It was this isekai ish manga where a dude got transfered to another world with a team of other people, like it wasn't the usual transfer manga he was in a contract with people from earth to go there because they discovered a portal to a new world and the transfer goes wrong and its only him left and he meets a fishman and stuff and then he goes into town and gets robbed and tries to shot them but realizes that guns has no effect and that's all I can remember. If you know the title please tell me

It was this isekai ish manga where a dude got transfered to another world with a team of other people, like it wasn't the usual transfer manga he was in a contract with people from earth to go there because they discovered a portal to a new world and the transfer goes wrong and its only him left and he meets a fishman and stuff and then he goes into town and gets robbed and tries to shot them but realizes that guns has no effect and that's all I can remember. If you know the title please tell me

The manga was very weird in a good way, it had this guy who drove 300 kilometers? Something like that and then he got in an accident and woke up after like a year or something maybe more? And when he woke up he was famous for doing it and stuff and then he had to drive a coffin to a newly built kingdom for royalty or something? And he had a different colored eye and because of that he chould see this weird ghost thing with a head that looks like a old magnet or some thing, and then he went around in the kingdom and crazy shit happened to him left and right that's all I remember, thanks if you are able to help me

I remember it's a yuri manga where 2 girls are good friends who often went home together but one day one of the girls chouldnt go home so the other girl went home alone and got assaulted in a park and the girl who didn't go with her felt so bad she became a slave to her and stuff. That's all I can remember but it's been a while so I might not remember everything 100%, sorry for bad spelling cuz I'm tired and on mobile

I remember it's a yuri manga where 2 girls are good friends who often went home together but one day one of the girls chouldnt go home so the other girl went home alone and got assaulted in a park and the girl who didn't go with her felt so bad she became a slave to her and stuff. That's all I can remember but it's been a while so I might not remember everything 100%, sorry for bad spelling cuz I'm tired and on mobile

It's about this highschool guy that died saving a girl and then his ghost just follows her around and protects her from stuff and when she gets a daughter the girl can see him and talks to him and they become friends kinda and even though hes nice he calls himself an evil spirit cuz he wants to, if anyone knows what I'm talking about thanks

There was this short manga I read where this dude died as a high schooler or something to save a girl and calls himself an evil spirit even though he is really nice and watches over her and her future Daugher from harm and the daughter can see him and talks to him, if anyone can remember the name thanks for the help
anyone remember reading a manga very similar plotwise to undead unluck? where the femc has horrible luck, like the universe itself is trying to kill her, while the mc does his best to keep her alive. and there was some sort of organization after them. it was less "action" or "shonen" oriented and more plotdriven? if thats the way to put it