Kaelynn February 27, 2025 9:07 pm

one was ashamed for feeling it from the back, now the other will be ashamed for cumming right after putting it in for the first time I seriously can't I love them so much

Kaelynn February 23, 2025 5:57 am

It's so hilarious to see them both fully naked standing in a room and casually chatting (idk the convo topic I don't speak korean), limp light saber and all lmao you don't get that kind of scene very often.

Also poor Shin his armpits are all bruised lol I love how the author is so detailed about Jay and Shin's kinks without putting it into words in the story. It's so implicit I love it.

They were so cuteee again idk how serious was the thing they were discussing but the body language, skinship, hand holding and allllfskdksksk heavens the way I love pillow talk scenes

    Nobody February 24, 2025 4:59 am


    Shin and Jake talk about what happened at the junkyard. Jake tells him that because of that he was taken off the mission, but if he hadn’t done that, both would’ve been dead and Shin realizes that whether CIA or gangster, he can die at any time.
    When he takes his hand, Jake tells Shin not to avoid him and to wait for him there.
    When his phone rings and Shin tells whoever he’s talking to that he’ll be there and Jake offers his car.
    Then Jake gets up and tells Shin to get ready to leave.

    avatar47 February 25, 2025 1:28 pm
    SPOILERS:Shin and Jake talk about what happened at the junkyard. Jake tells him that because of that he was taken off the mission, but if he hadn’t done that, both would’ve been dead and Shin realizes that ... Nobody

    Thank you.

Kaelynn February 17, 2025 7:05 pm

I know the blonde guy hates Riftan but I wonder If he also resents Maxi just because of that.

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS February 18, 2025 8:35 am

    No, if anything, he's intrigued by her. He wonders who the hell married the mago and what lady made him go a bit wack.

Kaelynn February 13, 2025 11:14 pm

...the raws... THE RAWS OMG IT IS ALL WHAT I ASKED FOR AND MORE and... they live up to its name lol

    luxe February 13, 2025 11:29 pm


    Kaelynn February 13, 2025 11:42 pm

    Here, go ahead and enjoy the two latest chapters~


    luxe February 14, 2025 12:39 am
    Here, go ahead and enjoy the two latest chapters~https://toonkor485.com/%EC%85%94%ED%8A%B8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8 Kaelynn


    Lukas February 15, 2025 5:47 am

    Is it a good ending??? Spoil it for me

    Kaelynn February 15, 2025 5:55 am
    Is it a good ending??? Spoil it for me Lukas

    Well it hasn't ended yet nor is the story approaching its end. But the latest chapters... oh boy. They're steamy afff and it's all Jake blushing while clinging to Shingun, calling his name and thrusting his mind away lmao. Shin is still mad at him tho.
    But at least Jake got the bed with a headboard he had been longing for and put it to good use :)

Kaelynn February 12, 2025 1:48 am

Me too I just realized I don't think I could live without this manwha

Kaelynn February 12, 2025 1:25 am

Ok it says "Side story 'A'" so you damn bet I'm sitting right here and waiting for the promised "Side story 'B'"

There is no 'A' without 'B'

...and maybe a 'C'...?

Kaelynn February 10, 2025 4:30 pm

I still can't believe we didn't get a Jihwa x No Name story. Not even side chapters, not a conclusion, NO NOTHING

Kaelynn February 10, 2025 2:34 pm

yeah no my heart can't do this anymore

Kaelynn February 3, 2025 6:42 pm

does this have a novel?

    meH February 3, 2025 7:42 pm

    nope, but you can always follow the author’s socials :)

    Kaelynn February 4, 2025 4:27 am
    nope, but you can always follow the author’s socials :) meH

    ouh :( I really wanted to read their explicit scenes in a more detailed and deep way like novels usually do. Especially what we got in the last raw like I want to read their literal feelings and thoughts!!1! give it to me very explicitly I want to read more into their dynamics
    thank you for the reply tho!

    meH February 4, 2025 6:47 am
    ouh :( I really wanted to read their explicit scenes in a more detailed and deep way like novels usually do. Especially what we got in the last raw like I want to read their literal feelings and thoughts!!1! ... Kaelynn

    Kaelynnnn omfggg the feeling is shared darling!!
    Novels will always be a hit for me & everything you've said resonated w me : reading the scenes is even hotter~ (I need ch. 91 tomorrow). But well, interpretation is also quite fun.
    Jake was a red as a tomato & that's quite telling.

