I just need friends. That's all. It doesn't matter which genre or types of manga/manhwa you like, I'm sure that we can get along! ^^ Also, if you don't mind being spammed with quotes from memes and SpongeBob like I'm a five year old, that'd be nice. We can talk on LINE, Skype, or another form of messaging if I have it....I look forward to getting to know you all! My LINE ID is @gottagogo

I'm an American, 12, and I live in the north. Most people in my neighborhood and in my friendship circle prefer shojo and shounen action manga and anime over shounen ai or shojo ai, so I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. I'm also young I guess, so people tend to stray away from talking to me about stuff like this, saying that should wait until I'm older and basically just stick to the hetero stuff. Though, I'm super sexually confused and it s not like being restrained from exploring things like same sex relationships is helping, If you want to talk to me about anything (shounen ai, shojo ai, sexuality and your own problems with it) or any fandom (voltronm y!!!oi, free!, anything you like), list your ID below and I'll add you.

Just to be clear, I actually am twelve, and the only thing I revealed is that I'm American and live in the north. There are shojo many twelve year olds that live in the north, and my state is unknown, so unless a person hacks me and tries to find my address (Which I never use on personal and other accounts) then I'm safe. If it would be you less worried, i can remove it.

Shounen ai, Shoujou ai, Manga/Manhwa, Webtoons, Anime, cringe, memes, Voltron, whatever you wanna talk about. There are no limits to joining, and language barriers are not a problem, though I am only partially fluent in Spanish. If you want to join, please do! It'll probably be dead for a month though, but it's summer here so I guess this would be the best time. Your age, ethnicity, and gender are optional and your decision to tell. Comment your LINE below and I'll admin a group chat. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I'm really bored with my life and I wanna try and connect with people like me, so, yeah. If you wanna join then leave your ID below and I'll add you when I get the chance. If you don't wanna join, it's cool, I'm not forcing you to. When you write down your username, it'd be best if you could tell me whether you want to talk to just me or be involved in the group chat (i'm a wee bit selfish), your age, gender (optional), and which country you live in. Anyway, if you like edgy bands, e.g. BVB, SwS, SDDS, and other things like that, it's a bonus.

I'm looking for friends ~T_T~
I have most social networking platforms and I'm known to message people four hours straight about the newest memes and gay ships. That's about it.
Hope to meet some new people~!
Also, group chat anyone?

Well, I'm demisexual, but I just want to say I love your username!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Pansexual peep here (=・ω・=)
I need LINE friends! I'm fairly young but i hope you'll put up with me. I like manga and anime, so I want to make friends who like stuff like that and maybe even webtoons and bl too. You don't necessarily have to like bl or even talk to me, but it would be nice if you would. Please leave your id below if you want to talk! ^^