Mo Dao Zu Shi
Warning - This review contains heavy spoilers of the manhua and novel series, with mentions of misogyny:
A 2 star rating feels fitting for this story based on multiple observations.
The manhua for Mo Dao Zu Shi follows the same story as the novel series, only leaving out a few arcs. I actually didn’t expect it to be so on the nose with the novel series. I think they did a fairly decent job tackling most of the story and putting it into a comic format, given how long the novels are. However, the pacing was very fast; without having read the novels, I would have been completely lost. A lot of the dialogue was confusing to follow for this reason as well.
Regarding the characters, one thing I liked was the subtle change in the main character’s personality, Wei Wuxian. In the novels, he was very chaotic and emanated “gremlin energy” (as one person put it) which was funny sometimes, but it could also get annoying. The manhua toned down his “gremlin energy” significantly, and I thought that made him a much more tolerable protagonist.
One of my main issues with this manhua – and the novels for that matter – is that the story’s romance felt far too tropey. Most of the time when the main characters were in romantic scenarios, Wei Wuxian made Lan Wangji (the main love interest) drunk. Wei Wuxian behaved more flirtatious during these moments (which was certainly a choice). Then, using his drunken state to his advantage, would kiss and later have sex with him without his consent. (Note: He did semi-reflect on his behaviour later on, but he would always go back to it anyways.)
I’m pretty sure the reason Wei Wuxian acted so weird and flirty during Lan Wangji’s drunken states was because it made him feel less worried about the consequences of his actions. He was “safer” and in control of the situation, which is not great! I really don’t get why he had to follow through with that almost every single time Lan Wangji was drunk. It inevitably led to both of them confessing to each other by the end of the novels, after the dreadful sex scene.
There was another issue I had, and it was that there were far too many characters getting introduced within a short period of time. It made it very difficult to remember who was who, apart from the main cast. Even a character like Madame Yu (who was an important character in the novels) was hard to remember in the manhua.
One nitpick I have with this story (which feels a little unfair to use against just this manhua as it’s an issue in a lot of MLM stories, but I’ll still point it out) is the blatant misogyny towards the women in the story. They were only shown as fragile; needing to be protected by men. Or they were antagonists (like Madame Yu). Mian Mian, for example, constantly needed saving, and was even referred to as a “damsel in distress”. If it was just her who followed the damsel in distress trope, that would’ve been fine, but pretty much every woman in the series followed that trope.
To summarize, while this manhua had some strengths, its issues with pacing, story, characters, and misogyny made it difficult to read.
Getting to Know Grace
Peak art and almost-tragedy in my opinion. It went a very different direction from what I expected, though I'm not complaining. I also thought the story was quite unique.
Truth or Dare
This story was good until it wasn't.
The second half of the story took a total nosedive in my opinion... the plot just kind of went all over. I really liked the story's premise though. Wouldn't read it again though because of the ending.
Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
The story dragged, but I liked Llewellyn. His backstory carried the story so hard. Didn't really care about anyone else.
Might go back to read the novel this was based off of.
To deny the route