I normally dislike it when there’s a major size difference, but this one is just so endearing and cute

I'm guessing its because despite the difference in both size and maturity, they both treat each other as peers and you can see that seong is comfortable being spoiled/lax/showing his childish side only with jeonsu instead of only trying to act mature. Oh, he's also nurturing and caring despite being a jealous guy

Even though this outcome was absolutely so predictable, it was absolutely so satisfying.
But Ima need the old man and his evil twink to suffer physically for quite some time now.

So it's in Korean but based on the translations, someone will report the old bastard and he'd be caught abusing some actor. Bastard tried to escape so he's shot with a taser. Bastard have a pacemaker so taser broke it and old bastard died on the spot.
Evil twink got exposed in the Media so his career is also basically over. Bitch got no real power without the old bastard and also has no fucking balls to kill anyone so he's done done
I’m still somehow surprised by how evil the stepmother is