daughter??? Motte was her name?

    Rikka_senpai November 5, 2023 9:49 am

    I’m kinda confused about how Laurie became sovieshu’s successor ???

    b r o k e n b a l l a d November 5, 2023 11:14 am

    Ty, but I wanted more suffering for trashta ngl

    Kaelynn November 5, 2023 2:30 pm
    WOOOOOWWWWW where did you read the novel OMGAnd who is the father of trashta's daughter??? Motte was her name? Ohmarwin

    I read it on yonder! Chapters are 1 dollar each but you get a free pass for a chaoter every day!

    Trashta's daughter was named Glorym at birth, but after being taken in by the bandits they decided to name her Motte and disguise her as a boy. It's actually never confirmed if Glorym/Motte's father is Alan or actually Sovieshu, because the paternity test is said to have been tampered with by duke Ergi, but it's generally concluded that she is Alan and Rashta's daughter, just like her older brother Ahn.

    Kaelynn November 5, 2023 2:36 pm
    I’m kinda confused about how Laurie became sovieshu’s successor ??? Rikka_senpai

    because Sovieshu never found Glorym (and the moment he actually did she ran away from him) and after some decades he ended up having a good relationship with Navier and Heinly, because Eastern and Western empires formed an alliance against some villain that is introduced way later in the story. Working together and having to trust each other helped them to be on good terms.
    After some years of solitude and never remarrying anyone, and having the only legal succesor of the Eastern's empire (some random kid) renounce his right to the throne, he decided to give the throne to Laurie, who was quick to accept it.

    Ohmarwin November 6, 2023 6:30 am

    Who was Alan? In which episode of the manwha can I see him?
    And who is Ahn ?

    Ohmarwin November 6, 2023 6:31 am
    Who was Alan? In which episode of the manwha can I see him?And who is Ahn ? Ohmarwin


    rannyrunt November 6, 2023 7:37 am
    Who was Alan? In which episode of the manwha can I see him?And who is Ahn ? Ohmarwin

    Alan is the son of Viscount Roteshu and they owned Rashta when she was just a slave. Ahn is Rashta's first child with Alan.

    Miyawww❤ November 7, 2023 5:52 pm

    Thank you for this and for the effort!

    Ohmarwin November 7, 2023 10:44 pm

    THANKSSSS (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    The_fujoshi101 November 19, 2023 12:07 pm

    Wait I wanna read the what if side stories!! Where to read?!

    Kaelynn November 19, 2023 3:30 pm
    Wait I wanna read the what if side stories!! Where to read?! The_fujoshi101

    the only site I've seen them fully translated is Yonder app. Even if you have to pay for chapters, you get a free pass to read one every day

Kaelynn October 6, 2023 4:02 pm

I can't believe they aren't showing how miserable Sovieshu is compared to the novel. At this point in the novel, Sovieshu is literally IN TEARS, crying to a giant portrait of navier every night in his room, begging her to come back and getting drunk. But in the webtoon they decided to cut all that of???

    FangirlOfTheYear3000 October 7, 2023 1:25 am

    Not gonna lie, I’d skip over it anyways. There are better ways to use the panels.

    Ilya Volkov October 8, 2023 5:56 am
    Not gonna lie, I’d skip over it anyways. There are better ways to use the panels. FangirlOfTheYear3000

    Yeah huge mood, I agree

    fwopfwop October 8, 2023 2:56 pm
    Not gonna lie, I’d skip over it anyways. There are better ways to use the panels. FangirlOfTheYear3000


    Pax October 8, 2023 3:50 pm

    They didn't add it cause we readers won't give a f at all. Soveshnu is irredeemable and deserve all the karma.

    Me. October 8, 2023 10:05 pm
    They didn't add it cause we readers won't give a f at all. Soveshnu is irredeemable and deserve all the karma. Pax

    It is satisfying to see him so miserable though. So miserable he might throw himself out a window.

    Kaelynn October 8, 2023 10:21 pm
    It is satisfying to see him so miserable though. So miserable he might throw himself out a window. Me.

    good one.

