Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a manga based on Type-Moon's famous visual novel, Tsukihime.The story foll...
- Author: type-moon, sasaki shonen
- Genres: Action / Ecchi / Horror / Romance / Seinen / Supernatural
Chaerin leads a blissful and comfortable life as the lead in a romance novel. She only has eyes for ...
- Author: Lee Yeon
- Genres: Webtoons / Horror / Psychological
04 11,2022
The story follows Bum, a young mentally ill man with a difficult past. After becoming infatuated wit...
- Author: koogi
- Genres: Mature / Psychological / Horror / Drama / Webtoons / yaoi
In a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, herbivores and carnivores coexist with each other. ...
- Author: Itagaki Paru
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Romance / School Life / Shounen / Slice of Life
There's a new hero in town and he's got a bad attitude and a chainsaw dog demon! A dangero...
- Author: Tatsuki Fujimoto
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Shounen / Supernatural