    Kaelynn February 4, 2025 3:14 pm
    Kaelynnnn omfggg the feeling is shared darling!! Novels will always be a hit for me & everything you've said resonated w me : reading the scenes is even hotter~ (I need ch. 91 tomorrow). But well, interpret... meH

    I KNOWW interpretation is all what's left for us </3
    and how do I explain that earlier I reread last raw only to carefully follow Jay's blush pattern I'm not ok AND THE LAST PANNELS omg he hugged Shin like he missed him so much I told myself I would wait for the translation but still ended up downloading the korean keyboard and translating it all for myself lol

    meH February 4, 2025 7:57 pm
    I KNOWW interpretation is all what's left for us </3and how do I explain that earlier I reread last raw only to carefully follow Jay's blush pattern I'm not ok AND THE LAST PANNELS omg he hugged Shin like h... Kaelynn

    Girl I NEED to translate too omfg, will do once I find the time. Need to know what they were saying, though I can guess the overall outline LOL.

    ALSO, YES, JAKE BEING SO BLUSHY IS THE BEST. He blushes more n more w/ time too!! Adorable. It's always the ears then down to the neck LOL.

    I'm so excited for the following chapters. What's even better is that apparently Kyou stated that the story isn't nearly done & they still have plans. Wonder what it'll be like. They have my full trust!!

    (not me writing a small essay all for u )

    Kaelynn February 5, 2025 3:46 am
    Girl I NEED to translate too omfg, will do once I find the time. Need to know what they were saying, though I can guess the overall outline LOL.ALSO, YES, JAKE BEING SO BLUSHY IS THE BEST. He blushes more n mor... meH

    The translated thing is insaneee jay even told shin he heard him jacking off lmao

    AND YESS it's always just the ears but it finally reached his whole faceee It feels like he's opening up more and more I can't wait until he admits he has fallen HARD I'd say even harder than Shin has (for now).

    THE AUTHOR SAID THAT?! I'm so happy I love having good stories to look forward to :D Imagine if what's next is them eloping to Alaska or Mexico and living incognito lol I know I'll like anything the author gives us. I'm too invested in their relationship and I specifically love the current status where both of them are clearly in love but will literally not bring it up or even admit it outloud and IMAGINE THEIR FIRST ROMANTIC KISS?? Like with no sex or foreplay as an excuse and their feelings figured out oml jake even gave up an entire successful CIA operation for his man they can't live without eachother

    well it's not like we're competing for the longest essay buut... let's say the story does deserve our praise :')

    meH February 5, 2025 9:15 am
    The translated thing is insaneee jay even told shin he heard him jacking off lmaoAND YESS it's always just the ears but it finally reached his whole faceee It feels like he's opening up more and more I can't wa... Kaelynn

    GIRL NOW I RLLY NEED TO BE FINDING THE TIME BC OML???? JAKE DOWN BAD (he's been that way for what.. 3/4 of the story? 5/6?!) (other spoilers pretty please )

    YES RIGHT MY MAN WAS RED-RED!!! no hiding it LMAO.
    And well, the main reason he wasn't as sincere as he'd wanted before was because of his job but now that this has been revealed..

    => I think they've both fallen but Jake's way of expressing it is much more opened/desperate since Shin changed his way of acting as a whole. He arrived in his life & made a mess of it all, arranging it to his liking. </3 (and Jake loved every second of it)

    GIRL YOURE MAKING JE DREAM RN UEHUEH. I sincerely hope we'll get 100 side stories of their daily life/fighting/AU/ect!! And yes, they WILL be such a cool couple dude, such a vibe from the way I picture them.

    (this story is the only one who got me so excited every 10 days, be kicking mah feet while reading & sobbing once done)

    Kaelynn February 5, 2025 3:48 pm
    GIRL NOW I RLLY NEED TO BE FINDING THE TIME BC OML???? JAKE DOWN BAD (he's been that way for what.. 3/4 of the story? 5/6?!) (other spoilers pretty please )YES RIGHT MY MAN WAS RED-RED!!! no hiding it LMAO.And ... meH