    DeadLotus October 9, 2023 2:18 am

    Actually I'd totally be interested. Love seeing trash wallow in mercy

    Jibril October 9, 2023 4:12 am

    Call me a sadist but I would want to see that happening. I want to see him suffering the loss

Kaelynn September 30, 2023 5:50 am

Say I'm in denial or whatever else you want but I'm biologically unable to conceive any sort of idea about my baby being dead.

    ShenQq October 3, 2023 9:20 am

    I was literally screaming the previous chapter like, “He’s bluffing Seungho! He’s bluffinnngggg!!!”
    I doubt they actually got Nak-yum. Nak-yum knows that area so well and he’s desperate to save Seungho. Those guys were definitely aware that they needed to trap Seungho and played along with Lord Song. Plus, I feel like there would be some kind of trail that Seungho could see, blood or something. His brother didn’t notice anything, not the tracks of tons of dudes rushing to dispose of a body so quickly that they could be back in time to give a testimony.
    If it’s not a bluff, I’ll die little. Omg poor Seungho. He’s absolutely devastated.

Kaelynn September 24, 2023 7:14 pm

I don't know how to feel about this reading. It went through serious matters pretty well like sexism and r*pe, but at the same time the author seems to be kinda racist. I don't like how both main characters got literally whitewashed by the end, and how brown skin was always referred as hideous or lowly. And also, there are many things in the end that I didn't quite get: what was Innana's profecy even about? I feel that it was too ambiguous and every time Reniae remembered it something about it was changed. If Reniae wasn't ever completely dead, why did Kun ascend as if she was? I tought sky people could only ascend if the last person with the eagle blood was officially dead. Why did Reniae become the new Galtir if the branch she used to stab Gizzida didn't actually kill him, but it was Kun with his axe? In the short time Reniae was in the afterlife, she was told that if she wanted to go back another life should perish, but she just did a little reflection and went back to life just like that. Who was the one to die in her place? And lastly, did Kun give up eternal life in the end? If so, why did he keep his blonde hair and wings? If he didn't, then is he going to outlive Reniae just like that? If someone could answer these questions for me I would be so grateful ╥﹏╥

Kaelynn September 20, 2023 3:42 pm

our slow burn is finally burning

Kaelynn August 31, 2023 4:44 am

why did he punch the poor truck man he looked so happy before

Kaelynn August 26, 2023 6:22 am

we're also getting the story of the second couple....


Kaelynn August 21, 2023 7:03 pm

woojin is actually the true embodiment of INFP personality

Kaelynn July 9, 2021 11:46 pm

and I'm hating myself for pitying him now.

    LaNansha July 9, 2021 11:54 pm

    I still don’t feel like he deserves pity. He was a condescending little prick as a kid and looked down on other kids his age.

    uryaboku July 9, 2021 11:56 pm


    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 10, 2021 12:05 am

    Why would you pity him? That isn't much of a sob story. He was rude to Seungeon first. He got what he deserved. I don't see anything there that would make him want to rape someone.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 10, 2021 12:06 am

    Why would you pity him? That isn't much of a sob story. He was rude to Seungeon first. He got what he deserved. I don't see anything there that would make him want to rape someone. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 ( ̄へ ̄)(╯°Д °)╯

    LaNansha July 10, 2021 1:34 am
    Why would you pity him? That isn't much of a sob story. He was rude to Seungeon first. He got what he deserved. I don't see anything there that would make him want to rape someone. Rynnie_Tin_Tin


    Rape and torture multiple people**

    pennyinheaven July 10, 2021 1:41 am

    Ffs, these comments. It's natural you'd pity him, he was practically raised to be shit the way he is now. As long as you recognize the things he has done and should not get the characters harmed, it's fine to pity him. It just means you're compassionate. And guess what, that's actually a good thing.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 10, 2021 6:49 am
    Ffs, these comments. It's natural you'd pity him, he was practically raised to be shit the way he is now. As long as you recognize the things he has done and should not get the characters harmed, it's fine to p... pennyinheaven

