Those hands in his pockets all the time is getting on my nerve .Sure he is overwhelmingly powerful but the way his hands are always in his pockets is just so annoying.Like what are they even doing there holding this pervert's dick ???

I'm more annoyed at his clothes in general... like... everyones clothes change when they enter the dungeons/training grounds and etc... but he... just jeans and t shirt? I can't help but think: couldn't his master at least give him some... idk... proper training/fighting clothes? At first I thought he'd get it as set equipment matching the scythe... but it's taking to long for that... I just wish he had some cool clothes to match his profession... it's no wonder people look down on him when he not only have a lower level than others (in that hight level place) but seems to have basically 0 equipment for it... it would be weirder is people didn't think he is weak...

That's true even in the cover pic he is wearing same clothes.He has same expressions 99%of the times through out the chapters here.And God knows how he is so strong than his own level like defeating level 60 with the level of 33 .It does not make any sense .Why doesn't the author just turn him into God then there is no need for level .This manga is not well thought out .And don't even get started with the free loaders he is allowing willingly .like hell those points are important and is just throwing them away . It's a dumb manga

Iirc that was explained back in the beginning... something like his talent is his stas being multiplied or something? The same goes for his skeletons and that's why they are stronger than people with the same level than them...
But I do agree with you. Without knowing the stats of someone normal at his level or how much the stats normally raise with each level its hard to really think "oh how strong he is!" wneh they show his stats... because we have nothing to compare to! And his fricking weird how slow he is to level up when he's practically soloing bosses double his level...
On the freeloaders thing I kinda disagree a little... because at least most of them are useful in some way. Like, the assassin girl pulled her weight and helped him both with locating and with the dungeon reset item... anothe one helped him by having a "no fly" skill, and this last girl with the war hammer have a collection skill that basically doubles the drop items... so they are not completely useles. And let's be real... they are way less annoying and less fanservice material than a lot of comics out there... so I can't really hate them.. and most of them admire but are not romantically interested in mc... wich is better that any woman that notices his strength trowing themselves at him.
Lastly... I think its more plausible him helping other humans to grow strong too than just ignoring them or letting them to d!e. Think about it. Not only is he building up his reputation among other humans as someone strong, righteous and reliable which will probably be helpful in the future but human race is also fighting and competing against the other races like the demons and dragon... so the more and the stronger humans are the better. Even that "earth knight heart" he is farming will probably be either sold or "donated" through his master and used to strengthen humans since it's not something compatible with his class...
I really have a love-hate relationship with this comic... it has so many flaws... including his stone face that you mentioned and their eyes not looking the same direction many times... but stil... it's so much better than some out there... that I can't dislike it...

why waste time reading something dumb you don’t even like? It’s like rage baiting yourself! Sadly I’m an overly anxious for no reason type person, so I try do stuff relaxes me, calm, content as I can. All types of people in the world though, so makes sense there would be some that are the opposite and just do stuff they know will annoy, upset even anger themselves

I mean it’s a VERY common, definitely over used trope for 99% of OP MC. Hands stay in pockets for no reason!! and even knowing how over worked, pressured till they have health problems most of these manga/manwha artists are it’s definitely frustrating seeing characters wear same cloths for 300 chapters!!! I need to recheck first chapter, I feel like he had different outfit in vision when he got his powers!

I cannot agree more. I give up on this type of manga often because of how useless the fanservice girls are. I like that he helps others. He has sympathy and doesn't think he is the only one who can be strong/savior comolex. He is a team player and he wants Humanity to be the winners not just himself. I dislike how petty and in fighting a lot of this type of comic are. If humans were facing an external extinction level threat I think they should band together like this. Though you are right I love and hate this manga so much. So many things I like and dislike. I mean he got a growth type weapon and never uses it or tries to grow it. Also author can you just let me have my sibling fun time instead of just having his sis show up and leave right away? Also fuck please wear some proper clothes. Literally noone in the battlefield looks like they just rolled out of bed.

Right? This is so much better than most at this point... mc is... normal... like... I'd probably act like him too in his place...
But I also agree... like... at least something that looks like you're going into a dungeon... I cant deny the urge to just dress comfortably and the whole "so strong he doesn't need equip" but... come oooon... jeans and t-shirt? On a jungle? I mean... he could at least wear something black that goes with the necromancer image or something... I'm just hoping that in the next class upgrade? he'll get more equips from a necro set or something... that scythe... he almost never get to use it... maybe it'll get an auto upgrade too...
Fortunately he and the sis look alike... cuz before she appeared... ngl the fear was real... there's too much of the "not actual siblings" she's a love interest in these kind of comics...

Yo ... don't scare me I had that thought while writing my comment before. I do not want the fauxcest female interest that always shows up. I want PROPER sibling fun time. Sibs surviving at the end of the world. You can be a bro or sis con but only in the non romantic way. You can love your sib and think they are the best as long as it stays within the familial love arena.

Hell yeah! I've been traumatized enough with fauxcest... even in the romance comics it was so bad that anything that has sibling on it, full, half, step or adopted I had, and still have to go to the comments section to find out who the ML is so I don't waste my time reading it. I got so pissd when a comic I thought was about familial love and fixing their relationship turned out to be fauxcest... like, she about to marry a perfectly fine childhood friend and bam... goes to the past to end up with the adopted brother instead... I got legit so mad that if I had a physical copy of the comic I'd had burnt that shit... it angers me just remembering it and it was a couple years ago already...
I get some pleople like the genre but honestly, it disgusts me... fortunately his sis looks enough like him that it gave me peace of mind to keep reading... otherwise I'd have dropped it...

Omg how can he not remember the portrait of the backside of the girl that looked just like yang yan that he saw the last time in that palace in the flowing flame sand field .Oh gosh is he just born stupid and dumb to not being able to connect the dots and act so surprised and look like an idiot all the time.
How could he fail the essay.So all those flashbacks all that nonsensical emotions in the middle of exam amounted to nothing but failure.I mean does that even make sense at this point.This manga seems to be going nowhere special .Just a mixture of other mangas of same genre.Complete waste of time.
maybe he just wrote like "i want world peace." or something, i wonder if we'll ever get to know what he wrote- or maybe they just thought it was too generic
It might just remain incomplete as the storyline is just average .
lol yeeea