    GIRL I KNOWW I didn't expect him to actually tell him??? I started translating from the bottom up (don't ask me why lol) so I didn't get to see the part where they chase the junkie away, but after that they start making out while Shin asks Jay where he had been and he casually tells him that he was living right on the floor above lol and that he also heard him jacking off and even asked Shin if he did it while thinking of him lmao (and Shin didn't answer OMG). After some -"ur a psycopath" -"but you know u love it" kind of convo Shin starts a brief CIA agent roleplay(?) (I didn't get that part clearly) and then the armpit game was to get Jay harder cause he himself said that he was still too soft lol (excuses, excuses from the armpit-fetish guy). After that the dialog ends and the rests are just cursing and moaning, but the very last thing said by Jay was "Shingun" AS HE HUGGED HIS MAN'S CHEST HE MISSED HIM SO MUCH I CAN'TTTT

    There. Your spoilers <3

    AND UR RIGHTT I hope that he starts being more honest and that their relationship gets warmer I just want them to be pasionate lovers already - but they aren't even a thing yet!!! crying
    Shin's the chaos Jay never had in his life before but now discovered that chaos is beautiful and can't get enough of him I recently reread the ch where they go shopping together and saw how Jay went from doing a perfect tetris in the shop cart to just dropping the slippers in and that was SUCH A FORESHADOWING THINGGGKDKSK give us our official power couple already.

    There are a couple stories whose updates keep me excited (e.g. Our Sunny Days(<333), 19 days, don't get me started with the return of Delivery Pizza and the Golden Palace or also Nerd Project and I still can't get over that Perfect Buddy already ended.) But Shutline has been [[THE]] story lately. I just can't get enough and every hiatus kills me a bit more inside I just can't

    Deedee February 5, 2025 11:33 pm
    ouh :( I really wanted to read their explicit scenes in a more detailed and deep way like novels usually do. Especially what we got in the last raw like I want to read their literal feelings and thoughts!!1! ... Kaelynn

    Guys, you can read a rough EN translation on Kaliscan (link below). It's not the best but it does the job. And thanks for the news about the author's insights. I am so happy they decided to drag the story lol I could take few more seasons of my babies. Each one with 100 chapters. Thanks


    Deedee February 5, 2025 11:47 pm
    GIRL I KNOWW I didn't expect him to actually tell him??? I started translating from the bottom up (don't ask me why lol) so I didn't get to see the part where they chase the junkie away, but after that they sta... Kaelynn

    That last tight hug from Jake was everything I have to reread to checkout Jake's blushing pattern now that you guys mentioned it! I always miss tons of details. Also have you noticed how Shin looked bulky lately? It was even more obvious seeing him shirtless. I don't remember him being so muscled up before. Looks like he had some extra time to spend at the gym to help him deal with Jake's absence xD

    meH February 14, 2025 9:46 am
    GIRL I KNOWW I didn't expect him to actually tell him??? I started translating from the bottom up (don't ask me why lol) so I didn't get to see the part where they chase the junkie away, but after that they sta... Kaelynn

    => As soon as I saw Jay w his detective thingy I was like : "oop! shin's going to LOVE this" (WAS DAMN RIGHT. NEWEST RAWS ARE PROOF.) Thank you so much for literally delivering Kae<3 I tend read Dee's link which means I've read this 4 times, how unsurprising! #addicted

    Really excited to see how their relationship will shift now that the lies have dropped. Jake is literally opening up about his FAMILY & PAST now, which is absolutely crazy when we compare w the beginning. I hope Jake will become more assertive & honest, will cheer on you!!
    Will we even get to see them say the 3 words? Maybe at the very end?

    Now GIIIRL why you exposing me BAHAHAHA. I lit did the SAME thing as you did w the shopping chap. Recently reread it all & I ALSO REALIZED THE IMPLICATION OF JAKE NOT CARING AB KEEPING ORDER!! throwing them in here >:) man's whipped to the point of changing.

    I strongly believe you are me because you've just name most of my favs manhwa wise. Our Sunny Days is everyone's therapy time LMFAO. Yes, Shutline has always been peaked. Always excited to see it appearing. Kyou's Twitter is a wonderful place bc their art is GORGE.

    (sorry for the late late reply!! ly Kae)

    meH February 14, 2025 9:47 am
    That last tight hug from Jake was everything I have to reread to checkout Jake's blushing pattern now that you guys mentioned it! I always miss tons of details. Also have you noticed how Shin looked bulky lat... Deedee

    After reading the link, I did get what you meant by Shin looking bulkier!!
    Jake not being around meant he had more time to deal w his beloved cars & thus build up the muscles LOL. In the latest raws, Jake finally got his beloved headboard & it was HOT.