    Okay so some people who are raped and don't get proper treatment end up becoming rapists. Take Sangwoo from KS for example he was raped and went untreated so he became the character he was cause of it. I truly doubt that the evil dentist was raped. I'm compassionate too but really don't feel bad for him. I was merely asking why they would feel bad. I didn't see a death nor rape just a small amount of him being "bullied". I put " cause he was being cocky.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 10, 2021 6:51 am
    Ffs, these comments. It's natural you'd pity him, he was practically raised to be shit the way he is now. As long as you recognize the things he has done and should not get the characters harmed, it's fine to p... pennyinheaven

    Also you can't really be raised to torture and rape people from the family he had.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 10, 2021 6:52 am
    Exactly!! Rape and torture multiple people** LaNansha

    (︶︿︶)=凸 me at evil dentist.

    pennyinheaven July 10, 2021 7:07 am
    Also you can't really be raised to torture and rape people from the family he had. Rynnie_Tin_Tin

    Oh wait...he's using drugs. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    Doesn't matter whether his dad taught him that or not but the environment he lived in made him think he is capable of anything and has the rights to belittle others and do whatever he wants. It's not that he was bullied, it's about the toxic culture his father instilled on him. Being on top and destroying JS however he can, hating even before he formed any feeling or judgment on his own and of course, drugs was so accessible he got addicted to it early on.

    Drugs fuck people up, even more so a child. Bet he was just 12 or 13 at the time.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 10, 2021 3:09 pm
    Oh wait...he's using drugs. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍Doesn't matter whether his dad taught him that or not but the environment he lived in made him think he is capable of anything and has the rights to belittle other... pennyinheaven

    Um wasn't it just weed? I didn't see any hard drugs like coke and meth.

    pennyinheaven July 11, 2021 12:22 am
    Um wasn't it just weed? I didn't see any hard drugs like coke and meth. Rynnie_Tin_Tin

    Isn't weed considered drugs? And is illegal (in most countries)? He's getting high, at a young age. And nobody stopped it (just had another convo that it stinks so it's impossible that no one knew at home).

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 11, 2021 1:45 am
    Isn't weed considered drugs? And is illegal (in most countries)? He's getting high, at a young age. And nobody stopped it (just had another convo that it stinks so it's impossible that no one knew at home). pennyinheaven

    Still weed doesn't make you a rapist. I know people who smoke(isn't illegal here) and they are fine.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 11, 2021 4:27 am
    Isn't weed considered drugs? And is illegal (in most countries)? He's getting high, at a young age. And nobody stopped it (just had another convo that it stinks so it's impossible that no one knew at home). pennyinheaven

    I'm not trying to be rude. Sorry if you think that. I was just trying to understand more. I don't want to argue or whatever we are doing. Have a good rest of your year

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 11, 2021 4:28 am
    Isn't weed considered drugs? And is illegal (in most countries)? He's getting high, at a young age. And nobody stopped it (just had another convo that it stinks so it's impossible that no one knew at home). pennyinheaven

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    pennyinheaven July 11, 2021 11:24 am
    Still weed doesn't make you a rapist. I know people who smoke(isn't illegal here) and they are fine. Rynnie_Tin_Tin

    I never said all his actions are to be blamed on whatever he's taking. Like I said, it's the environment that he grew in that made him think he can do any damn thing he wants without repercussions. It's not simply because he's on it but the fact that he can, it's illegal in Korea. I have also been mentioning age many times now. I'm not justifying his actions, they are wrong, but maybe, he wouldn't be the way he is if he grew up normally, with normal human values. Thus it's normal to pity him.

    pennyinheaven July 11, 2021 11:30 am
    I'm not trying to be rude. Sorry if you think that. I was just trying to understand more. I don't want to argue or whatever we are doing. Have a good rest of your year Rynnie_Tin_Tin

    And idk what you're on, tbh. Whether we are arguing or not. If you can't understand, it's fine. My first comment on this thread was not even directed at you so I don't really understand why the need to somehow defend yourself or something. I just explained the circumstances. If you think they don't make sense, then so be it. That's how you understood it.

    Rynnie_Tin_Tin July 11, 2021 5:51 pm
    And idk what you're on, tbh. Whether we are arguing or not. If you can't understand, it's fine. My first comment on this thread was not even directed at you so I don't really understand why the need to somehow ... pennyinheaven

    It was directed at all of us. I was explaining myself. You don't really see it from my side. You are defending the character. I still don't see what would make him a rapist. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

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