“I swear, if one of y’all say some silly ass name.” Or what I’m trying to say is, if one of those people from that dumbass prince crew come and ruin her peace... “I’m about to beat this bitch up”
6-8th time rereading this. Everything (other than the r*pe and the dumb mothertrukers) was absolutely FaNtAsTic!! The love, the facial expressions the development, you name it! If only this could continue on 4ever but they always say, “Good thing have to end soon.”
I swear on that tree in my back yard that if it doesn’t fall on this bitch any minute now, I’m about to punch her MYSELF!! But I’m very patient so... I can wait until she gets karma first
Ever since the first chapter of the prequel, I’ve been madly in love and I don’t regret a single second that I’ve read, reread or thought about this beautiful hidden jewel!!
That white haired bitch remind me exactly of Trashtasha or whatever.... just with a whole lot more ugly