    Kaelynn February 17, 2025 6:32 pm
    TRANSLATING FROM THE BOTTOM UP IS SO REAL BAHAHA.=> As soon as I saw Jay w his detective thingy I was like : "oop! shin's going to LOVE this" (WAS DAMN RIGHT. NEWEST RAWS ARE PROOF.) Thank you so much for li... meH

    girl I'm literally THIRSTING for them to say the three words. I don't even know who would be more likelly to say it first. But knowing them, they'll say it in many different ways and actions before they're straightforward enough to actually say it But anyways I'll be here rooting for them no matter how long they take :,)

    About his familly I actually hope we get to see his dad. Like if Jay is already like that imagine Mr. Gillan lmao. But ur right now that he's being more honest they relationship will totally strenghten, even more thar the CIA is on Jay's back after he botched their mission for Shin.

    BUT DID U SEE HOW JAY SNIFFED SHIN ON THE LAST PANEL OF CH. 90 my bby can't live without his man the way Shin impacted his life and now he's surprisingly soft!!1! (compared to how he was lol)

    UR RIGHT OUR SUNNY DAYS IS PEAK MENTAL STABILITY I love them SO MUCH!! And Ho is incredibly sexy,,, maybe I do have a thing for tan bottoms lmao. I've seen some amazing art of Kyou and omggg I still can't find that one picture I saw of Caesar in a dress and long hair

    Kaelynn February 17, 2025 6:35 pm
    That last tight hug from Jake was everything I have to reread to checkout Jake's blushing pattern now that you guys mentioned it! I always miss tons of details. Also have you noticed how Shin looked bulky lat... Deedee

    I did notice Shin has been working out he's so fiine I actually noticed bc after their "breakup" he started wearing tight sweaters with a bit of cleavage(?) and I was like EXCUSE ME SIR that wasn't there before but alright<3

    meH February 28, 2025 6:10 pm
    girl I'm literally THIRSTING for them to say the three words. I don't even know who would be more likelly to say it first. But knowing them, they'll say it in many different ways and actions before they're stra... Kaelynn

    This is absolutely true!! they're both the kind to say that "actions speak more than words do" so that'd be fitting. WE BETTER BE INVITED TO THE WEDDING THOUGH. Front seats for all of us please!

    OUUU interesting!! I personally think he'd be like his mom! Well, from the way he describes their relation, it doesn't seem too good. Probably another rich & elitist family. But I truly hope we'll get to see them, that'd be interesting.
    (Jake gives no shit for the CIA LMFAO; he's too focused on his man for that shit).

    HAD TO REREAD, you always notice the little details, and I love it!! ♡
    Yes, Jake is the bigger softie out of the 2 & he is more honest, too. You can tell Shin has been wronged too many times, and he struggles with wording out his feelings.
    Don't worry babe, you'll grow</3

    Are you me? Strong - physically and/or mentally - bottoms are my favorite, the dynamics are always amazing!! CAESAR WITH LONG HAIR???? oml, need to do my monthly check of Kyou's Twitter~

Kaelynn January 23, 2025 12:38 am

It took me a long review of the old chapters to finally realize that on the present/future time He Tian came back to Mo during the christmas special chapters,,,,,, and me here thinking that specials weren't even canon,,,,,,,,,

    decbutter January 23, 2025 12:42 am

    Can you tell me which chapter is this?

    givlia January 23, 2025 12:48 am
    Can you tell me which chapter is this? decbutter


    Kaelynn January 23, 2025 12:51 am
    Can you tell me which chapter is this? decbutter

    It's many of them actually, since every christmas day we get one chapter of that specific storyline lol. I found that they were ch. 224, 271, 313, 378, 412. After that the christmas story moved on and last christmas we didn't get a special chapter.

    decbutter January 23, 2025 4:39 am
    It's many of them actually, since every christmas day we get one chapter of that specific storyline lol. I found that they were ch. 224, 271, 313, 378, 412. After that the christmas story moved on and last chri... Kaelynn

    Omg thanks, I never give a second thought to those special chapters before

    Kaelynn January 23, 2025 4:52 am
    Omg thanks, I never give a second thought to those special chapters before decbutter

    me neither! but as I browsed older chapters I finally realized that He Tian wasn't randomly visiting him at work during christmas, but actually coming back after years of disappearance

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